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What causes a man to be unfaithful?

Posted: 21 Aug 2017, 14:20
by GPM
In the book "My Trip to Adele", Nadia's opinion is that men can never be faithful. Her former husband still dated other women after their marriage and even if they love each other, which made her ask herself what has she done wrong. Her friend's boyfriend also committed infidelity, claiming that she changed. So, what makes a man unfaithful? Was it due to the woman's imperfections?

Re: What causes a man to be unfaithful?

Posted: 22 Aug 2017, 22:09
by Christina Rose
Infidelity is a choice, therefore I think everyone is capable of being faithful, and you cannot place blame of your spouse if you choose to be unfaithful. There is always another choice. Whether that choice is to work things out or leave, there is always a choice.

Re: What causes a man to be unfaithful?

Posted: 22 Aug 2017, 22:21
by Ana Njeri
The choices we make in life define us. Unfaithfulness is one of them. There is no man who wakes up and suddenly finds himself unfaithful. He makes that choice. Take Nadia's husband for instance, not only did he want to control her by beating her so that she bends to his wishes, he also cheated on her. That is impunity. I like the question that Nadia asks concerning this matter," since when when did love become an excuse for infidelity and silence a sign of loyalty?"

Re: What causes a man to be unfaithful?

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 21:01
by gaporter
I don't like the running theme of cheating husbands in the book. Even Yaser cheats on his wife in a way with the other woman on the phone. The men didn't seem to have to face too many consequences for their actions.

Re: What causes a man to be unfaithful?

Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 04:38
by akeseh
This is an important topic which needs to be discussed at length. The following are some of the reasons.
1. Women who deliberately refuses their partners sex.
2. When a woman is not sexually active in bed.
3. Bad friend on the side of the man.
4. Prolonged ill health of the woman
5. When a woman does not dress decently etc.

Re: What causes a man to be unfaithful?

Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 07:51
by mumoscar
I don't believe that all men are unfaithful. It's basically anyone's choice to lead the kind of life that satisfy them. Again I think it's an innate behaviour since the ordeal in the garden of Eden. A male is just a male unless purity is instilled in them. Too bad!

Re: What causes a man to be unfaithful?

Posted: 26 Aug 2017, 05:06
by Phikim
Cheating is a matter of choice either by men or women. I think you should have asked; what would make a man cheat? The are many answers to this spanning from self control issues to adventures. For instance, SIGHT is a very strong sense of a man as TOUCH is to a woman. Therefore whenever a man looks at a very beautiful women he might end up imagining things in his mind. If he's not a self-controlled person, he can find himself getting in the phase of executing his thoughts.

A man can also cheat on his wife because he lacks satisfaction from his wife. You can bare me witness that if a man is under sexual starvation he can do it with whoever and wherever he see around.

Re: What causes a man to be unfaithful?

Posted: 26 Aug 2017, 05:57
by katemack
People are unfaithful in their relationships for so many different reasons. And I agree with the above; it's most definitely not just men doing the cheating.

Re: What causes a man to be unfaithful?

Posted: 26 Aug 2017, 10:00
by geoffrey ngoima
I think it is many things; peer pressure, the media, blah blah blah, but ultimately it is you as a person and the values you value and the God you serve that determine whether you cheat or not.

Re: What causes a man to be unfaithful?

Posted: 26 Aug 2017, 11:57
by Amyudeh
What makes a man unfaithful is nothing else but his free will. A couple can always sort things out between themselves whenever there are some problems or misunderstandings in their relationship. Most men use the excuse of their partners not satisfying them sexually, or not being able to cook or dress properly, nagging e.t.c but the fact is that, they knew all these before they became intimate with their partners and there are many solutions to these problems. It's either you work it out between yourselves without involving a third party or end your relationship and go for the later. Any man that is unfaithful just decided that on his own to be unfaithful.

Re: What causes a man to be unfaithful?

Posted: 26 Aug 2017, 14:57
by Jully
Men are just wicked and being unfaithful is a choice they make themselves, it's not a mistake or something that they are forced to do. Some of the are easily influenced and coerced to begin cheating in their relationships by their lady colleagues at their work place especially the young secretaries. This habit begins slowly and gradually develops into complete infidelity and later they look for lame excuses to justify their wickedness.

Re: What causes a man to be unfaithful?

Posted: 27 Aug 2017, 23:59
by csimmons032
I don't believe at all that all men are unfaithful, or women for that matter. There are too many reasons to count why someone would be unfaithful, and none of them make it right or are an excuse to do it. Being unfaithful is a choice that a person makes, and if they choose to do it, then they should have to deal with the consequences of their actions, no matter if that person is a man or a woman.

Re: What causes a man to be unfaithful?

Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 02:20
by Ashiyya Tariq
Man of wicked nature always find excuses for unfaithfulness and blame women for this .Only a man of good character can himself from unfaithfulness. Its man's job not woman's to pull him from every bad habit. everyone is responsible for his own deeds.

Re: What causes a man to be unfaithful?

Posted: 29 Aug 2017, 06:59
by 0719672189
Christina Rose wrote:Infidelity is a choice, therefore I think everyone is capable of being faithful, and you cannot place blame of your spouse if you choose to be unfaithful. There is always another choice. Whether that choice is to work things out or leave, there is always a choice.
The couples should create an environment where they are able to share their concerns and not pretend everything is great.

Re: What causes a man to be unfaithful?

Posted: 29 Aug 2017, 09:02
by Elzhraa
I think what causes man to be unfaithful is his choices and character. I think all the reasons on the world do not make man unfaithful, because if someone has a problem with is partner they either can solve it or they can be separated, but to compensate by cheating is not a choice.