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Re: The Final Notice Option

Posted: 22 Jun 2018, 07:49
by anwidmer
DancingLady wrote: 02 Mar 2018, 09:38 I would absolutely not! My personal reasons being that I believe in living every day like it’s quite possibly my last. If some device was supposed to tell me when I had only a short time left, it would be easy to slip into a mindset of thinking I have time until otherwise notified, when that might not be true, and that would mean wasting today, potentially neglecting the work God has for me because I’m assuming I will still be here tomorrow.

That said, I wouldn’t wear a smart watch anyway. I had a fitness tracker briefly but tossed it over radiation concerns that nobody could ever talk me out of. I just don’t want any device that can receive or transmit information continually remaining within 3ft of my body.
I agree!! Shouldnt we be living like its our last day anyway? Tell those we love how we feel on a daily basis and doing what we can to live a happy and fufilling life regardless of what that means for us personally. The idea of knowi g when i will go is actually more scary to me then not k owing and id rather tey my best to live like its my last every single day

Re: The Final Notice Option

Posted: 30 Jun 2018, 08:23
by Mallory Porshnev
I don't know how I feel about the option. I personally wouldn't want to know, but I'd like to think there's no harm in allowing people to find out if they wish.

Re: The Final Notice Option

Posted: 30 Jun 2018, 21:41
by Karl Lars
Christina Rose wrote: 01 Mar 2018, 11:15 A sports watch has been developed by Dr. Vijay Patel that could measure, analyze, diagnose, and predict complex health issues. Dr. Patel has also developed a “Final Notice” option that advises the user of certain death within a user-selected number of days. Is this an option that you would consider for your own sports watch? Do you feel like it was wrong to include the Final Notice option in the original test group for this watch?
Yes. This would be assisted suicide and morally unacceptable. Anything that sanctions suicide is wrong.

Re: The Final Notice Option

Posted: 02 Jul 2018, 11:08
by chupke07
I think I would want to know. That way I could take care of my final issues and make sure my loved ones feel loved. My father left a mess when he passed away and I would not want to do that to my husband.

Re: The Final Notice Option

Posted: 10 Jul 2018, 07:02
by Jillpillbooknerd
I personally would not use the Final Notice option if I had one of the watches. But I think the Final Notice itself is a useful option to have in order to say goodbye or get all of your affairs in order. Just like most things, there will be people that take advantage of a good thing to use it for their own gain.

Re: The Final Notice Option

Posted: 01 Aug 2018, 19:52
by Jennifer Fernandez
I personally wouldn't want to know.

Re: The Final Notice Option

Posted: 30 Aug 2018, 12:26
by Mindy Conahye
I think I would rather hear it from a doctor that my time is running out. It seems so impersonal to reach a final notice by a watch. I also don't think it should have been something rolled out with the alpha or beta test group. I think it should have been something introduced later on. I think it would have been a better option to have it notify the person to reach out to their doctor as soon as possible so then the doctor could gauge how the person handled the news.

Re: The Final Notice Option

Posted: 16 Sep 2018, 20:57
by Rain18
There is absolutely no way that I would want that feature on a watch. I couldn't imagine going about my day and then all of a sudden seeing this Final Notice message and getting the subsequent phone call from my doctor. I would hope that I would be aware of my health issues before a watch told me that I was about to die.

Re: The Final Notice Option

Posted: 04 Feb 2019, 19:50
by Jessacardinal
I am 100% sure I do not want to know. I would never accept a watch like this one. The Final Notice option is what sets the VT2 apart from other watches. The test group would have been unnecessary if the watch were tracking the same health stats all of the preexisting watches test.

Re: The Final Notice Option

Posted: 06 Feb 2019, 11:36
by angiejack456
Both of my parents recently passed away. They both got sick and died within weeks of each other. It was a very difficult and hard time to watch them pass. My siblings and I often wondered which was worse: knowing they were dying and watching it happen, or to have them die in an accident with no preparation time to accept their loss. I think most of us came to the conclusion that knowing in advance was slightly better as it gave us time to accept the inevitable. I think the idea of a "Final Notice" would be preferable as well.

Re: The Final Notice Option

Posted: 14 Feb 2019, 14:10
by Delaney35
I wouldn't want to know. Yes, it would give me time to say goodbye, but it would also make my last days full of regret for everything I hadn't had time to do.

Re: The Final Notice Option

Posted: 18 Feb 2019, 11:46
by labibliofile
I don't think I'd want to know, I would just spend the last few days feeling depressed and constantly anxious!

Re: The Final Notice Option

Posted: 24 Feb 2019, 20:52
by Gurpreet Arora
I would certainly not want to be told by my watch when I were about to die. The thing basically tells me that every day that I do not meet my step goal! Then, on days that I do meet my step goal, I feel like it might just be that day! I would rather live each day, each moment as if it were going to be my last! Well, at least do as much as I am able, enjoy as much as I can, without the looming knowledge that in a said number of days it would be my last. It is an interesting concept, and I would not judge anyone who would want to know when their last day would be, but I would rather not.

Re: The Final Notice Option

Posted: 21 Mar 2019, 02:29
by Renu G
Personally, I would not want to have such an option on my watch.

Re: The Final Notice Option

Posted: 05 Apr 2019, 12:28
by Prisallen
I don't think I would want to know. I think most of us have hope normally, and knowing that we are going to die within a certain number of days would take hope away.