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Re: Inaccuracies?

Posted: 18 Sep 2017, 01:45
by mumoscar
Inaccuracies due to poor research would be intolerable for me. Otherwise if it shows the author has done his research well then mistakes appears, it won't be right to disqualify the book.

Re: Inaccuracies?

Posted: 21 Sep 2017, 16:48
by Atabon Della
A lot of research goes on before a book is written, this I think. So if you are not a researcher yourself, you may not even be able to identify these inaccuracies.

Re: Inaccuracies?

Posted: 21 Sep 2017, 22:25
by Kalin Adi
Well, I appreciate more a book when the author does his/her job and research about the topic(s) first. I don't think the author must have a doctorate in the topic, but he/she must be able to write coherently. When there are inaccuracies, it's just a downer!

Re: Inaccuracies?

Posted: 22 Sep 2017, 12:19
by Riptidemom8
If I am reading a non-fiction book I expect it to be accurate.

Re: Inaccuracies?

Posted: 02 Oct 2017, 14:25
by Mary Garrison
I prefer it to be completely accurate it to be honest unless it's something huge I probably wouldn't notice.

Re: Inaccuracies?

Posted: 03 Oct 2017, 02:25
by Zack Ahmed
a great book really i enjoyed reading :D

Re: Inaccuracies?

Posted: 11 Oct 2017, 08:55
by Anjum
Inaccuracies give a really bad first impression. They spoil all the fun of reading.

Re: Inaccuracies?

Posted: 11 Oct 2017, 10:30
by riojun18
Inaccuracy of the plot and settings of the story can be quite upsetting. It reduces my interest to read a certain book. One thing that makes me glaring about the story is too much adding of characters and sometimes may be confusing for me. Just sayin'.

Re: Inaccuracies?

Posted: 14 Oct 2017, 22:21
by Sally_Heart
Accuracy is very important in such books such that the reader can actually relate if they know the places referred to in the book. Accuracy also brings about a wonderful experience for a person who has never been there before.

Re: Inaccuracies?

Posted: 29 Jul 2019, 03:28
by shravsi
Non-fiction books must be accurate. A few minor mistakes don't effect but if the author hasn't done research properly it poses a question of the credibility of the book. :techie-studyingbrown:

Re: Inaccuracies?

Posted: 29 Jul 2019, 07:35
by kandscreeley
Gravy wrote: 05 Sep 2017, 19:31
kandscreeley wrote:I guess there is a difference between inaccuracies and mistakes. I agree inaccuracies are big turn offs. However, everyone makes mistakes. So, you can't discount the whole book just because a mistake has been made.
I agree. Mistakes are mistakes, and we all make them.
What I mean here are literal inaccuracies, like getting the name of a place wrong, or mistranslating something. Things that would be easy to research, but have been left inaccurate. Makes me feel like there's a lack of respect for the subject (or in this case, place) at hand.
In any non-fiction book, it's really important to get ALL the facts correct. If you catch names of places misspelled or just flat out wrong, it's hard to read the rest of the book as you wonder what else they've gotten wrong. You can't trust anything they say.

Re: Inaccuracies?

Posted: 27 Jun 2022, 12:08
by Moneybag
charlesjr2 wrote: 11 Sep 2017, 23:16 I think inaccuracies in books can turn off sometimes. But they are some inaccuracies that I just try to understand and just get on with my book.
Same with me.
I agree with you on this.

Re: Inaccuracies?

Posted: 08 Jul 2022, 00:03
by sayoniwrites
I generally don't like inaccuracies and it is true that it would have bothered me as a reader. But I didn't find any inaccuracies in its book and I enjoyed it. Maybe in hindsight ignorance was bliss.

Re: Inaccuracies?

Posted: 15 Jul 2022, 22:04
by third agbata
A none fiction book is meant to be accurate. Any form of lack of accuracy will tarnish the book's integrity

Re: Inaccuracies?

Posted: 19 Jul 2022, 11:53
by Simmons32
I didn’t notice inaccuracies, but then again I probably wasn’t paying attention to that. I am not a huge traveler, so I am not sure what’s inaccurate and what’s not.