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Do you like reading books about places you've never been?

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 06:05
by Amagine
In My Trip to Adele, one of the things that I liked about the book was the different settings the story took place in and the description of them. The authors vividly described the scenery of Rome, Jordan and even Las Vegas. All of these are places I've never been before.

So what about you? Do you like reading books that describe places you've never seen or been before? Why? What kind of feeling does it evoke in you?

Bonus Question: What's your favorite book that depicts a place foreign to you?

Re: Do you like reading books about places you've never been

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 07:00
by micoleon13
I love reading about new places! It makes me both want to visit, in some situations, or be very glad that I'm not there in others. I grew up reading so much about Africa with Born Free, Marrakech and Spain with The Drifters, and the English countryside with the Famous Five. Books can help transport you to other countries and cities as well as open your eyes to new cultures.

Re: Do you like reading books about places you've never been

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 07:21
by Shreyoshi Sen
It is interesting to read about new places. Especially when I am totally oblivious to those places. I love to know about new places.

Re: Do you like reading books about places you've never been

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 07:32
by AliceofX
Well, if I didn't I'd have a pretty short reading list. That said, descriptions of places usually go right through my head. I just find it hard to visualize them, so I usually dislike books that overly describe the scenery. The one exception is in John Steinbeck's East of Eden. You could really feel the author's love for the place.

Re: Do you like reading books about places you've never been

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 08:13
by Lest92
Yes, I love reading about places I've never been to before, especially if the author can transport the reader to the setting, and even better, grafts it into the imagination.

Re: Do you like reading books about places you've never been

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 08:25
by Gingerbo0ks
To answer your bonus question I would say Venice. I was inspired by a children's book called the Theif Lord that made it sound magical, but at the same time was realistic. I just loved the story and the characters too so it made me fall in love with it even more. I still aim to visit at some point.

Re: Do you like reading books about places you've never been

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 08:58
by gali
I love reading about places I've never been to before. If I can't visit them all, at least I can read about it.

Re: Do you like reading books about places you've never been

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 09:34
by Harmony Hills
Yes, i actually enjoyed it. Especially when the images are vivid. But sometimes, it's hard to imagine.

Re: Do you like reading books about places you've never been

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 10:07
by IsabelMay
I appreciate it when the author describes those places well (which isn't always the case unfortunately), but it's definitely interesting to read about it and hopefully experience what it's like there. It's not the easiest thing to describe, but if it's done in the right way, it's a huge plus.

Re: Do you like reading books about places you've never been

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 10:41
by June Weatherbee
always, I have been reading Lisa See books for quite some time. I am a parent to a beuatiful girl from China. though she is not currently interested in the culture of her native country, I am! :D

Re: Do you like reading books about places you've never been

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 12:38
by NikkyT
I love it when I'm reading about any place when it is described well, whether I've been there or not. It's so nice to hear about new places though.

Re: Do you like reading books about places you've never been

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 15:49
by EMoffat
I love reading about places I have never been. I am a big traveler, and when I read about somewhere I haven't been it makes me want to go there! If the book has been properly researched, it can give you a real insight into a different culture and a different way of life.

Re: Do you like reading books about places you've never been

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 16:10
by Jaime Lync
I am a fan of lyrics so I definitely enjoy when it is included in novels.

Re: Do you like reading books about places you've never been

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 16:27
by Kelebogile Mbangi
Isnt that a part of why we read books? To visit places we've never been, experience feelings we've never felt, meet people we've never met - All through our minds eye.

Re: Do you like reading books about places you've never been

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 17:07
by Azrevread
Yes, I do like reading novels about places that I've never been to. Reading books is a
fantastic way to learn about different cultures and unique events. I've read about
Morocco because of reading novels by Mois Benarroch.