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Love life of surgeons (work/life balance)

Posted: 17 Oct 2017, 15:20
by Doaa Wael
We all know that surgeons or people with very demanding professions often spend most of their time at work. This can negatively affect their love life if at all they had a chance to develop one. What are the best strategies to maintain a social life and a healthy life if you have a high demanding job

Do you think mariam and yasser reached this point because of their jobs or otherwise?

Re: Love life of surgeons (work/life balance)

Posted: 05 Nov 2017, 21:09
by Mark Anthony Arthur
Yes I agree with you.. If we have a lot of work to do our personal life and lovelife may diffuse or may turn out to nothing.

Re: Love life of surgeons (work/life balance)

Posted: 15 Dec 2017, 02:47
by inaramid
Their jobs had nothing to do with how the disintegration of their marriage. Both had personality problems that they just couldn't overcome.

Re: Love life of surgeons (work/life balance)

Posted: 20 Dec 2017, 23:24
by Michelle92
I think their professions didn't add up to the end of their marriage. Maybe it could be use as a excuse but just in a certain level. A lot of it resides in them as partners, and how they choose to solve their problems, or don't solve them at all, until it is too late.

Re: Love life of surgeons (work/life balance)

Posted: 28 Dec 2017, 18:49
by rkgemes
There are a lot of pieces and parts to a marriage. I don't being in the medical profession is the sole destruction. I think the heart of the matter lies within one another. Each of the characters are different people. They each choose how to react to issues and how to solve problems that arise. Everyone has problems arise in every good marriage and what makes it a good marriage is both people rise together out of the issues. It is a give and take. Sometimes, it is more and other times it is less. This is something we commonly see in books. Even Adele can't fix something that doesn't want to be fixed. Love for one another has to grow. Often times people forget to do what they used to do. Love becomes lost when we don't take the time.

Re: Love life of surgeons (work/life balance)

Posted: 14 Jan 2018, 13:17
by Scrawling Pen
I don't think that we can blame the problems of their marriage on their careers. I think that both characters had some personal issues, and when they came together, they couldn't find a common ground. There was certainly a lack of communication which if fixed could have potentially been very helpful.

Re: Love life of surgeons (work/life balance)

Posted: 22 Feb 2018, 12:43
by ktom
Just like anything, we need balance in our lives. That means we need to stop making excuses and start making time for the things that are important. I don't think Mariam and Yasir have their jobs to blame, I think they had some misconceptions about love and marriage and that was ultimately what led to their demise, along with their lack of communication.

Re: Love life of surgeons (work/life balance)

Posted: 25 May 2020, 12:45
by Ria710
I don't think it was their jobs that was the cause of their marriage problems, their work life and their personal life is separate.