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Re: Origin of Toni's powers

Posted: 31 Jul 2018, 19:15
by kfwilson6
Alena_Surya wrote: 30 Jul 2018, 22:27 Can't the origin of his powers be that he was brought up well? His mom or parents instilled good values and ethics in him.
This is such a wonderful way to explain it. Lovely response. I absolutely agree with this. Good parenting is very important.

Re: Origin of Toni's powers

Posted: 31 Jul 2018, 19:17
by kfwilson6
jay_2 wrote: 31 Jul 2018, 11:24 I agree with you, but at the same time I’m not sure if I do. Though it would be interesting to learn the origins of his powers, I’m not sure how it would fit in the story. I mean, it’d be cool, yes. But what importance does it have with the book? In all honesty, the origins of his powers are fine by being left out.
I think this is one of those questions that puts too much of an adult spin on what is meant to entertain children. Kids don't need the complexity of a back story. Toni is a young child; he doesn't have much history to share. If he really can fly, has super strength, can hold his breath for 5 minutes or whatever then I would be interested in how he can do those things. But kids probably aren't too concerned about it.

Re: Origin of Toni's powers

Posted: 01 Aug 2018, 11:03
by [Valerie Allen]
Considering I don't believe that was the author's concept. I do think that's reaching.

Re: Origin of Toni's powers

Posted: 01 Aug 2018, 11:54
by Cristina Chifane
I would have loved to see some additional information on Toni, perhaps something on the origin of his powers, why not? Otherwise, this book falls flat. OK, I agree that it's a good thing for kids to relate to a superhero doing ordinary things but where's that something that would get the book out of anonymity and show me some planning and organization? I expect much more from a book for children.

Re: Origin of Toni's powers

Posted: 01 Aug 2018, 17:21
by lavellan
I think that it would be interesting to learn about how Toni got his powers. Maybe the author could state that he was able to develop superpowers by being a super kid.

Re: Origin of Toni's powers

Posted: 02 Aug 2018, 11:57
by desantismt_17
I'm not sure it's needed in this story. Since the plot centers more around Tony being an everyday kid who just happens to have super powers, the origin doesn't seem like it would add much to me. Perhaps in a sequel, though.

Re: Origin of Toni's powers

Posted: 02 Aug 2018, 19:16
by Rosehibbard
While I think it's good she didn't state where his powers came from.i also think that it would made the book more interesting if she had.

Re: Origin of Toni's powers

Posted: 03 Aug 2018, 13:01
by stacie k
kfwilson6 wrote: 23 Jul 2018, 08:41 I don't expect much plot or backstory or character development from this series. The blurb for the Toni Likes Vegetables book indicates that his enemy is germs. Makes it sound like we might see Toni brushing his teeth, bathing, and washing his hands regularly. Doesn't seem like he will have what we consider superpowers. I find this pretty misleading. If Toni isn't really a superhero then maybe Base should have said he likes to dress like one or act brave like one. Something like that.
I agree with you about the superhero characterization being misleading if he is never shown to do anything extraordinary. Maybe we are expecting too much from a children's book? All the same, I do appreciate the encouragement for children to do healthy activities.

Re: Origin of Toni's powers

Posted: 04 Aug 2018, 09:08
by Kristy Khem
Since it is a children's book, I think the author has kept the story as simple as possible, thereby omitting any complex explanation of where Toni's powers came from (apart from vegetables). If the book is being read to children by an adult, I would suggest asking them where they thought he got his powers - in this way, their imagination will be stimulated.

Re: Origin of Toni's powers

Posted: 10 Aug 2018, 11:40
by David Horta Alonso
I do not think Toni had any real powers. He is just a kid beginning his life. He is a modest kid.

Re: Origin of Toni's powers

Posted: 11 Aug 2018, 08:14
by Marcos Vera
I do not think Toni had any powers. He is a healthy child who goes on helping his parents at home. The book title exaggerates his abilities.

Re: Origin of Toni's powers

Posted: 13 Aug 2018, 06:29
by Quinto
Interesting premise, but I don't think the author would go to that detail for a kids book. The plot would then have to be more elaborate than it is.

Re: Origin of Toni's powers

Posted: 13 Aug 2018, 07:53
by Connie Otwani
It is important to not just know the origin of Toni's powers in the other books in the series, but some of his superhero stunts as well . Otherwise, the title will be misleading.

Re: Origin of Toni's powers

Posted: 14 Aug 2018, 00:23
by Naja Saba
I tend to differ, Toni did not have any superpowers. He is a kid like any other kid. He just happens to have mastered responsibility at an early age.

Re: Origin of Toni's powers

Posted: 15 Aug 2018, 04:02
by David Koreas
Maybe, revelation of his powers would have made the book more interesting. On the contrary, there was no need for that since Toni had no real powers.