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Re: Conflicts regarding tradition

Posted: 15 Nov 2017, 19:04
by Spirit Wandering
I agreed with Myra on the atlatl. In terms of legend vs. data, it is similar to the question of faith vs. reason. A balance of both is best.

Re: Conflicts regarding tradition

Posted: 16 Nov 2017, 00:32
by Jax14
I think data and legends both have their place in life seeing as most legends are based in data. The problem comes in with the retelling by humans and the subjective cast we place on legends to make them conform to what we currently believe, or what is necessary in the present to convey the message.

Re: Conflicts regarding tradition

Posted: 16 Nov 2017, 20:32
by Carol Cisne
Sorry for the length, I tried to keep it short x_x
I also hope I didn't go off on a tangent too much.

What matters most, legends or data?
I think that legends and data can complement each other but far too often data is favored over legends. If a study is to be done then the narratives that survived to modern time should be taken into consideration before coming to conclusions.

Who do you think was right in both cases? (Tom/Myra)
I agree with Myra: they should have used the atlatl while it was available and when the land is protected then return it. Tom wanted to bury the atlatl to correct his mistake for disturbing it but what would have happened afterword? Myra tried to validate the atlatl’s displacement, to use it as evidence to prevent mining in the park. If the parkland had not been in jeopardy I think Myra would have kept criticizing Tom for disturbing and defacing the atlatl, even if he had good intentions.

Who do you think was right in both cases? (Myra/Sergei)
Both. Myra and Sergei might have started out at different points but I thought they were finding common ground by the end of the book. Sergei seemed to agree with Myra more than he disagreed. Myra was hostile towards Sergei's academic data stance because there are many instances in US history where anthropological studies were used to justify the horrific treatment of Native Americans (and other people too). While this has changed, there is still a lot of the older sentiment lingering in the field of study. Once Sergei realized where Myra was coming from, and she was able to see his genuine intentions, they were able to find that elusive common ground: Legends and Data can lead to a more complete narrative of human history.

Re: Conflicts regarding tradition

Posted: 16 Nov 2017, 22:40
by Megz
I think both are important. Some legends/traditions have real data in them and can be used as a learning tool. And data is a way to learn from the past to hopefully make a better future.

Re: Conflicts regarding tradition

Posted: 16 Nov 2017, 23:31
by Chelsy Scherba
This is the classic, "science vs. faith" scenario. I'm personally a faith person.Beliefs are based on reality and personal experience, and legends go hand in hand with that. Data is for unbelievers, but can be helpful in proving to them that faith isn't just crazy imagination.

Re: Conflicts regarding tradition

Posted: 17 Nov 2017, 14:17
by Amystl26
I agree withs kandsscreeley on this one-- both can play an important role. And with most things-- it's circumstantial. There may be a scenario where the data needs to be spot in the work out a solution. On the other hand, there could be a different scenario that can be better guided through with tradtion vs.all logic. Both important, all circumstantial.

-- 17 Nov 2017, 14:18 --

I agree withs kandsscreeley on this one-- both can play an important role. And with most things-- it's circumstantial. There may be a scenario where the data needs to be spot in the work out a solution. On the other hand, there could be a different scenario that can be better guided through with tradtion vs.all logic. Both important, all circumstantial.

Re: Conflicts regarding tradition

Posted: 17 Nov 2017, 22:58
by MsDree
both are fairly important and in my opinion, compliment each other in many ways. i think, well, just my opinion that legends is important because then data can be collected as evidence to support the legends.

Re: Conflicts regarding tradition

Posted: 19 Nov 2017, 09:45
by CaitlinGonya
With everything that has happened in my life, I'm a data person. Don't get me wrong I have small traditions (taking my dogs to Starbucks every Sunday for a pup cup) but nothing religiously and/or legendary. I have to see that it works to believe that it works

Re: Conflicts regarding tradition

Posted: 24 Nov 2017, 13:28
by shish_by_design
I agree with all who said both are important. I believe so too.

Re: Conflicts regarding tradition

Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 00:19
by AA1495
walter7 wrote:The two compliment to each other but mostly data should work with legends
I completely agree with you here. The two should definitely compliment each other.

Re: Conflicts regarding tradition

Posted: 28 Nov 2017, 18:59
by Izesicle
Depends on the purpose. Both have their use depending on the situation. I'm a pragmatic person so I would probably choose data but I also like legends because I like literature.

Re: Conflicts regarding tradition

Posted: 30 Nov 2017, 00:01
by ReviewerDiksha
gali wrote: 02 Oct 2017, 04:38 There were a couple of conflicts in the story regarding tradition.

Tom wanted to bury the atlatl he found, while Myra wanted to use it to prevent construction. Later, he came to change his mind, but it was too late due to the destruction of the atlatl.

Myra thought that legends hold more significant than real data, in oppose to Sergei.

Who do you think was right in both cases? What matters most, legends or data?
The legends must have come from a place which were originally supported by data. Over time, things are added or subtracted from that data, and so they are turned into legends. But there is also the case that data changes over time, it doesnt remain the same forever. So harmony between legends, that provide the history, and data, that provides the contemporary, is essential.

Re: Conflicts regarding tradition

Posted: 12 Dec 2017, 14:55
by Insightsintobooks729
I believe legends are important to preseve a people, but I also think data is useful as well. There has to be a middle ground.

Re: Conflicts regarding tradition

Posted: 19 Dec 2017, 09:23
by Star88
Ideally, there should be some ideal middle ground between the two. That can be hard sometimes when the two conflict with each other.

Re: Conflicts regarding tradition

Posted: 20 Dec 2017, 23:30
by Leyla
Legends/traditions are very important in teaching a child their history and for them to appreciate what they have now. Sometimes with time and knowledge, traditions can be altered to include the findings/data. So they are both equally important.