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Re: Is Strong Heart deserving of her name?

Posted: 08 Oct 2017, 15:11
by jonaya
Amagine wrote:He probably compared them because there are some things they share in common.
he deserves a distinction from me as I personally enjoyed the review

Re: Is Strong Heart deserving of her name?

Posted: 08 Oct 2017, 16:14
by Amagine
jonaya wrote:
Amagine wrote:He probably compared them because there are some things they share in common.
he deserves a distinction from me as I personally enjoyed the review
I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D

Re: Is Strong Heart deserving of her name?

Posted: 08 Oct 2017, 22:33
by jonaya
as she was never shaken up with anything,yes strong heart really deserving her name

-- 09 Oct 2017, 02:12 --
Sarah Tariq wrote:Yes strong heart is a good name for this. Her strength, valour makes her entitled to this name. Apart from this "wanderlust in Olympic peninsula" can also be the name of this book.
and you should always be ready for anything that comes on your way

-- 09 Oct 2017, 02:15 --

come to think of it, had it been Sarah was as childish as the way Myrah was in her time then automatically she could have faced much problems and the strong heart could not be deserving her

Re: Is Strong Heart deserving of her name?

Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 11:16
by Phikim
Strong Heart would actually be her first name. She's endured so much pains. Her life is engulfed in pain circles but she doesn't get discouraged. Bear in mind her age and gender; 13 years and a female respectively.

Re: Is Strong Heart deserving of her name?

Posted: 14 Oct 2017, 16:25
by Atabon Della
She definitely did deserve the name I mean comparing her to her mates, the things she did were not normal. She was even the youngest but still stood out very strong. In fact the title of the book fits perfectly well because of her character; in my opinion.

Re: Is Strong Heart deserving of her name?

Posted: 17 Oct 2017, 07:45
by Gingerbo0ks
I definitely think so. She's gone through a lot. There was lots of perseverance. Also, she must have been physically strong too.

Re: Is Strong Heart deserving of her name?

Posted: 17 Oct 2017, 07:45
by Gingerbo0ks
I definitely think so. She's gone through a lot. There was lots of perseverance. Also, she must have been physically strong too.

Re: Is Strong Heart deserving of her name?

Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 04:08
by BoyLazy
Gingerbo0ks wrote:I definitely think so. She's gone through a lot. There was lots of perseverance. Also, she must have been physically strong too.
All the characters must have been physically strong to complete this trek..

Re: Is Strong Heart deserving of her name?

Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 21:13
by Amagine
Atabon Della wrote:She definitely did deserve the name I mean comparing her to her mates, the things she did were not normal. She was even the youngest but still stood out very strong. In fact the title of the book fits perfectly well because of her character; in my opinion.
I think it fits perfectly as well.

Re: Is Strong Heart deserving of her name?

Posted: 22 Oct 2017, 01:38
by Kat Berg
First, I really loved the names that she gave to her compatriots. The only one that threw me off was Angry, as she seemed anything but. I think Strong Heart was a well-deserved name. That child was fierce! The youngest of her group, she even seemed to show the adults what it meant to be and adult at times, and she was determined to survive and thrive. Well deserving of her name!

Re: Is Strong Heart deserving of her name?

Posted: 22 Oct 2017, 12:04
by Nishant Das
Strong heart is fully deserving of the name. Sarah shows tremendous perseverance and determination at various points in the story. Not only Sarah, other characters show similar qualities for the cause they believe in thus making it a book fully deserving of its name.

Re: Is Strong Heart deserving of her name?

Posted: 22 Oct 2017, 17:37
by ebethina
Strong Heart does fit in various aspects of things throughout the novel not just the characters

Re: Is Strong Heart deserving of her name?

Posted: 22 Oct 2017, 18:17
by Basya
Strong Heart is deserving of her name. Not only is she courageous and determined, her heart is in the right place. Even though she is young, she is devoted to the people around her and is able to see into their true natures. This quality is all the more remarkable because, with no say in the matter, she was taken to live among strangers.

Re: Is Strong Heart deserving of her name?

Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 01:11
by Moureenkaranu
Yes it is , a character like Sarah is brought out as a strong and determined lady who overcomes all the challenges she faces.

Re: Is Strong Heart deserving of her name?

Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 11:13
by greenstripedgiraffe
Most definitely. She is just a kid, but she is very resilient, and she displays great emotion despite her traumatic past.