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Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 03 Aug 2018, 09:01
by Dusamae
I think being a female in a workplace you grow accustomed to men thinking that all women want them. I think given Angela's position she showed great strength in putting up with his devious behavior. When it got out of hand she showed strength in leaving a career she wanted so badly, but not bad enough to lower herself.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 03 Aug 2018, 13:25
by Hollyrobb42
Jillpillbooknerd wrote: 09 Jun 2018, 07:03 As someone who has worked in an office setting where we had one of our employees get fired for sexual harassment, I don't think her reactions were really a strength or weakness. It's very hard to report someone that is in power or directly above you. I was glad that Angela was able to get out of that situation without it being worse for her. I liked the way that the author handled everything about that.
It’s interesting to hear this. It’s fine to say that you’d do or say something, but when in the actual situation it becomes so much harder- like reporting someone with more authority than you. I do agree about the way the author handled it.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 04 Aug 2018, 13:42
by Nelsy Mtsweni
I also agree that this situation is not black and white as it seems. There is a lot that this woman went through, on emotional level even. Humans are not like robots where they are expected to react in a certain way when something happens, or a button is pushed. That is why different women or men respond differently to the same situations they encounter.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 04 Aug 2018, 16:39
by kamanden
It seems like every woman has gone through some sort of sexual harassment at their places of work. I feel that it is very important to stand one's ground but do it very wisely. This way you can keep both your career and dignity.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 05 Aug 2018, 13:51
by pixiequeer
It does not stand out to me as a strength or a weakness. But if you had to put it that way, well, here's a break down of my thoughts:

It was strong of her to deal with it for her career.

It was weak to not tell anyone because she feared risking her career.

I'm not saying that she herself is weak because she didn't say anything. What I am saying is she should not have not said anything just for her career because no amount of money is worth the violation of your body without your consent.

She put up with it because she felt like she had to, but that was also the same reason why she didn't tell anyone.

I think she should have told someone higher up and I don't think she would have lost her job. That's just my guess after seeing what happened when Alex reported the evidence to the board.

Either way it was not a strength or a weakness. It is hard enough to confide in someone about something like that. The fear of losing your job just makes it harder, but in my opinion isn't worth it.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 11 Aug 2018, 01:24
by David Horta Alonso
Endurance is not proof of weakness. Angela did that to protect her career. Fortunately, Scordato did not succeed in his sexual gestures towards Angela.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 12 Aug 2018, 15:21
by sam_jennifer_may
This topic is so relevant in today’s climate, especially with the #MeToo movement and Harvey Weinstein scandal. Whilst I would like to believe I would stand up for myself regardless of the consequence, I think it’s clear by the actions of people all over the world it’s not that easy. I don’t think Angela’s actions were a sign or strength nor weakness. People deal with things in different ways. These people are victims, and I don’t think people should be labelled as weak or strong because of how they respond to sexual harassment. Focus should be on labelling those individuals who sexually harass others as weak, they choose to target individuals who can be manipulated.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 14 Aug 2018, 21:00
by jjmainor
I think to say she was weak for not pushing back sooner would amount to victim blaming.

What struck me, and maybe I'm alone on this, was that she goes to work for Alex and immediately gives in to his advances. The first time he met Angela, she was in a trance and engaged in a hot kiss that she wouldn't remember. Then he confesses to it, and she's not at all creeped out by it. "By the way, I took advantage of you when you were out of your mind." Then he hires her and all the two of them can think about is sex. Maybe it's just me, but the only difference I saw between him and Scordato was that he as a lot slicker, and in Angela's mind, he was more attractive.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 15 Aug 2018, 00:55
by David Horta Alonso
I saw strength in the forbearance of Dr. Scordato sexual advances. You do not resign from your work place simply because you're sexually harassed. If that were the case, there would be no employees at the work places today.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 21 Aug 2018, 20:50
by Babarino
Keeping your job and career is a matter of survival if you are the breadwinner for your household. It is a matter of practicality, not strength or weakness.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 25 Aug 2018, 15:52
by palmerNgozi
its fascinating how the author wrote about her getting out of that harrasment, its not really easy for someone to leave such situation.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 25 Aug 2018, 19:27
by Sharill Rasowo
I also do not think its either. The right approach to such situations is usually hard to find because as you have mentioned the methods employed are subtle. If she complained to management, she would have been asked to provide proof which would be hard. If she decided to quit, she would have lost her source of income.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 13 Sep 2018, 18:55
by RT_offscript
Zain A Blade wrote: 08 Jun 2018, 14:21 I found the author to be astute in her portrayal of sexual predators. The antics employed by Dr. Alberto Scordato to subdue his potential victim, Angela, were at times subtle such as alternating between putting her down and showing false concern; and at times his maneuvers were quite overt and physical. One thing's sure: none of it was lost on Angela. Understandably, it is not easy to ward off sexual harassment, especially if it's coming from a person who can make or break your career. Given her circumstances, do you think Angela's initial forbearance of Dr. Scordato's sexual advances to save her career is a measure of character weakness or strength?
Hi Zain A Blade -

You pose a very interesting topic and question. :)

I think that Angela's initial forbearance is normal. As a woman who is very dedicated to her career but also suffered from the occasional impostor syndrome, I can understand Angela's hesitation. Even though the museum director is wrong, Angela could be evaluating herself and the situation - convincing herself of a better tomorrow if she changed certain things.

In the end, however, I think Angela showed strength by abruptly leaving her internship position - especially since she was unsure about the consequences of her actions on her career.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 15 Sep 2018, 17:43
by ems2
Reporting sexual harassment is never easy, and I sympathize with her. However, the question about the others in the work environment who may be subject to similar episodes comes to mind. Of course, it is easy for me to say this without having to endure any consequences. I think I would try to persuade others in the office to confront the boss as a group.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 16 Sep 2018, 21:27
by Rain18
Angela was not weak for being victimized. Too many females that find themselves in these predicaments feel as if they are hopeless and do not know where to go for help. They fear that if they say anything, things will only get worse for them - including the possibility of losing their jobs. So often they suffer in silence until they can quit and move on. Angela felt like her dream job was at stake. Her chance to make it in the art world, she thought, was worth putting up with her scumbag boss. That is, until it wasn't. Then she quit. That's strength.