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Re: Do you like reading books with multiple protagonists?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017, 06:03
by Juliet Esther
When it comes to protagonists in a story, one or many can do for me.. I think most authors avoid using many protagonists to avoid some kind of confusion. It really doesn't matter to me how many protagonists are in the book as long as i understand the book

Re: Do you like reading books with multiple protagonists?

Posted: 29 Jul 2017, 06:46
by barb429
I've always enjoyed books with multiple protagonists, especially if their lives do somehow intersect along the way. It reminds me that we are all connected to one another, in some way, even if we don't realize it.

Re: Do you like reading books with multiple protagonists?

Posted: 29 Jul 2017, 17:52
by Shaimaa
Mostly, I prefer stories with less protagonists just to be more focused on a character or a couple, but sometimes, it's fine by me to have multiple protagonists when the writer does justice to the characters.

Re: Do you like reading books with multiple protagonists?

Posted: 29 Jul 2017, 18:41
by Miche Sora
I don't mind multiple protagonists, but I definitely do mind if the different protagonists aren't specifically marked as such. I just finished reading a book where that was a real issue. There were as many as 20 perspective changes in one chapter. Not fun.

Re: Do you like reading books with multiple protagonists?

Posted: 29 Jul 2017, 22:09
by Excitedreads
I was never a fan of multiple protagonists, but as ive gotten older i find breaking up the story creates depth in the mystery and helps me to visualise myself in many shoes so to speak, and it helps to lessen the intense focus on one main interest, and give each character their own chance to show their depths, hence my view has changed... not so bad after all!

Re: Do you like reading books with multiple protagonists?

Posted: 29 Jul 2017, 22:32
by M394N
More than one protagonist has deterred me from finishing a few novels before. I find myself attaching to a certain character and wanting to continue their journey. If it sidetracks to others, I may lose interest all together. If the characters continually intersect at a good pace, I stay intrigued. Depends entirely on the plot and character development.

Re: Do you like reading books with multiple protagonists?

Posted: 30 Jul 2017, 04:39
by Tamanna
I love stories told in multiple POVs as we, the readers, are given an insight to a wide variety of characters and we can see things from different perspectives. I also love it when the different characters interact with each other.
My favourites are when there is something linking these different POVs together like music does in My Trip to Adele.

Re: Do you like reading books with multiple protagonists?

Posted: 30 Jul 2017, 08:30
by Excitedreads
I do like reading books with multiple protagonists. I like the different perspectives and the decentralisaion of the individualistic nature of a single protagonist. But it can't be disjointed, and when charcacters do entertwine, it must feel like puzzle pieces fitting together. That's just my take..

Re: Do you like reading books with multiple protagonists?

Posted: 30 Jul 2017, 10:47
by Momlovesbooks
I love books that show different points of view. I enjoyed reading about their different perspectives and having the plot of the book continue to flow smoothly.

Re: Do you like reading books with multiple protagonists?

Posted: 30 Jul 2017, 16:28
by Ssinghal
Yes I love reading books with multiple protagonists. But I feel it's more about the plot and how well the characters are portrayed. I really loved this book and each character in it.

Re: Do you like reading books with multiple protagonists?

Posted: 31 Jul 2017, 22:58
by srm628
I feel as though i have an unpopular opinion by saying I love books with multiple protagonists. I love books that switch POVs between chapters and tell different stories that form into one story.

Re: Do you like reading books with multiple protagonists?

Posted: 02 Aug 2017, 01:26
by shish_by_design
There are a few that are so well written that I don't mind but Generally , No. I'd like to focus on one protagonist per story.

Re: Do you like reading books with multiple protagonists?

Posted: 02 Aug 2017, 02:19
by WestIndie001
I do like books with multiple protagonists. I like to get a sense of what different characters are feeling in the story, I like a variety of personalities to experience, and I like to see how these different personalities react to the same conflicts and situations. I go for books that are more character-oriented.

Re: Do you like reading books with multiple protagonists?

Posted: 02 Aug 2017, 02:28
by Jeremie Mondejar
yes I like it! it might be difficult but the thrill is there. It made me excited to read thoroughly and wanted to finish reading it as soon as possible.

Re: Do you like reading books with multiple protagonists?

Posted: 02 Aug 2017, 07:09
by Yemurai
I love books with multiple protagonists, I just enjoy a book that does not revolve around a single character. There is a sense of surprise to it that I love.