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Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of My Trip to Adele

Posted: 14 Sep 2017, 06:57
by Abayomi2060
Your review was quite honest.I haven't read the book but I might in the nearest future

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of My Trip to Adele

Posted: 21 Sep 2017, 21:38
by Monaatee
Yeah, i found it strange how the authors are so into Adele that they wrote a whole book surrounding her. I didn't really get the characters except for Nadia, maybe cos I'm a woman. Will be posting my review soon. I'd rate this book maybe a 2 or 3 out of 4 stars. In fact to be fair 3 out of 4 stars.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of My Trip to Adele

Posted: 22 Sep 2017, 02:45
by ken mwongela
In my opinion the book is interesting.I had read the book before joining this online book club.The characters play their roles well.3 out of the possible 4 stars is my rating.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of My Trip to Adele

Posted: 22 Sep 2017, 10:53
by boringyanks
Three separate stories of characters who are facing challenges and conflicts in their lives. Their uniting factor is their love for Adele's music which keeps them motivated through their challenges. I noticed that the chapter titles are titles of Adele's songs. It seems the authors are her great fans. I found the constant reference to Adele's lyrics monotonous though because they appeared mostly at the end of the chapter. Otherwise, it is an interesting read.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of My Trip to Adele

Posted: 22 Sep 2017, 11:26
by Riptidemom8
I love the honest review. This doesn't sound like a book I would be interested in reading.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of My Trip to Adele

Posted: 23 Sep 2017, 19:19
I would like to read this book. I love to see into other people's lives if I am allowed, to pilfer out certain life lessons. This book offers some of that opportunity.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of My Trip to Adele

Posted: 23 Sep 2017, 22:36
by IceOny
That was a great review. Indeed, the story lacked the kind of fluidity that makes for an interesting read. I personally gave it 2 out of 4, and I equally did my best to give a detailed analysis of its flaws.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of My Trip to Adele

Posted: 26 Sep 2017, 23:51
by anacmg9211
I gave it a 4/4 review, I found myself rooting for the characters a lot. Having said that, I found the ending somewhat disappointing. Not because it was bad, but merely because it didn't end how I expected/wanted it to end, but it was still enjoyable and well written, which is why I gave it 4/4. I wanted Elias and Malika to have a future, but I understood why that didn't/couldn't happen. With Nadia, part of me already knew her ex-husband would be a jerk and not let her travel with Waleed but I was still disappointed when it happened. As for Yaser, that was a plot twist for me, I fully expected them to give up and get a divorce after what happened at the airport but when in the end he did return home and they still wanted to try I was mind blown. I really enjoyed this book.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of My Trip to Adele

Posted: 28 Sep 2017, 16:47
by Michelle92
For me it's a 3 out of 4. It is an amazing book and I really enjoyed it.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of My Trip to Adele

Posted: 29 Sep 2017, 10:22
by Job Njoroge
It is good that you did not give it 4 stars. The review was an honest one the book has numerous themes and some of its messages are conflicting

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of My Trip to Adele

Posted: 01 Oct 2017, 12:08
by sharminhaider
I gave it a 5 out of 4 stars rating. I am not much of a fan of Adele but her lyrics were very interesting to me. That the characters were over dramatic at times & religion was actually a big part in the book but .

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of My Trip to Adele

Posted: 02 Oct 2017, 08:32
by Mtsweni Nelsy
I enjoyed reading and reviewing My Trip to Adele. I liked the authors' creativity to use Adele's songs in relation to the events occurring throughout the book. I was a bit disappointed though, on how the story ended...the authors did steer the boat on a different direction than I thought we were off to.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of My Trip to Adele

Posted: 06 Oct 2017, 14:07
by Taniatt
i gave a rating of 3 out of 4..It was good for light reading

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of My Trip to Adele

Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 09:57
by ifeoma obike
I enjoyed the book. I gave it 3 out of 4 stars. I enjoyed reading the culture and lifestyle of Morocco and Jordan which was vividly described. I can relate to the character of Nadia, her struggles for her rights and freedom. What I loved most about her character is how she shielded her son from all the chaos around her.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of My Trip to Adele

Posted: 16 Oct 2017, 15:49
by Doaa Wael
ThisThis book was my latest review and i actually liked it. This book was originally written in Arabic and translated into English so it still carries with it the Arabic culture. I can understand why some people found it boring but in the Arabic region, some of the problems the characters were going through are real, significant debatable issues that are going on there.

I think the story was sharing a reality that exists, rather than guiding or educating. Each of the characters is a different person who is eligible to have a unique thought process and take different actions. They were treated as real humans with the freedom of choice rather than puppets, controlled by the author, that is why some stories carried "contradicting" messages. They were not contradicting messages, they werw simply a reflection how different people react differently.

I liked how the story was tailored to Adele's lyrics. It made me feel as if Adele wrote those lyrics with the story in mind.