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Re: Does Tom regret his past with his daughter?

Posted: 26 Oct 2017, 22:43
by Bookworm39
I believe that Tom does regret his past with his daughter, Becky. And knowing why she left in the first place and hearing what happened to Sarah, I think he will be a better parent to his granddaughter.

Re: Does Tom regret his past with his daughter?

Posted: 28 Oct 2017, 00:30
by kwahu
I believe he will put his best into his granddaughter's life. He won't fail her as he failed her own daughter.

Re: Does Tom regret his past with his daughter?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017, 06:42
by Valton
Tom does regret his past with his daughter escpecially after finding out what happened to Sarah, he feels he would have done better by being there for his daughter and protect her from Flynch.

Re: Does Tom regret his past with his daughter?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017, 11:51
by thisisfinal213
According to me I think he regrets not knowing her as a father. I also think that as Sarah throw light on what Becky went to and does at that time

Re: Does Tom regret his past with his daughter?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017, 21:03
by thisisfinal2131
Yes i think so and I think at one point, Tom comes out and says that he should have done more for his daughter. So, I definitely think he felt regret about this point

Re: Does Tom regret his past with his daughter?

Posted: 14 Nov 2017, 17:00
by Barbiedole
He regrets his past for sure. I'm sure if he could turn back time, he'd do things differently.

Re: Does Tom regret his past with his daughter?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017, 22:17
by ReyvrexQuestor Reyes
The wrongs of the past could be righted in the present and avoided in the future. Sarah was forgiving enough to not begrudge, too much, the circumstances surrounding her at present, due to a faulted past. Or did she?

Re: Does Tom regret his past with his daughter?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017, 18:54
by Chelsy Scherba
Yes, I'm sure his relationship with Becky will inspire him to correct his past mistakes. He can't fix everything, but in a way, he's getting a second chance.

Re: Does Tom regret his past with his daughter?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017, 06:10
by Bancroft
No, i dont think so because there were no expressions for this feeling

Re: Does Tom regret his past with his daughter?

Posted: 26 Jan 2018, 02:14
by CNWaweru
Yes. I think Tom regrets the fact that he could not protect his daughter, Becky, from Lynch. He also wishes he spent more time with her.

Re: Does Tom regret his past with his daughter?

Posted: 23 Mar 2018, 13:03
by onixpam
I think Tom learned a lot of his past relationship with her daughter, and he is willing to have a better relationship with Sara.

Re: Does Tom regret his past with his daughter?

Posted: 23 May 2020, 08:50
by Barbie_sidhu
When Tom has experience with Sarah he regrets giving so less attention to her daughter. He could have done better for her.

Re: Does Tom regret his past with his daughter?

Posted: 01 Jun 2020, 08:17
by alkaMish
I think Tom does regret his past with his daughter. When he learns about her reason for running away from her mother's house at such a young age, and that his granddaughter has been facing so much, he is especially filled with regret.

Re: Does Tom regret his past with his daughter?

Posted: 02 Jun 2020, 23:54
by Radhika_puri
Yes, I agree that he regrets his past with his daughter. He often thinks that maybe if Becky lived with him she would never have eloped. He will not repeat the same mistake again I think and will be a great parent to Sarah.

Re: Does Tom regret his past with his daughter?

Posted: 15 Jun 2020, 07:02
by Honest-reviewer
Yes, undoubtedly! I think Tom regrets for not being there for Becky when she was abused by Lynch. He will be a protective and great guardian to Sarah.