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Re: A story within a story

Posted: 29 Jul 2018, 21:06
by LaurenHaupt
The camping trip. Thought her dream was a bit too long. Was hard to follow.

Re: A story within a story

Posted: 10 Aug 2018, 09:42
by Dusamae
I actually liked both stories, though Sara's was the most unusual and stood out a little more in my mind.

Re: A story within a story

Posted: 08 Sep 2018, 05:18
by Julie Green
I enjoyed the present day story. It had plenty of layers of complexity. Sarah's journey went on too long and became a distraction.

Re: A story within a story

Posted: 18 Jan 2019, 18:45
by Premoh
personally i found the parts narrated by Sarah to be confusing, especially at first. It was hard to keep all of the names straight and I really had a difficult time grasping what was happening until they were in the boat. And then they were pretty much always in the boat. That got tiresome for me despite some of the crazy events and the vivid descriptions.

Re: A story within a story

Posted: 12 Jun 2019, 16:40
by Verna Coy
I loved Sarah's journey. It was a perfect time in her life to attain a deeper knowledge of herself and those around here. Growth in maturity through understanding and experience.

Re: A story within a story

Posted: 30 Oct 2019, 07:14
by Estuelke
I felt the way Mr. Sheldon handled the story of Strong Heart, was effective. It was magical, and it was historical. It was as if Sarah had become part of the story by being brought there against her will, in her current time and also in her Strong Heart story. She was proved to be a strong piece of both stories even with her subordinate (less powerful) position. She did not generate the action, but because she was open to the idea, to learning, to becoming the best she could be, she excelled in both the past and the current situation. Even though the adventure was not a "success" it was successful journey of the spirit.

Re: A story within a story

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 13:08
by tjportugal
gali wrote: 01 Oct 2017, 15:21 We have the story of Tom's camping trip and Sara's journey. Which story did you find more interesting? I found journey, and the story of the Native American, the more interesting of the two, though it could have been tightened.
Tom's camping trip was a story that you could relate to a imagine yourself walking alongside and camp with them (if you are a camping guy, anyway). Sarah's journey was interesting but it was more survival themed; the time frame also caused some distance between the plot and the reader.

The blending of the two timelines worked out fairly well, I think.

Re: A story within a story

Posted: 19 May 2020, 02:35
by Jlblawrence
At first I was too confused to really enjoy the Strong Heart's internal storyline. During the first telling of it, I was eagerly waiting for them to be back in the real world. But after it ended, and the real story was continuing, I found myself wanting to return to the ice age and see what happened. I live right where their journey ended, so it was really interesting for me to see how everything was explained.

Re: A story within a story

Posted: 21 May 2020, 02:05
by book_fanatic_
Though Sarah's story was good but it could have been a lot better. At times, it actually made me feel bored and some details seemed monotonous.

Re: A story within a story

Posted: 23 May 2020, 08:38
by Barbie_sidhu
The overall story was great but the inner story could have been more elaborate. It went a little off for me.

Re: A story within a story

Posted: 11 Jun 2020, 07:56
by Radhika_puri
I find Sarah’s going missing and finding those native people story more interesting. The whole story seems fictional and I love to read fictional stories.

Re: A story within a story

Posted: 11 Sep 2020, 03:04
by Ebby Brown
I enjoyed the Native American story.

Re: A story within a story

Posted: 07 Nov 2020, 17:51
by Yvonne Monique
Both stories complemented each other and I loved how they came together at the end, when they reached the Marking Place.

Re: A story within a story

Posted: 30 Nov 2020, 07:12
by Sarah Schmidt
I liked the idea of searching for and then finding something. It was in how Sarah and Strong Heart bonded, in the family dynamics of the lot of them and even in the search of faith and purpose.