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Re: Do you think this book predicts the future?

Posted: 21 Sep 2018, 15:14
by Zain A Blade
I think the book's theme points to a lot of things that are wrong with mindless consumerism, but I don't think it predicts the future.

Re: Do you think this book predicts the future?

Posted: 21 Sep 2018, 15:44
by Rodrigo Niguez
Yeah, multi billionaire corporation are getting stronger and gaining influence and control of the government. They are becoming a threat to our democratic institutions.

Re: Do you think this book predicts the future?

Posted: 22 Sep 2018, 14:01
by Raja Umair
No way!! I am not telling my opinion but no book in our existing world can tell us about future. Nobody is perfect and superior than our God and the books which we believe can tell us about future doesn't even exist and nobody knows future it will remain as it is written

Re: Do you think this book predicts the future?

Posted: 22 Sep 2018, 14:03
by Raja Umair
dbulkley wrote: 01 Aug 2018, 12:05 I don’t believe the United States will ever lose power. It’s the most powerful country and I think will stay that way.
Anything can happen

Re: Do you think this book predicts the future?

Posted: 23 Sep 2018, 09:04
by Juliar252
I think the scenario is very plausible. While the United States is powerful, it is not impervious to the catastrophes that affect other countries, and I believe it could easily lose control, especially when money and power are involved.

Re: Do you think this book predicts the future?

Posted: 24 Sep 2018, 11:53
by Lucas Kalinic
USA losing its status as the world's super power would be difficult. At the moment, they are just untouchable. I do not see the possibility of them getting dethroned.

Re: Do you think this book predicts the future?

Posted: 25 Sep 2018, 13:15
by Jkhorner
This is an interesting question, as you've assumed the United States "rules the world" within your question. I agree the United States has enormous influence on culture, economy and government, but it is inaccurate to say it "rules" other nations.

Nonetheless, regardless of the level of internal unrest, it is a fact that nations rise and fall. I do believe it's entirely possible that at some point, for one reason or another, the United States will fade into a lesser nation and power over the whole world could be held by a select few. But I believe that day is very, very far in the future. If we ever get there.

Re: Do you think this book predicts the future?

Posted: 25 Sep 2018, 15:14
by stacie k
I think we should all have a healthy fear of losing the security of power. After all, God is the Judge. He puts down one and exalts another. That's what so valuable about dystopian literature. It helps us to see the possibilities if we continue our current paths unchecked. They encourage critical thinking and self reflection.

Re: Do you think this book predicts the future?

Posted: 28 Sep 2018, 11:23
by 1ditzyrn
I think it is possible for any government to collapse, given the right set of circumstances. Throughout history, prominent governments have fallen, and the US is just a susceptible to this as any other country. It all depends on the trust between the government and the citizens, as well as the relationships between governments.

Re: Do you think this book predicts the future?

Posted: 28 Sep 2018, 15:16
by T_stone
Considering the rate at which China is breaking into every market, I only think its a matter of time before China takes over. So i think it partially may be predicting the future of governments of nations.
This is going to be a good book to read.

Re: Do you think this book predicts the future?

Posted: 01 Oct 2018, 03:03
by Wa_hu
Hopefully not, with the help of books like this we can atleast see what is possible when we become passive. It acts as a cautionary tale.

Re: Do you think this book predicts the future?

Posted: 01 Oct 2018, 14:02
by Isaiah Lokeno
As to me I think the book predicts the future this is from the fact that united states is receiving much competition from other developed state

Re: Do you think this book predicts the future?

Posted: 02 Oct 2018, 17:54
by Jennifer Kloss
Everything is possible. But this is a little difficult. No doubt US is losing relationships with other countries. But still they are the superpower.

Re: Do you think this book predicts the future?

Posted: 04 Oct 2018, 01:31
by Mercypls
We all know that nothing last forever. It's just a matter of time and that great state will be replaced

Re: Do you think this book predicts the future?

Posted: 05 Oct 2018, 07:30
by Mercelle
Judging by the current world geopolitical trends, it would be ignorant to assume that the United States will forever reign supreme. I, therefore think that the world presented by Gariffo is a possibility and the masses should prepare for it.