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Re: What did you learn from “And Then I Met Margaret”?

Posted: 03 Jan 2018, 15:31
by Lebs
First of all, its okay to fail and start again. Secondly, always take note of who is around you and what they have to offer, you do not realise the lessons you can miss because you're not paying attention.

Re: What did you learn from “And Then I Met Margaret”?

Posted: 03 Jan 2018, 18:02
by KlareAllison
Often times, one benefits from hearing/reading some lessons of life over and over again. Rob White's line, "You can't direct the wind, but you can adjust your sails" speaks to me in more ways than one.

Re: What did you learn from “And Then I Met Margaret”?

Posted: 04 Jan 2018, 02:54
by Rosemary Wright
I learnt that the company we keep define who we are and also determine the degree of faith we have in ourselves.

Re: What did you learn from “And Then I Met Margaret”?

Posted: 04 Jan 2018, 06:51
by BookHausJ
Rob White narrated, "Stand for what I believe, and I have the Power to persist." This is a very striking message for me. No matter how challenging comes your way, (adversities, hindrance, pain, struggle etc) if you just believe no reason you can not achieve a Dream. This is what I've learned. Keep on Dreaming and Believing, then one day all Dreams will come true.

Re: What did you learn from “And Then I Met Margaret”?

Posted: 04 Jan 2018, 09:19
by brian360
I learned that with hard work no matter where you are from or background dreams are always achievable even if it takes a long period of time.

Re: What did you learn from “And Then I Met Margaret”?

Posted: 04 Jan 2018, 09:24
by Lest92
AliceofX wrote: 03 Jan 2018, 04:23 To be honest I really can't say I learned anything. The thing that bothered me about the book is that for some people just leading a normal, boring life is a struggle, going through a day without becoming a mess is an achievement. The problem with And Then I Met Margaret is I never felt the author faced any real adversity in his life. Here I'm proud of slowly crawling out of a hole and he's talking about building castles.

Ditto - it may just be my frame of mind but I thought he was starting to taunt me with his real-estate money while yours truly can't even get a lowly admin job. :roll:

Re: What did you learn from “And Then I Met Margaret”?

Posted: 04 Jan 2018, 10:28
by ReyvrexQuestor Reyes
Most of the pieces of advice and teachings in the book could be gleaned from platitudes, ethical standards, moral norms and usual rules for decent behavior, encountered as we grow up. The book seemed to have just restated these to our attention. And one other thing we have forgotten to consider is the fact that while we convey something to people, they also have their own agenda playing in their minds. And to grab a part of their attention is paramount if you have to impart some lesson to them. And here, Margaret exemplified that part.

Re: What did you learn from “And Then I Met Margaret”?

Posted: 05 Jan 2018, 06:42
by Mercelle
From this book, I learned the value of consistent hard work and belief in one's ideals. It is also impressive how the author went on to implement the various lessons he learned along the way.

Re: What did you learn from “And Then I Met Margaret”?

Posted: 05 Jan 2018, 10:38
by Yoli García
Like you, I selected to read and review it in December, and I agree it was a great selection to read when a new year was coming. Rob White is so positive and enthusiastic.

I took a lot from the book. The main lessons I learned were to believe in my self with optimism, dream big, and work with passion and grit.

I am glad that you also had a great experience reading And Then I Met Margaret.

Re: What did you learn from “And Then I Met Margaret”?

Posted: 05 Jan 2018, 11:32
by MaryBurris
My main take away from the book was to be kind and generous to everyone. You never truly know the full impact that you have on others.

Re: What did you learn from “And Then I Met Margaret”?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018, 06:06
by CaitlynLynch
I think I learned the important lesson that even what we think may be going to be a minor chance encounter with a complete stranger, could actually really change your life. Pay attention to those you meet, because sometimes they have an important life lesson to teach you.

Re: What did you learn from “And Then I Met Margaret”?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018, 18:05
by N_R
I think that the thing that really struck out for me was about being fearless in the world and not limiting yourself. There was a strong message about the fact that you hold yourself back from many things in life and there is a lot to be said for positive affirmations and being very real with yourself.

Re: What did you learn from “And Then I Met Margaret”?

Posted: 07 Jan 2018, 06:19
by Al Chakauya
Personally, I did not see any new lessons emanating from me reading the book, but I got reinforcements for lessons I have learnt in life before. Paramount to this notion is that you can learn something from unexpected ordinary random 'Gurus' you meet in life, even in unexpected places.

Re: What did you learn from “And Then I Met Margaret”?

Posted: 07 Jan 2018, 13:37
by Tj_baller
What I learned is that there is something to be learned from the people you meet and through that, you can develop your own wisdom.

Re: What did you learn from “And Then I Met Margaret”?

Posted: 07 Jan 2018, 16:58
by Manang Muyang
fergie wrote: 02 Jan 2018, 09:46 I think my main take-away from it - although there were many great lines, as Sahani says above - is to be very aware of the people around you in life and the lessons they can all teach. That lessons may come quite randomly from someone you don't know well, or bump into in a shop. You don't need lifestyle gurus and expensive courses in motivation and how to live, just look at those around you and keep your eyes and mind open. When I think about the people in my own life, there are constant examples of people who've done really well, often against adverse circumstances, because they've kept going and kept cheerful. And others who are endlessly negative and show how not to live life.
Well said, Fergie. It seems we have more in common than our avatar, LOL. No book can answer all life's questions. (Even the Bible fails in that aspect because we don't read it often enough or heed its lessons.) Some unhappy readers say hard work alone isn't enough to succeed. True, but that doesn't mean hard work isn't necessary.