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Re: Do you believe in magic?

Posted: 11 Sep 2017, 21:27
by Ljessup
I believe in the magic of kindness, love, honesty, and other positive skills that we can activate in the lives of others around us, but I do not believe there will ever be a moment where I see sparks fly from a wand, or hand.

Re: Do you believe in magic?

Posted: 14 Sep 2017, 11:35
by raeryn
I think I believe in small magic, like in trivial, mundane ways. For example, spinning on a swivel chair for more revolutions before getting dizzy, or never twisting your ankle. Just small things. But I love reading about magic in fantasy novels. I think about this a lot, where magic is more like an "energy" that cannot be created or destroyed, similar to our oil or energy.

Re: Do you believe in magic?

Posted: 14 Sep 2017, 12:31
by Abayomi2060
No I don't belivebin magic. Watching magicians or magic movie I enjoy.

Re: Do you believe in magic?

Posted: 22 Sep 2017, 10:18
by Kat Kennedy
I believe there are things we can't explain or understand. I don't have a problem calling that magic. I think there are a million things I've encountered in life that seemed magical. A split second decision that lead to something unexpected. And I often wonder what if I had turned right instead of left? I guess you could say most things are magical or just coincidental. I prefer magical.

Re: Do you believe in magic?

Posted: 22 Sep 2017, 10:28
by Orang-U-Can
Donnavila Marie01 wrote:Elias encountered a fortune teller or shawafa. Elias felt a quiver in his nerves when the fortune teller claimed that she saw Kanza Malawi in his palms and she read how he feels. This is some kind of Magic. Do you believe in Magic?
No but Paul Daniels does!

Re: Do you believe in magic?

Posted: 24 Sep 2017, 16:08
by Londera
I dont believe in magic. Though I love a good magic/fantasy novel. Some people are born with gifts and special abilites but I do not believe in magic.

Re: Do you believe in magic?

Posted: 24 Sep 2017, 17:15
by hebcandle
I like the idea of magic and love reading books or watching movies/shows about it. But I don't believe in magic. I've seen people do interesting things but don't know if I would call it magic.

Re: Do you believe in magic?

Posted: 25 Sep 2017, 07:47
by Oliver Ekaso
There is nothing like magic. Its either a trick that or a spiritual exercise.

Re: Do you believe in magic?

Posted: 29 Sep 2017, 15:23
by eelavahs-jay
To an extent I do believe in magic (the dark one at least) and to another I believe it all to be stuffs of fairytales. It's hard to explain. If there's magic out there it certainly isn't a good thing.

Re: Do you believe in magic?

Posted: 01 Oct 2017, 07:18
by Doaa Wael
Based on the history, magic has existed over the ages. However, there is no such thing as "magic" as those "magicians" used a method/approach, often unknown to us that can be traced. Things don't just happen, there is something behind it, if we are unaware of it, that doesn't mean it is magic.

For example, many fortune tellers had spies in the town that reported information to the "witch" so that when clients come for a reading, she would be aware of what kind of topic she is seeking answers for. Moreover, they were exceptionally good at reading body language and facial expressions so they Knew when their client was buying the story or whether they should change their direction. I love reading books about paranormal and magic though, it buzzes the mind with searching for an answer for the unexplained.

Re: Do you believe in magic?

Posted: 01 Oct 2017, 14:26
by Cloe101
From where am from there's plenty of magic.

Re: Do you believe in magic?

Posted: 03 Oct 2017, 10:11
by bilal067668
Je crois en Dieu, et je ne crois pas à la sorcellerie, à la magie, aux fausses croyances

Re: Do you believe in magic?

Posted: 09 Oct 2017, 14:23
by waznet
i don't believe in magic but what i know is that magic is true

Re: Do you believe in magic?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018, 18:33
by Scrawling Pen
I do not believe in magic in the typical sense, but I do believe in the magic of books! I love reading fantasies and about magical places because I am almost able to find myself in these worlds through the help of these stories.

Re: Do you believe in magic?

Posted: 16 Feb 2018, 07:18
by Mailis
No I don't beleive magic exists but I wholeheartedly would like to be proven wrong.