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Re: What could life have been like for a woman many years ag

Posted: 22 Oct 2017, 22:56
by Trixy
Women in past life have very hard time by getting their dreams accomplished, guess their lives were limited and bound to their families and husband.

Re: What could life have been like for a woman many years ag

Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 00:58
by Vivian Paschal
I think women have actually come very far, but there's still a lot left. Women have come as far as they have because of their courage an insistence. They still struggle till now. Worldwide, most men still have a very poor mentality about the roles of a woman, especially in underdeveloped countries. I hope things keep changing.

Re: What could life have been like for a woman many years ag

Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 11:45
by BoyLazy
Trixy wrote:Women in past life have very hard time by getting their dreams accomplished, guess their lives were limited and bound to their families and husband.
It is unfortunately the same still in many parts of the world.

Re: What could life have been like for a woman many years ag

Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 15:09
by Caleb001
I really enjoyed it... About the author

Re: What could life have been like for a woman many years ag

Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 22:02
by Amagine
Vivian Paschal wrote:I think women have actually come very far, but there's still a lot left. Women have come as far as they have because of their courage an insistence. They still struggle till now. Worldwide, most men still have a very poor mentality about the roles of a woman, especially in underdeveloped countries. I hope things keep changing.
I hope the same as well.

Re: What could life have been like for a woman many years ag

Posted: 26 Oct 2017, 11:50
by Vickie Noel
Women have indeed defied restricting norms by becoming leaders, CEOs, entrepreneurs, politicians and so on as against the era when she couldn't even walk alongside a man, her husband or not, or even speak without being specifically referred to.

Re: What could life have been like for a woman many years ag

Posted: 26 Oct 2017, 19:19
by CommMayo
I agree that women have come quite far, but I'm worried we are starting to least in America. Life is generally harder for us at home and in the workplace, and now our president has people convinced that not being sexist is just being "politically correct."

Re: What could life have been like for a woman many years ag

Posted: 28 Oct 2017, 02:05
by kwahu
Many women would die while giving birth, so sad that many were rendered motherless due to lack of civilization.

Re: What could life have been like for a woman many years ag

Posted: 28 Oct 2017, 14:45
by Jennifer Allsbrook
NSOfficial wrote:Sarah experiences a vision detailing what life could have been like for young women in Washington State many years ago. Did anything stand out and did it get you thinking about how far women have come in society?
Being abducted and forced into service as a "wife" was interesting, but in a tribal situation, the role of the woman to do many chores and to help create babies are traditional. In modern society, the role of women has changed for most cultures, but there are locations on Earth today where women still have a similar role as described in the story. I suppose it depends on where the woman lives and how women are viewed in the culture of that location.

Re: What could life have been like for a woman many years ag

Posted: 29 Oct 2017, 08:04
by Arushi Singh
BoyLazy wrote:
Amagine wrote:
Gingerbo0ks wrote:
Some women were goddesses back in the ancient times. Women were respected. It's a telling thing when women in some cultures today are treated worse than their 1000 year old counterparts. They had the right idea back then.
Hahaha! They did! We need to go back to the way things were thousands of years ago!
Still there are places where women are treated like goddess. Young unmarried women are worshipped.

They were treated like goddesses for very specific reasons. This honour was not given to married women. And many are treated like goddesses even now. It's ritualistic, but the reasons for it are problematic. I wouldn't want to go back in time.

Re: What could life have been like for a woman many years ag

Posted: 12 Nov 2017, 09:24
by Amystl26
Yes, women were considered goddesses in ancient times. Then the theme became to almost suppress women into households-cooking, cleaning, and raising children. For some, it suited them just fine, but others crave other aspects in life in order to shine. Women have more freedom to shine in their own way today; doing what ever it is they choose to do- raise a family, start a business, work from home, or work a 9-5.

Re: What could life have been like for a woman many years ag

Posted: 12 Nov 2017, 11:33
by WendyH
Women have come a long way from a time when they were 100% dependent on first their parents and then a husband. No longer do they have to look to someone else to guide their lives or their choices. Women today can do almost anything they choose.

Re: What could life have been like for a woman many years ag

Posted: 12 Nov 2017, 14:08
by Connie Otwani
It is sad, they were married very young and started getting kids when they were kids themselves. Sarah and the other girls were about 13 or 14 yet they were captured to be wives. One of the girls in fact got her period and was 'taken' by a man. Without proper medical facilities, many died during childbirth. It is even sadder that in some parts of the world, this is still the case.

Re: What could life have been like for a woman many years ag

Posted: 12 Nov 2017, 19:07
by ladycraic
I'm grateful for the growing sense of a woman's capabilities to contribute to society. Today we can become psychiatrists, scientists, nurses, athletes, and so much more. We can excel in these areas and bring about meaningful discoveries. We don't necessarily excel over men nor are we inferior by default. We are just given a chance to pursue the desires of our hearts. Unfortunately, that's not how it's always been. I believe that life would have been difficult for women many years ago, and many prejudices would have stood in their way.

Re: What could life have been like for a woman many years ag

Posted: 15 Nov 2017, 00:08
by CommMayo
I'm not sure I could live in the days or a society where I was viewed as property that could produce offspring.