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Did you foresee Amanda's death? - The Reel Sisters by Michelle Cummings

Posted: 04 May 2020, 20:15
by FEislandqueen13
Book: The Reel Sisters by Michelle Cummings

Did you foresee Amanda's death? :o
I didn't.
Once I reached the part where Veronica was on the plane experiencing bad weather and she began praying and texting her last words to her husband, I was sure she would die. Two chapters later, I learn that Amanda died in a car crash. :snooty: This made me cry. :cry2: :cry2: :cry2:

Re: Did you foresee Amanda's death? - The Reel Sisters by Michelle Cummings

Posted: 11 May 2020, 03:53
by Leen282
I was the same. The writing style indicated something big was about to happen, but I was not expecting this. And yes, I did get emotional when reading about it and reading about how the other friends took the news.

Re: Did you foresee Amanda's death? - The Reel Sisters by Michelle Cummings

Posted: 11 May 2020, 19:00
by khaulah
Not at all, It was out of the blue. Even if I were to imagine any character's death in the book, Amanda would have been the last one on the list. It was so shocking and sad.

Re: Did you foresee Amanda's death? - The Reel Sisters by Michelle Cummings

Posted: 12 May 2020, 07:39
by Jeanht
Amanda's death was completely unexpected. It was a very sad part of the book.
I was just preparing myself to face Veronica's death, when Bam!-Amanda dies.

Re: Did you foresee Amanda's death? - The Reel Sisters by Michelle Cummings

Posted: 13 May 2020, 14:28
by Bookreviwer2020
It was completely unexpected since she seemed like the last person to die. She was one of the youngest with small children and her husband just came back from the war. This made it far more sad and heart ranching to read that...especially the way it happened. I felt so see for her children and husband

Re: Did you foresee Amanda's death? - The Reel Sisters by Michelle Cummings

Posted: 13 May 2020, 16:37
by Alyssa
I didn’t see it coming at all, what a surprise. I don’t think anyone else’s death would have hit me the way Amanda’s did, with her husband going back and such young children. It was devastating for the family.

Re: Did you foresee Amanda's death? - The Reel Sisters by Michelle Cummings

Posted: 18 May 2020, 19:18
by JGretz-7
There was definitely something big about to happen, but it could have been with any of the characters. The severity of the storm played out in all of the characters lives, from the camping trip, the plane ride, and to the accident. Amanda's life with her young family was cut way too short. I think Cummings made that choice as no one would be unaffected by it. It was Amanda's poor choice to head back out into the storm rather than to deal with her husband and the emotions his decision to return would force upon her. A moment of hastiness can forever change your reality.

Re: Did you foresee Amanda's death? - The Reel Sisters by Michelle Cummings

Posted: 22 May 2020, 08:45
by Ria710
Definitely not. I was in complete shock when it happened. She was my favourite character, so it was hard to see her go.

Re: Did you foresee Amanda's death? - The Reel Sisters by Michelle Cummings

Posted: 22 May 2020, 18:00
by mariana90
I thought it was so completely out of the blue, it belonged to another novel.

Re: Did you foresee Amanda's death? - The Reel Sisters by Michelle Cummings

Posted: 22 May 2020, 23:17
by enigmas_corner
Not at all. It seemed like she'll be the one to survive till last. That came as a total surprise.

Re: Did you foresee Amanda's death? - The Reel Sisters by Michelle Cummings

Posted: 24 May 2020, 21:50
by Becccccca+98
I did not see that coming at all! I thought we were going to lose Veronica and then BAM Amanda's dead. That was hard, I was really rooting for her.

Re: Did you foresee Amanda's death? - The Reel Sisters by Michelle Cummings

Posted: 29 May 2020, 07:08
by baldgi84
For me, it was very unexpected. I didn't see that coming.

Re: Did you foresee Amanda's death? - The Reel Sisters by Michelle Cummings

Posted: 09 Jun 2020, 02:19
by Honest-reviewer
Absolutely not! I felt really bad after I read that. I liked her character a lot. I know it’s a fiction, but thinking about her kids made me feel terrible!

Re: Did you foresee Amanda's death? - The Reel Sisters by Michelle Cummings

Posted: 11 Jun 2020, 04:45
by Samgum50
This was one of the most shocking things I read. I never expected it to happen and I totally didn't see it coming at all.

Re: Did you foresee Amanda's death? - The Reel Sisters by Michelle Cummings

Posted: 17 Jun 2020, 08:42
by Teddyquam
Complete blindside for me. It was only when they were planning her funeral that I accepted she was gone. I still had hope that she would have just been injured and survived.