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Re: Why is da Vinci’s name on the cover?

Posted: 18 Nov 2018, 02:27
by Nusrat_Shabnam_
I don't think that it was unethical. But yeah I guess it has been highly used for increasing the sales of the book.

Re: Why is da Vinci’s name on the cover?

Posted: 19 Nov 2018, 11:54
by serendipity 27
I guess it's a version of click bait for books like they do on internet videos. For those history buffs who love reading about da Vinci, this would immediately grab their attention. It's a smart ploy and the author needs to do what they can to grab the readers attention. However, it is not just a ploy in that his character's actions are integral to the plot of the story.

Re: Why is da Vinci’s name on the cover?

Posted: 18 Dec 2018, 15:27
by Theresa Moffitt
I think it was because the painting they were searching for was a DaVinci . I think it may have caught the attention of more readers/buyers since DaVinci is so well known and familiar

Re: Why is da Vinci’s name on the cover?

Posted: 13 Feb 2019, 07:32
by Robby Chandra
the name leonardo davinchi has a great attraction as a scientist from the Renaissance era, who doesn't know Davinchi, I think many people know about it and this is a magnet for the title of a book.

Re: Why is da Vinci’s name on the cover?

Posted: 02 Jul 2019, 04:07
by Hiruni Bhagya 81
It can be considered as a marketing strategy to include Da Vinci's name in the title for he is world renowned person. But, we can't fault the author for this as the missing painting was done by Da Vinci and it's the piece holding the threads together.

Re: Why is da Vinci’s name on the cover?

Posted: 02 Aug 2019, 08:50
by supernatural143
The author of "The Girl Who Knew da Vinci" is using da Vinci's name as a marketing strategy but it is not unethical. The plot of the book revolves around the lost da Vinci painting, but anything from da Vinci's life was not even discussed. The title is a bit misleading as to what a reader first think upon reading the title and what he could read in the contents.

Re: Why is da Vinci’s name on the cover?

Posted: 23 Aug 2019, 16:00
by dcw
I don't think that it's unethical to use da Vinci's name on the cover. I think it was used to reference the missing painting in the storyline. But, I guess, it certainly wouldn't hurt marketing either! :lol:

Re: Why is da Vinci’s name on the cover?

Posted: 07 Sep 2019, 22:26
by Chipochashe
I think da Vinci's name there is simply used as an attention grabber. Since the story is centred around the artist's missing work, it may be a fitting marketing strategy. I had also hoped the book would be about day Vinci's art, but instead it is a romance.

Re: Why is da Vinci’s name on the cover?

Posted: 10 Feb 2020, 20:16
by AlexisLib
I think using da Vinci in the title works with the plot, and yes it is also marketing. Marketing isn't necessarily unethical. I was more bothered by all the Harry Potter rip-offs that appeared after the success of the first book. Did you know that there are publishers that hire people to write books like that? Sometimes they are teams of people. Often these publishers are called book packagers and their sole purpose is to make money. But I digress. This book also takes advantage of "The Girl Who (or With)..." books. But I never felt like the title was gratuitous or didn't relate to the story, and I did feel that the story was original, not just a rehash of The Da Vinci Code.

Re: Why is da Vinci’s name on the cover?

Posted: 28 May 2020, 00:12
by Jajachris
Whether the name of Da-Vinci was there as a marketing strategy or not, I don't think it is a completely bad Idea. There have been a lot of books using that name and there will be a lot more so there is nothing unethical about it.

Re: Why is da Vinci’s name on the cover?

Posted: 06 Sep 2021, 04:23
by Medhansh Bhardwaj
I think it's ethical, as there were enough references to Da Vinci's work in the book to name it after him. And regarding the marketing strategy, it's done a pretty good job- it got my attention at least. So, I would consider it as an ethical marketing strategy.

Re: Why is da Vinci’s name on the cover?

Posted: 19 Jun 2022, 20:16
by Simmons32
I don’t think it’s unethical. The mystery was centered around Leonardo da Vinci’s painting, so I actually think it’s quite fitting.

Re: Why is da Vinci’s name on the cover?

Posted: 25 Aug 2022, 16:03
by bishop_444
I think using Da Vinci's name helps draw readers to the book. I see everyone comparing it to Dan Brown's book, and I understand some of it, but the only relevance is the name Da Vinci. I for one was interested in this book, but have never been drawn to Dan Brown's. I don't think that using his name is unethical, especially since one of his paintings is what ties the story together. I understand the person that posted this question's point of view and if you wanted to dig deep, the author probably did use the name for marketing strategy. But no, I don't believe it was/is unethical in any way.

Re: Why is da Vinci’s name on the cover?

Posted: 10 Nov 2022, 23:36
by Stacey Harkins 1
I thought it was perfect. The entire story revolves around a lost DaVinci painting. So that is a great title!

Re: Why is da Vinci’s name on the cover?

Posted: 12 Nov 2022, 04:46
by Reema Aydieh
I think that yes, having Leonardo da Vinci's name on the cover is a potential marketing strategy. People will see it and books with similar covers (colors, and names) will come to mind, making them pick it up. But his painting was the central mystery of this book, so it seemed fitting to have his name on the cover.