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Re: Who is your favourite Ordinary Guru in the book and why?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018, 09:32
by celiiia
Aunt Teresa, lol.

Re: Who is your favourite Ordinary Guru in the book and why?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018, 14:59
by Strongbob25
Honestly the very first story with aunt Teresa was the best one. She gave up a lot for little Bobby and he love for him is obvious throughout the pages. The great pain she lives through, and her love of her nephews and nieces being strong enough to overcome such pains, is really an actual worthwhile life less. The rest of the book sort of goes downhill from there.

Re: Who is your favourite Ordinary Guru in the book and why?

Posted: 04 Feb 2018, 09:02
by thelittlelibrary
My favourite was Peter (the last guru). I loved his insistency that he wasn't going to die. I also loved the Aunt because she was very selfless. Both of these I thought were more inspirational than Margaret so may have been better for the title

Re: Who is your favourite Ordinary Guru in the book and why?

Posted: 04 Feb 2018, 10:19
by Chigozie Anuli Mbadugha
I do have great difficulty choosing my best guru but these three come really close; The janitor, Aunt Theresa and Dr Tucker. They were like a breath of fresh air. I salute their selflessness, courage and wisdom!

Re: Who is your favourite Ordinary Guru in the book and why?

Posted: 06 Feb 2018, 20:46
by NeonKay
Definitely, aunt Teresa and Margaret :lol: Both of them do inspire me especially on how they are characterized to perceive life in the story.

Re: Who is your favourite Ordinary Guru in the book and why?

Posted: 09 Feb 2018, 09:51
by Samy Lax
That's a really tough question...But, of all the gurus in the book, I guess I liked Debbie a wee bit more than the others. Rob benefited so much from her wise words.

And it's not just Rob, I think I benefited so much from what she said too. I have now started seeing myself in a completely new light (at least I am trying to) and am now giving myself more points for my intelligence (which I just started realizing and valuing).

Re: Who is your favourite Ordinary Guru in the book and why?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018, 08:07
by daratega11
My favourite guru in the book is the deer. I was thrilled when it looked back in appreciation to what the author did by saving him.

Re: Who is your favourite Ordinary Guru in the book and why?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018, 13:58
by Palfree
My favorite guru was the professor. He could have turned Rob in for cheating and ruined his chance for a college education. Instead, he chose to give Rob another chance. It was hard to pick one favorite. It seems Rob met his gurus at times in his life when he really needed their advice and was able to apply it.

Re: Who is your favourite Ordinary Guru in the book and why?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018, 22:29
by Mitchell Starc
I felt the Janitor was a strong inspiration to myself, as he was pivotal to getting Rob out of his comfort zone and it produced a long and attracting story

Re: Who is your favourite Ordinary Guru in the book and why?

Posted: 15 Feb 2018, 19:12
by Annogor
My favourite ordinary guru is the Peanut seller. His personality just shown forth. A very likeable character i must say. But most of all i liked the lerson that comes with “i decided not to die Bawbby”. It just reassures me that with the right mindset a simple decision may be all the miracle you need!.

Re: Who is your favourite Ordinary Guru in the book and why?

Posted: 16 Feb 2018, 01:57
by Insomniac07
I loved Aunt Theresa and the college professor and Debbie the best.

Re: Who is your favourite Ordinary Guru in the book and why?

Posted: 16 Feb 2018, 13:25
by Cate Mbevi
Pete the school cleaner is my favourite guru. He challenges me in that he did not cling to Rob nor allow Rod to keep hanging out with him. This was for the sake of Rob's growth. For me it would have been tempting as a cleaner to want always to enjoy a student's company.

Re: Who is your favourite Ordinary Guru in the book and why?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018, 12:32
by Mekkinism
My favorite was Pete. It did make me a touch sad though, because I wish my dad had made that same decision to take care of his health. It was particularly poignant to me because I've been up close and personal with the results of not following Pete's path.

Re: Who is your favourite Ordinary Guru in the book and why?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018, 08:43
by Philip Chepsingil
My favorite is the lecturer in the story Shakespeare In My Left Pants Pocket that is Dr. Tucker. He is one good teacher who can give second chance to his students. Just as he was patient and kind to try to understand Rob's reason for cheating in exams and gave him a second chance instead letting the institution's regulations to take its course on Rob's case.

Re: Who is your favourite Ordinary Guru in the book and why?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018, 07:47
by TheWriteAngel
I liked the college professor. A supposedly strict professor giving a student a second chance, which impacted the author's life greatly and changed approach to life, it was heart-warming. Another one of my favourite gurus was Aunt Theresa. Her selflessness and generosity to protect someone else's feelings and the lengths she went for it while suffering herself is quite endearing. I think this is a level of compassion that we should aspire to.