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Re: Do you like reading books about other people's experince

Posted: 21 Sep 2017, 11:39
by Marie Kala
To Spirit Wandering; I have the same preferences as you, but isn't any story with a character who goes through anything, really, a story about another's experience? So I guess I like reading about other people's lives because it allows me to experience things that I wouldn't get to otherwise.

Re: Do you like reading books about other people's experince

Posted: 21 Sep 2017, 16:10
by Atabon Della
Yes, I would read books about other people's lives. It is a great way to learn and pick up lessons here and there. By the way, so long as you have not yet written about your own experiences for others to read, why not just read about others.

Re: Do you like reading books about other people's experince

Posted: 21 Sep 2017, 16:15
by hebcandle
I like reading about someone else's life and experiences. I like seeing situations from someone else's perspective and I like learning how they think about things differently than I do. I also like seeing the different results that come from that their decision-making process which could inspire me in the future.

Re: Do you like reading books about other people's experince

Posted: 22 Sep 2017, 07:08
by Ashley Simon
I love all things nonfiction: biographies, memories, essays. Reading about the lives of other people helps me to understand my own (often confusing) self. I enjoy fiction as well, but I think there's something especially magical about a true story.

Re: Do you like reading books about other people's experince

Posted: 22 Sep 2017, 12:40
by Riptidemom8
It would depend on what part of their life they are sharing.

Re: Do you like reading books about other people's experince

Posted: 22 Sep 2017, 21:14
by Mary Garrison
Yes, I enjoy reading about what other people are going through. It helps me relate with the character when I know they really exist however I don't like it when the story gets to dry.

Re: Do you like reading books about other people's experince

Posted: 23 Sep 2017, 12:31
by Jeconiaomolo
Reading about other people's life is very vital as it equipts us to successfully penetrate our problems. It also encourages us; as we know that other people also pass through such problems.

Re: Do you like reading books about other people's experince

Posted: 23 Sep 2017, 23:28
by Leyla
It depends on the experience and how the story is told. If it is interesting then yes.

Re: Do you like reading books about other people's experince

Posted: 24 Sep 2017, 08:06
by Londera
I do. Its always nice to see how other people reacted during a situation or some struggle in their lives. Its inspiring.

Re: Do you like reading books about other people's experince

Posted: 26 Sep 2017, 02:02
by Chuks Daniel
Yes! Other people's experiences give you the clue when you are faced by similar circumstances.

Re: Do you like reading books about other people's experince

Posted: 26 Sep 2017, 02:37
by Barbiedole
Yes I like reading books about other people's experience. This is because I learn a lot from it and I don't want to wait for something to happen to me before I learn.

Re: Do you like reading books about other people's experince

Posted: 26 Sep 2017, 13:42
by Sarah_Khan
Personally, books about other peoples' experiences and lives are not my first choice. The book has to be really well-written for me to stick to it and not get bored. The reason why I was drawn to this book is the cover and also the fact that it is about an adventure in Africa. Visiting Africa and seeing the wildlife there has always been a dream for me so it was exciting to be able to read a first hand account of the author's experience there.

Re: Do you like reading books about other people's experince

Posted: 26 Sep 2017, 23:26
by Naval Aulakh
Yes, I like to read about the experiences of other people. I am a kind of a person who learns from the experiences of others.

Re: Do you like reading books about other people's experince

Posted: 27 Sep 2017, 01:36
by Ashiyya Tariq
Yes definitely. person learns a lot from other people's experiences. And if the book is good it further adds spies to your reading.

Re: Do you like reading books about other people's experince

Posted: 27 Sep 2017, 12:01
by Gifty Naa Akushia
Definitely I do enjoy reading books about other people's experiences, just as the old adage goes "experience is the best teacher" it's only prudent to read and learn from other people's experiences other than one waiting to go through certain mistakes and misfortunes in life.