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Re: How significant is Tom's grandfather, Bob-Bob, to the st

Posted: 04 Oct 2017, 03:28
by BoyLazy
Bob-bob was the main reason to start this trip. He is one of the most significant part of this story.

Re: How significant is Tom's grandfather, Bob-Bob, to the st

Posted: 04 Oct 2017, 10:29
by ebethina
I think he is very significant as he was the hole reason for going on the trip in the first place, than Sarah has an idea of her heritage

Re: How significant is Tom's grandfather, Bob-Bob, to the st

Posted: 04 Oct 2017, 13:26
by Amagine
ebethina wrote:I think he is very significant as he was the hole reason for going on the trip in the first place, than Sarah has an idea of her heritage
He did serve as a way for Sarah to learn more about her heritage.

Re: How significant is Tom's grandfather, Bob-Bob, to the st

Posted: 04 Oct 2017, 14:44
by BoyLazy
Amagine wrote:Does anyone think he plays a significant role in who Tom is? Do you see is influence in Tom's character?
Definitely. It's genes speaking.

-- 04 Oct 2017, 14:50 --
mratdegraff91 wrote:I feel like Bob-Bob played an important part of Tom's younger years. The trauma of losing him on the trail like he did caused a huge shift in Tom's life that affected many of his choices later on. In sharing the story with Sarah, especially after she has her dream, I believe she understood the connection Tom developed with the history of the land because of Bob-Bob. Bob-Bob also put down the foundation of the novel and experience the family has by discovering the ancient artifact as mentioned previously.
I had not noticed the change after the dream. Thanks for pointing out.

Re: How significant is Tom's grandfather, Bob-Bob, to the st

Posted: 04 Oct 2017, 20:36
by Amagine
BoyLazy wrote:
Amagine wrote:Does anyone think he plays a significant role in who Tom is? Do you see is influence in Tom's character?
Definitely. It's genes speaking.
Is it only genes though or do you think there is a deeper influence than just that?

Re: How significant is Tom's grandfather, Bob-Bob, to the st

Posted: 04 Oct 2017, 23:28
by BoyLazy
Amagine wrote:
BoyLazy wrote:
Amagine wrote:Does anyone think he plays a significant role in who Tom is? Do you see is influence in Tom's character?
Definitely. It's genes speaking.
Is it only genes though or do you think there is a deeper influence than just that?
Bringing up, genes, surroundings, liking, appearance, guidance.. etc..

Re: How significant is Tom's grandfather, Bob-Bob, to the st

Posted: 05 Oct 2017, 05:10
by Amagine
BoyLazy wrote:
Amagine wrote:
BoyLazy wrote: Definitely. It's genes speaking.
Is it only genes though or do you think there is a deeper influence than just that?
Bringing up, genes, surroundings, liking, appearance, guidance.. etc..
I agree with all of those things. I wonder if we will see more of his influence in later books.

Re: How significant is Tom's grandfather, Bob-Bob, to the st

Posted: 05 Oct 2017, 05:43
by BoyLazy
Amagine wrote:
BoyLazy wrote:
Amagine wrote:
Is it only genes though or do you think there is a deeper influence than just that?
Bringing up, genes, surroundings, liking, appearance, guidance.. etc..
I agree with all of those things. I wonder if we will see more of his influence in later books.
Surely. It is an interesting aspect. Flashback and history have always gained my interest.

Re: How significant is Tom's grandfather, Bob-Bob, to the st

Posted: 05 Oct 2017, 09:53
by meteku4
In fact, he is the reason for the journals into the wilderness. He was the one who died there, buried there, left the artifact which needed to be returned, etc. Though quiet in the story, he has been very loud in many respects.

Re: How significant is Tom's grandfather, Bob-Bob, to the st

Posted: 05 Oct 2017, 10:13
by aboladeoluwatise
I don't think he was that significant his part in the book could have been changed with little or no consequences.

Re: How significant is Tom's grandfather, Bob-Bob, to the st

Posted: 05 Oct 2017, 11:15
by BoyLazy
aboladeoluwatise wrote:I don't think he was that significant his part in the book could have been changed with little or no consequences.
What about the emotional angle..

Re: How significant is Tom's grandfather, Bob-Bob, to the st

Posted: 06 Oct 2017, 00:27
by Manang Muyang
Bob-Bob was a good grandfather to Tom. Tom planned the hike to give his grandfather due honor. Tom's reward for honoring his grandfather is a granddaughter he could be a Bob-Bob to. He apparently succeeds, as Sarah soon calls him Tom-Tom. The story goes on.

Re: How significant is Tom's grandfather, Bob-Bob, to the st

Posted: 06 Oct 2017, 04:55
by Amagine
Miriam Molina wrote:Bob-Bob was a good grandfather to Tom. Tom planned the hike to give his grandfather due honor. Tom's reward for honoring his grandfather is a granddaughter he could be a Bob-Bob to. He apparently succeeds, as Sarah soon calls him Tom-Tom. The story goes on.
Haha I forgot about the Tom-Tom part. I like that it's like a family tradition or something.

Re: How significant is Tom's grandfather, Bob-Bob, to the st

Posted: 06 Oct 2017, 06:12
by Anjum
I feel that he is really important in the story as it was because of him that the adventure started in the first place.

Re: How significant is Tom's grandfather, Bob-Bob, to the st

Posted: 06 Oct 2017, 07:30
by BoyLazy
Amagine wrote:
Miriam Molina wrote:Bob-Bob was a good grandfather to Tom. Tom planned the hike to give his grandfather due honor. Tom's reward for honoring his grandfather is a granddaughter he could be a Bob-Bob to. He apparently succeeds, as Sarah soon calls him Tom-Tom. The story goes on.
Haha I forgot about the Tom-Tom part. I like that it's like a family tradition or something.
Hope the sequel story does not have Tom-Tom only in the flashback :)