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Is Suicide Ever the Answer?

Posted: 03 Aug 2017, 18:50
by sophiemer642
In the book, the parents of the main character commit suicide to escape from their life's troubles.

Have you known someone who committed suicide because they were faced with big problems in their life?

Do you think ending your life when faced with issues is the right thing to do?

Re: Is Suicide Ever the Answer?

Posted: 03 Aug 2017, 19:41
by Amagine
I absolutely do not think that suicide is ever the right answer. Fortunately, I don't know anyone who attempted or committed suicide.

Re: Is Suicide Ever the Answer?

Posted: 04 Aug 2017, 12:01
by Kinnera
Suicide is not an option I feel should be taken, regardless of the circumstances. It might be ridiculously hard, but in the end, one has to believe it's worth the pain of living to stay alive.

Re: Is Suicide Ever the Answer?

Posted: 04 Aug 2017, 15:27
by Izesicle
By asking if suicide is the right thing to do, you bring up the notion of morality, which insists on The Duality of right and wrong. I have not seen a moral code or religion that is okay with suicide or that it is the right thing to do.

Re: Is Suicide Ever the Answer?

Posted: 04 Aug 2017, 18:12
by Christina Rose
Morally, I think suicide is wrong and selfish. There are times, though, when I do not think the individual is in the right frame of mind to consider morality. In those cases, loved ones need to intervene in as open minded a way as they can.

Re: Is Suicide Ever the Answer?

Posted: 04 Aug 2017, 18:26
by shamok
suicide is absolutely not the right thing to do they should had look for a solution which can solve there problem

Re: Is Suicide Ever the Answer?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017, 16:20
by MrsCatInTheHat
Christina Rose wrote:Morally, I think suicide is wrong and selfish. There are times, though, when I do not think the individual is in the right frame of mind to consider morality. In those cases, loved ones need to intervene in as open minded a way as they can.
I don't think that people with mental illnesses that are untreated and so bad that they feel they have to kill themselves out of their desperation are being selfish. I do think that people, like Max's dad, who kill themselves so they don't have to face their wrongdoings are selfish. Two completely different types of situations, in my opinion.

Re: Is Suicide Ever the Answer?

Posted: 08 Aug 2017, 18:28
by Darakhshan Nazir
Suicide is never a solution to any problem. You have to face evey situation not to sun away. Your parents didn't struggle so much in bringing you up for the day when you decide to quit your life instead of fighting. You fail your parents by doing that.

Re: Is Suicide Ever the Answer?

Posted: 12 Aug 2017, 03:12
by michelonline29
Ending life to avoid troubles in life is not appropriate. Looking for solutions is better done doing the later.

Re: Is Suicide Ever the Answer?

Posted: 12 Aug 2017, 03:21
by Sindhu Srinath
It's never an option. You have to persevere. That's why it's a criminal offense.

Re: Is Suicide Ever the Answer?

Posted: 12 Aug 2017, 03:47
by Anjum
There are always better choices in life. You just have to be open minded to see them.

Re: Is Suicide Ever the Answer?

Posted: 12 Aug 2017, 04:58
by LadyPudu
I don't want to judge because I have never been in a situation like that but I remember watching Cast Away and just admiring how he chose life despite trying situations, he even said that you never know what life will bring next.

Re: Is Suicide Ever the Answer?

Posted: 12 Aug 2017, 07:01
by geoffrey ngoima
A suicide implies that there's no other option apart from death, a way out, which is wrong because life and all its challenges has solutions; you just have to look long/hard enough, or wait long enough; in the end we can't be given that which is more than we can handle. And if death comes we embrace it, but everything with its time.

Re: Is Suicide Ever the Answer?

Posted: 12 Aug 2017, 10:13
by Rosemary Okoko
Ending one's life when faced with difficulties in life is not a solution. It shows failure to handle the situation which would have been resolved with good advise.

Re: Is Suicide Ever the Answer?

Posted: 12 Aug 2017, 11:47
by Marylynn
Yes i know of a friend who committed suicide because of depression. I would never commit suicide