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Re: Are challenges needed for growth and success

Posted: 05 Oct 2017, 12:38
by Joy Christine
I have faced and am facing many challenges in my life, some life threatening. I do think that challenges are needed for growth and success. If your challenges don't make you stronger and more successful then they were only pain for pain's sake and you sadly didn't learn the lessons you were meant to make you a better you.

Re: Are challenges needed for growth and success

Posted: 05 Oct 2017, 14:04
by Eric77
There is no life without challenges. We all pass through them and our life is shaped by how we deal with them. So I guess the saying is true.

Re: Are challenges needed for growth and success

Posted: 06 Oct 2017, 10:13
by Samuel12
Challenges are needed for growth and success because challenges are like a stepping stones that comes in form of hindrance and a step back to human life,so one needs to overcome the drama in order to step into success.... Challenges will always fight you, but you need to be strong in order to win the Battle......

Re: Are challenges needed for growth and success

Posted: 06 Oct 2017, 11:40
by Sally_Heart
Without challenges one lacks proper experience and may become arrogant in their line of service but that does not mean one can not grow and have success without these challenges.

Re: Are challenges needed for growth and success

Posted: 07 Oct 2017, 01:32
by Ama Idim
Challenges occur all the time, looking at it from every angle. It's what you make of it and how you act that determines success. Some are able to face it, while others give up.

Re: Are challenges needed for growth and success

Posted: 07 Oct 2017, 08:15
by Momlovesbooks
Challenges are needed for growth. Life is full of challenges. Some are just smaller than others. How we deal with those challenges and learn from them makes us the person we are.

Re: Are challenges needed for growth and success

Posted: 07 Oct 2017, 11:30
by DDunstock
This is a really good, thought-provoking question.
Challenges certainly speed up the growth process, but I don't think they are absolutely necessary. That's what my gut says, but while I type that, I am trying to think of a time I grew without a challenge and nothing is immediately coming to mind. I suppose traveling isn't always deemed a "challenge", but is certainly an experience that illicits growth.

Re: Are challenges needed for growth and success

Posted: 09 Oct 2017, 11:12
by The Researcher
I absolutely agree that challenge are necesidad. Because they make us realize of our real strength and tolerance level.Also people tend to think out of box while racing a challenge.

Re: Are challenges needed for growth and success

Posted: 09 Oct 2017, 12:46
by Ayisha M Ashruf
Yes, challenges are definitely required. If not, one does not discover. one's potentials

Re: Are challenges needed for growth and success

Posted: 09 Oct 2017, 13:21
by Mercelle
Yes, Challenges make us mentally strong.

Re: Are challenges needed for growth and success

Posted: 09 Oct 2017, 16:18
by Brandi Noelle
Absolutely, challenges are needed for growth and success. When in the midst of a challenge, it can often feel overwhelming, pointless, or insufferable. But, when I look back on challenges of my past, I can see the lessons I learned and the roads I chose as a result. All of lead me to a better place and a better understanding of myself and who I want to be, where I want to wind up. Those lessons are invaluable.

Re: Are challenges needed for growth and success

Posted: 10 Oct 2017, 11:21
by MsAlpha
Challenges are inevitable, so I think it's counterproductive to imagine a life without them. If taken the right way, challenges do teach us what works and what doesn't. They keep us in check that we don't become too complacent that we've already done enough and can't do more. But I also agree that challenges are helpful only up to a person's breaking point.

Re: Are challenges needed for growth and success

Posted: 10 Oct 2017, 13:02
by Team Glitch Magic
I think that you do need challenges for growth so you know that you don’t get everything your way. Without challenges there would be no need to get a job because there were no challenges where you had to earn money.

Re: Are challenges needed for growth and success

Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 07:48
by ifeoma obike
Yes, challenges are a necessary part of any success journey. When you are challenged, you are asked to become more than you were. That means creating new perspectives, acquiring new skills, and pushing boundaries.

Re: Are challenges needed for growth and success

Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 16:29
by CrescentMoon
I 100% agree with this statement. When it comes to overcoming challenges and obstacles, I definitely think they are necessary to grow and develop. I believe that a person needs to step out of their comfort zone and overcome some kind of hardship or try new things in order to really change and grow as a person. I think that without any challenges at all, a person could get very bored and feel unfulfilled. However, too many challenges can be stressful or overwhelming so I think there needs to be that balance.