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Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 13 Jul 2018, 09:04
by ArriettyClock
I think it's a bit more than just strength or weakness. People may feel like they have no choice - such as if they've reported similar issues previously and nothing has happened, if they fear for their job, or if the person is in a higher position - especially in a male dominated field.
It would be a lot easier for Angela not to do anything, but then it's weighing up whether she can put up with the sexual harassment and if she fears for her safety..... so maybe it hadn't yet got to the breaking point?

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 14 Jul 2018, 04:42
by garima597
I found angela's initial forbearance of sexual harrasment to protect her career a sign of weakness because it depicts her lack of strength to face a situation. There are many situations in our life where we have to accept and adjust around certain behavior of other people but the acceptance of sexual harrasment due to any reason is wrong.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 16 Jul 2018, 12:11
by bruin
Interesting questions, I didn't think of her actions as a strength or weakness. She just handled her situation that she felt would be best for her at that time. It is a difficult position to be in, which is sadly very common. As a female, it is hard to decide if it is worth putting your foot down when you feel like you can just walk away and not respond with the hopes that it will just stop. At the same time, it's time that women speak up when any of these things happen, but the truth is that it is still very hard to do so.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 17 Jul 2018, 06:20
by [Valerie Allen]
Wow! Sad, but true. Yes, I think both, a measure of weakness and strength. Sometimes it's easier said than done.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 18 Jul 2018, 14:47
by haleygerstenberg
Sexual harassment is such a power-driven issue, I feel like Angela being in a position of lower authority makes it less about her character how she reacted and more about her need to try and keep existing in a less-than-idea environment... You do the best you can, I guess.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 19 Jul 2018, 09:52
by emkinney4
Choosing between standing up for yourself and protecting your career is such a prevalent issue, and for a long time hardly anyone would dare to speak up when faced with such a powerful predator. It's only in the past year or so that we've really started to see victims of sexual assault and harassment speak up, and it's had such a widespread impact. I'd be curious to see what impact the #MeToo movement would have on how Angela handles the situation.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 20 Jul 2018, 19:33
by RebeccasReading
I think Angela's behavior shows she a survivor, and that she will do what she needs to do in order to get by. Many women don't report sexual harassment at work because they think it's unfair that their career could suffer because of the actions of a man. Standing up for yourself is great in theory, but it can't always be done in every circumstance. Every woman has to do what's best for her at that time.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 21 Jul 2018, 07:29
by Anthony Martial Tata
I agree, it isn't easy to resist sexual actions especially when they are from a person who can either make or break your career. However, the target of sexual harassment should stand firm on their ground. Giving in would be a win for the offenders.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 23 Jul 2018, 14:49
by Vickie Noel
kfwilson6 wrote: 12 Jun 2018, 22:44
kjarch1228 wrote: 12 Jun 2018, 00:10 I would not be judgemental of the actions of any woman being put into such a terrible circumstance. It's not something that anyone should have to put up with although many do. It takes strength to stay and it takes strength to leave.
Well said. In this type of situation reaching out for help is smart, never weak. People have to protect themselves as best they can. Angela was pretty smart in attempting to balance not ticking Scordato off and not letting him make any headway. Unfortunately, I believe Alex saved her from what was about to turn into a dicey situation. I say unfortunately because I don't know what she would have done next. I don't think she was willing to report him.
I agree that it was smart of Angela to balance the Scordato situation such that he makes no progress without knowing she was blocking him off outrightly. It takes a certain skill to manage that situation in the interim until she figured out a permanent solution.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 25 Jul 2018, 00:17
by Yssimnar
Angela rocked the situation. She survived and managed to keep herself safe after knowing her boss probably broke into her apartment.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 25 Jul 2018, 09:57
by Chandler_Greg
Unfortunately, her story is one of thousands. The #metoo movement has shown only the tip of the iceberg. Far too many women have suffered sexual harassment at work, school, and elsewhere. In this case, as has been pointed out, her career depended on her receiving a positive report from the man who preyed on here. As an intern, she may have been under even more pressure than a regular employee, and may not have had as many of the protections. Her situation is also not helped by the rarity of positions in her chosen field. The chances of leaving for an equivalent position are much lower than they would be if she were a receptionist, secretary, etc.. where there are always more openings.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 25 Jul 2018, 19:30
by taffylee81
I think she should have notified HR if nothing else as she may not have been the only person he has harassed. I think it’s also seen as a bit more serious when someone in a position of authority is the harasser as they can use their position as an implied threat. This is why she should have dealt with it as soon as it started as it can also stop it from escalating.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 28 Jul 2018, 03:15
by kwame1977
It's not easy to ward off sexual harassment at working at workplace. One therefore has to choose between career.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 29 Jul 2018, 05:35
by Oscar Osman
I think that Angela handled the situation maturely by denying sex in an attempt to retain her job.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 03 Aug 2018, 02:23
by Bookcool123
Strength. She balances the advantages and disadvantages that may arise from such predicament.