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What did you think about the way this book ended?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017, 18:22
by Christina Rose
Some readers dislike cliffhanger endings, while others don’t mind them. What are your opinions on the ending of End of the Last Great Kingdom?
When I finished the book, I was left feeling eager to read the next. The author left enough open to lead the reader to the next installment, but also brought closure to certain events that happened within this first book. Personally, I enjoyed the ending of this book.

Re: What did you think about the way this book ended?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017, 05:23
by Mercelle
In as much as I enjoyed the end result of Crimson coming together, I would have liked to know the reaction of their fellow schoolmates when they finally got into the school. Another thing I would have liked to know is whether the orcs got to build their own school.

Re: What did you think about the way this book ended?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017, 04:52
by Christina Rose
@Mercy Bolo - I’m eager to find those things out, as well; especially what happens next for Crimson as they walk back onto the School campus.

Re: What did you think about the way this book ended?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017, 20:17
by Megz
I enjoy cliffhanger ending of books since it makes me excited for the next book of the series. I want to know what happens on the school grounds since the gate they went through was in such bad shape.

Re: What did you think about the way this book ended?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 02:49
by Christina Rose
@Megz - I agree. When it comes to books within a series, I enjoy a good cliffhanger. I’m interested in the state of the school and any inhabitants, also. The author made it a point to describe the state of the gate, so I’m sure it’s leading up to something.

Re: What did you think about the way this book ended?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 10:34
by ReyvrexQuestor Reyes
For sure, it will be to the writer's advantage that the readers will be left curious to pursue the story to its conclusion, maybe in two or more books hence. But for me, this could already qualify as a stand-alone book, Brimstone's shortcomings, at least, were vindicated.

Re: What did you think about the way this book ended?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 12:00
by Steph K
In fantasy series I've typically found that there are unresolved plotlines at the end of books. I don't mind at all, since I know the story will continue. The only bad part is if you finish a book on a cliffhanger and don't have a copy of the next book yet!

Re: What did you think about the way this book ended?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017, 00:44
by Christina Rose
Steph K wrote: 04 Dec 2017, 12:00 In fantasy series I've typically found that there are unresolved plotlines at the end of books. I don't mind at all, since I know the story will continue. The only bad part is if you finish a book on a cliffhanger and don't have a copy of the next book yet!
I agree comepletly! There are times I won’t start a series until I own or have access to the entire set. That’s, of course, not the case with this book though. I don’t think the second has been released yet. But, I am eagerly awaiting when it is!

Re: What did you think about the way this book ended?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017, 15:05
by Belynda White
I like to read books that end with those particular books. I don't like to have to look forward for a next one.

Re: What did you think about the way this book ended?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017, 17:48
by Christina Rose
Belynda White wrote: 06 Dec 2017, 15:05 I like to read books that end with those particular books. I don't like to have to look forward for a next one.
Understandable. But with fantasy novels and science fiction, sometimes one book isn’t enough for the full story. There is so much world building and descriptions that have to take place. A saga or series is the only way to do it. 🙃

Re: What did you think about the way this book ended?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017, 18:23
by ReyvrexQuestor Reyes
The author has laid down the foundations for the sequel. And unwittingly, we have already generated a desire to pursue the story further.

Re: What did you think about the way this book ended?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017, 03:03
by Christina Rose
ReyvrexQuestor Reyes wrote: 06 Dec 2017, 18:23 The author has laid down the foundations for the sequel. And unwittingly, we have already generated a desire to pursue the story further.
I definitely have, and can’t wait for the second book!

Re: What did you think about the way this book ended?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017, 07:37
by ReyvrexQuestor Reyes
Christina Rose wrote: 07 Dec 2017, 03:03
ReyvrexQuestor Reyes wrote: 06 Dec 2017, 18:23 The author has laid down the foundations for the sequel. And unwittingly, we have already generated a desire to pursue the story further.
I definitely have, and can’t wait for the second book!
That's too bad. The writer fired his Editor. lol

Re: What did you think about the way this book ended?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017, 14:49
by Quartz
I like the way it ended. For fantasy books, they kind of have to be a cliffhanger type ending to get you to read the next one. I liked the ending and the author did a good job of using that technique. I will be reading the next book for sure.

Re: What did you think about the way this book ended?

Posted: 10 Dec 2017, 08:42
by Booklover1606
I feel that this is the best possible way an author can end a book, provided that there is a sequel (as there is in this case.) It will make the second book just that much more appealing. However, if there is no sequel and a book ends on a cliffhanger, my whole opinion of the book lessens, no matter how good it was.