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Re: What is the greatest loss you've ever experienced?

Posted: 10 Aug 2017, 21:39
by Jaime Lync
I have had a few relatives die in my short lifetime but not anyone in my nuclear family so I have not experienced a feeling of great loss as yet. However, hopefully, if any of my peeps die I hope to have no great sorrow because in Christ to die is gain.

Re: What is the greatest loss you've ever experienced?

Posted: 12 Aug 2017, 03:49
by Aohanlon86
my greatest loss was when I was young and a cousin I was close to died in a house fire.

Re: What is the greatest loss you've ever experienced?

Posted: 12 Aug 2017, 04:16
by Donnavila Marie01
Excitedreads wrote:I lost my mother when i was 17. She was murdered... left home one day, didn't come home, found her three days later. It was very traumatic, and was worsened by the fact thst i had three younger sisters and a non existent father. That was my first real loss, and it has changed me tremendously changing every decision i made from then til now. Then a year ago, i lost my son, and i realised just how different each loss can be and how much i wish it on no one. Each loss eally does affect you in one way or the other forever.
I agree. The loss of a loved one affects us forever. It leaves a feeling of incompleteness.

Re: What is the greatest loss you've ever experienced?

Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 12:22
by Manang Muyang
My greatest loss was my mom's death last year. She had a host of illnesses, and I know it was her time to rest. Though I am glad that she is now free from pain and disease, I miss her. I wish I could have loved her more.

-- 13 Aug 2017, 12:27 --
Excitedreads wrote:I lost my mother when i was 17. She was murdered... left home one day, didn't come home, found her three days later. It was very traumatic, and was worsened by the fact thst i had three younger sisters and a non existent father. That was my first real loss, and it has changed me tremendously changing every decision i made from then til now. Then a year ago, i lost my son, and i realised just how different each loss can be and how much i wish it on no one. Each loss eally does affect you in one way or the other forever.
I feel for you, Excitedreads. May you continue to be strong and courageous.

Re: What is the greatest loss you've ever experienced?

Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 16:58
by Serina Vitrino
Ever since the day I went to foster care, things went downhill in my life. I lost my innocence and what was an ideal childhood. Ever since then, I had to be independent and watch over my siblings. My parents lost their money trying to get us back and they lost their love for each other as well. I lost my trust in the people who are supposed to protect me, including police, parents, and authority figures. So yeah, lots of loss haha. But at least I learned how to be strong, and I have complete faith in my siblings so it's not all loss and sadness

Re: What is the greatest loss you've ever experienced?

Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 19:46
by Manang Muyang
Serina Vitrino wrote:Ever since the day I went to foster care, things went downhill in my life. I lost my innocence and what was an ideal childhood. Ever since then, I had to be independent and watch over my siblings. My parents lost their money trying to get us back and they lost their love for each other as well. I lost my trust in the people who are supposed to protect me, including police, parents, and authority figures. So yeah, lots of loss haha. But at least I learned how to be strong, and I have complete faith in my siblings so it's not all loss and sadness
I admire your resilience, positive disposition, and courage. Carry on, Serina Vitrino. The world needs more people like you.

Re: What is the greatest loss you've ever experienced?

Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 22:16
by Braktooth
Within the course of three days, my marriage collapsed, I lost my job and my father died. That was pretty much the worst three days I can imagine. It took me years to (mostly) get over that.

Re: What is the greatest loss you've ever experienced?

Posted: 14 Aug 2017, 00:36
by Manang Muyang
Braktooth wrote:Within the course of three days, my marriage collapsed, I lost my job and my father died. That was pretty much the worst three days I can imagine. It took me years to (mostly) get over that.
I feel for you, Braktooth. May you find the peace and consolation you seek. Thank you for sharing yourself.

Re: What is the greatest loss you've ever experienced?

Posted: 14 Aug 2017, 00:44
by Braktooth
Miriam Molina wrote:
Braktooth wrote:Within the course of three days, my marriage collapsed, I lost my job and my father died. That was pretty much the worst three days I can imagine. It took me years to (mostly) get over that.
I feel for you, Braktooth. May you find the peace and consolation you seek. Thank you for sharing yourself.
Thank you Miriam. I'm working on it.

Re: What is the greatest loss you've ever experienced?

Posted: 14 Aug 2017, 03:37
by Athena Moon
My Mom, who was my best friend and this loss made me even better person I am today. Her death taught me the mistakes we make in life and the time we waste, the dreams we leave unfulfilled. I learned from her mistakes and build happiness she would always wanted for me.

Re: What is the greatest loss you've ever experienced?

Posted: 14 Aug 2017, 09:12
by Harmony Hills
My father died when i was 11 and that was the greatest loss for my entire family. I lost my first love just like that and it left me heartbroken. Up until now, i cry at night asking "What ifs"

Re: What is the greatest loss you've ever experienced?

Posted: 14 Aug 2017, 09:41
by Sunnyridge
I lost a parent when i was 13. It effects every fiber of your life as you mature. For those who lose a parent due to age related complications, feel blessed that you had so many years with them.

Re: What is the greatest loss you've ever experienced?

Posted: 14 Aug 2017, 12:55
by barb429
My father died when I was young, so I always carried that with me. It did shape me, as a child I had a fear of losing my mother, when she would leave I was terrified that she would never come back. I do think that I had a sense of mortality that my friends did not have, though.

Re: What is the greatest loss you've ever experienced?

Posted: 16 Aug 2017, 07:49
by Athena Moon
Darakhshan Nazir wrote:I lost my mother when I was a child . It is like I lost a part of existence and it created a void in me that can never be fulfilled. It hurts more and more with every beat of my heart. I can't explain what I feel but it is the worst feeling and never wish it for anyone , not even for my enemies. That loss changed my life from best to worst. I am much more independent today but also chained with many responsibilities.

It is indeed most terrifying feeling in the world to not have her around anymore. I was already independent when me and my little sister lost her and I believe you are going through what she has to face to. I am truly sorry for your loss, but I believe she would want you to move on and be happy. All parents wish that for their children. Stay strong!

Re: What is the greatest loss you've ever experienced?

Posted: 16 Aug 2017, 08:20
by ritah
The loss of loved ones - that really cuts deep. Reminding us all, that life isn't a fairytale and life as we know it has an end sometimes in the most disturbing and gruesosome ways.