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Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 06 Jul 2018, 02:54
by kellywest
Meanwhile,I have'nt read the book but nevertheless,I think it is not easy to just ignore sexual harassment especially if it's from a person who can destroy your career and future.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 06 Jul 2018, 06:59
by María Andrea Fernández Sepúlveda
DeeA wrote: 05 Jul 2018, 20:39
Lunastella wrote: 09 Jun 2018, 07:27 I´ve been in this situation. Well, I´m not an art historian but in a "he can make or break your career" and my livelihood depended on the job, and it´s very hard to totally put your foot down, even with all the feelings of disgust and all the red flags. I think Angela acted very humanly, which gives major points to the author in my opinion because it´s a very delicate topic to handle.
I agree with this fear for the loss of your source of survival can force one to keep quiet in such situations, no matter how disgusted you may feel about it.
Yes, it´s really hard to make a "right" choice in this situation. And that´s exactly what some people, men, in this case, take advantage of. They know you depend on them to make a living and they prey on that.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 06 Jul 2018, 09:13
by juliecsa
I believe it is a measure of strength. It is so difficult to put up with sexual harassment day after day, and choosing to do so to protect one's career is not an easy decision. You must continue to endure every day, instead of getting out of the situation. (This is not to say that putting oneself first instead of one's career isn't strong either.)

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 06 Jul 2018, 09:27
by CommMayo
I was sexually assaulted by a coworker and I had to see him every day until I left that job. People who ask why women don't come forward about this kind of thing really have no idea what it is like to be in that position.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 06 Jul 2018, 23:38
by samical6
katiesquilts wrote: 09 Jun 2018, 03:14 This is definitely a valid and relevant question, considering the recent events with #MeToo and the Nobel Prize scandal.
I wish I could say that Angela should have just put her foot down and pushed back, as that's what I've done before. However, in my case, the man was at the same level as me in the company and trying to play it off as a joke, but I told him flat out that I'd talk to HR if his behavior continued. He was scared for his job after that and couldn't even look at me in the face, but since Scordato's in a much higher position than Angela, I doubt that would work...
There is not always an option for push back. It's a very scary issue we hope to never be faced with but it's very common. Women sit in silence. I did.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 07 Jul 2018, 03:06
by Ibeh12
Sexual harassment is a social menace and for it to occur in an office setting makes it worse. I liked how the author handled the situation.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 07 Jul 2018, 13:52
by Bukari
As for humanity, there are always obstacles on our ways, and we should be prepared to face them without any fear. The matter of sexual harassment or abuse in offices is not something that is strange, and I think there are right channels that we can follow to fight the (disease).

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 08 Jul 2018, 18:36
by K_sacular
I felt the struggle. It was really hard to decide what's the best thing to do if that happens to me also.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 08 Jul 2018, 21:22
by CinWin
Everyone does what they have to do in this life. It is not up to me to be the judge. In as far as writing that part into the book, it would not have had the same outcome in the story-line if she quits before the abuse starts in earnest. Then where would the plot go? It just would not be the same book... in my humble opinion.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 09 Jul 2018, 08:56
by chupke07
It is such a difficult situation to deal with. You want to just say you should leave, it makes you uncomfortable so who cares about the consequences, but that can be so difficult when the person harassing you is someone who can literally make or break the rest of your career.

Everyone handles this situation differently and I feel like it was handled realistically and well in the book.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 09 Jul 2018, 15:26
by Cara Van Heerden
I haven't experienced office harassment and I hope I never will. The things I've heard are terrible and rather scary to know since I am about to step into the corporate world soon.

I do have a question though. Is there not any laws that protect female employees from this type of thing?
If I had my way, sexual harassment should be a crime that at least gets the perpetrators fired or fined.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 09 Jul 2018, 21:12
by Jennifer Fernandez
Neither. It's a very difficult situation but not everything is black or white.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 10 Jul 2018, 02:36
by Lu_rire
I think it is difficult to say wether it was weakness or strength. It requires strength to endure harassment yet it is weakness to endure it. Perhaps it was both. It showed her strength of character but at the same time it showed the weakness in her character.

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 10 Jul 2018, 06:37
by Cara Van Heerden
Lu_rire wrote: 10 Jul 2018, 02:36 I think it is difficult to say wether it was weakness or strength. It requires strength to endure harassment yet it is weakness to endure it. Perhaps it was both. It showed her strength of character but at the same time it showed the weakness in her character.
But I'm not sure I agree in saying enduring harrassment is weakness. Yes, I know there are great, powerful woman out there who can stand strong for themselves and all of us have that potential, but can we really expect every woman to be strong and stand up for themselves? Swap up sexual harassment with sexual assualt and it's easy to see how many women (and men) can't be expected to know how to fight it off or even have the strength to go through the humiliation of reporting such a thing.

I'm just throwing ideas out there 🤔🙂

Re: On Office Sexual Harassment

Posted: 13 Jul 2018, 07:35
by DorcasToo
Sexual harassment could easily hinder growth careerwise. I think the author handled it well.