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Re: Does this remind you of The Da Vinci Code?

Posted: 17 Jul 2018, 06:33
by [Valerie Allen]
I hear ya! But, unlike The Da Vinci Code, the movie by Dan Brown, I find that The Girl Who Knew Da Vinci is about past lovers who expose themselves to modern-day lovers, regarding Leonardo da Vinci's most infamous secret painting. Or shall we say the painting that no one ever thought existed? However, I also believe the similarities detract from the book for because I kept referring back to The Da Vinci Code.

Re: Does this remind you of The Da Vinci Code?

Posted: 17 Jul 2018, 23:02
by crediblereading2
The similarities lie in the name of the author.

Re: Does this remind you of The Da Vinci Code?

Posted: 19 Jul 2018, 06:19
by Northernbird84
From reading the blurb I got Da Vinci Code vibes but from other comments it seems that the novels take two different paths.

Re: Does this remind you of The Da Vinci Code?

Posted: 19 Jul 2018, 08:46
by OloladeO
I think the only similarity was the fact that Da Vinci was mentioned. They have different storylines. Rather disappointing!

Re: Does this remind you of The Da Vinci Code?

Posted: 21 Jul 2018, 08:26
by chupke07
This book is more of a mix of genres and focuses on the human element more than the cryptic mystery of the painting. I can see where the assumption of similarity would be, but reading the story it doesn't remind me of it at all.

Re: Does this remind you of The Da Vinci Code?

Posted: 21 Jul 2018, 13:16
by ReviewerDiksha
The Da Vinci Code is one of my favourites and I must say that the title of this book (The Girl Who Kew Da Vinci) reminded me of it. It also reminded me of a show that used to air a couple of years ago, Da Vinci's Demons. Though it was set in the time of Da Vinci (it was based on his life and adventures as a young man, however it was more true to fantasy than reality), it, too, shared some similarities that you have mentioned. Finding clues in arts, going places to find something of questionable existence, and running against time. I think that since Da Vinci was connected to art, every story with his involvement will include art in one way or another. And other themes are pretty common too. Writers use them all the time. What matters is how they present it to the readers.

Re: Does this remind you of The Da Vinci Code?

Posted: 21 Jul 2018, 18:29
by ea_anthony
They say imitation is the greatest form of flattery, I don't really care for similarities all I care for is a good story. Themes will always have similar threads that run through them, it's the delivery that will set them apart.

Re: Does this remind you of The Da Vinci Code?

Posted: 21 Jul 2018, 19:56
by Swiftmover07
I think Dan Brown's books are more complex and mind bending in nature. This book not so much but that's not to say that it isn't a good read

Re: Does this remind you of The Da Vinci Code?

Posted: 22 Jul 2018, 14:46
by Anthony Martial Tata
Definitely. The books share so many similarities. For instance, romance.

Re: Does this remind you of The Da Vinci Code?

Posted: 22 Jul 2018, 16:31
by xBibliobibulix
I thoroughly enjoyed both The Girl Who Knew da Vinci and The Da Vinci Code. I think the art subject is definitely a concurrent theme through both books. The Da Vinci Code is definitely more of a puzzle like thriller compared to The Girl Who Knew da Vinci which is more of a relaxing read.

Re: Does this remind you of The Da Vinci Code?

Posted: 22 Jul 2018, 17:31
by FictionLover
It reminded me a little of the DaVinci Code, but the Davinci code was much more about hidden riddles and secret identities.

It also reminds me of a book called The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson which is about a man who is injured in a car accident who then meets a woman in the hospital - (she is a sculptress who is working on a gargoyle, if I remember right) who claims they have have been lovers in several past lifetimes and she tells him the stories of their past lives.

Re: Does this remind you of The Da Vinci Code?

Posted: 23 Jul 2018, 02:09
by hardex123
I think the only resemblance is the name of the great artist. the two books have different themes so I don't see a necessity to see common things

Re: Does this remind you of The Da Vinci Code?

Posted: 23 Jul 2018, 06:03
by JHuschle519
I really didn't see too many similarities between the two books, with the exception of the name da Vinci of course. The Da Vinci Code was all about tackling ancient puzzles, with many surprise plot twists popping up throughout the novel. The only real puzzle in The Girl Who Knew da Vinci was figuring out the location of the painting, but even that wasn't figured out with logic and knowledge, but more so do to flashes of a past life.

Re: Does this remind you of The Da Vinci Code?

Posted: 23 Jul 2018, 14:25
by Vickie Noel
Wow, I must be the only one who hasn't read the Da Vinci Code yet so I wouldn't know if there are more similarities than differences. I best put an end to this ignorance real quick!

Re: Does this remind you of The Da Vinci Code?

Posted: 25 Jul 2018, 12:11
by Telo_2018
As far as the themes of this book are concerned, the only similarity I see is in the title.