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Re: Hiram's deceased wife

Posted: 01 Jun 2019, 11:39
by Choine
I believe he has zero respect for women. That's made clear as he was talking to Billie in the lounge.

Re: Hiram's deceased wife

Posted: 04 Jun 2019, 09:32
by Kaylee Elmer
Like others have said, Hiram was such a terrible person he was probably mean to his first wife, too. I just can't see him truly caring for anybody but himself.

Re: Hiram's deceased wife

Posted: 18 Oct 2019, 02:15
by Namaste23
I assumed he treated all women badly. I never thought that the cause of that could have been from the death of his first wife. She could have been his true love and he could never love another woman. The woman could all be reminders of what he is missing. Good question!

Re: Hiram's deceased wife

Posted: 05 Aug 2020, 09:40
by HanElizabeth397
Missing someone isn't a justification for treating people badly. I think McDowell was probably just as awful to his first wife as well

Re: Hiram's deceased wife

Posted: 29 Sep 2020, 18:50
by Readinggrl18
Although he appears to have loved her more than any other person but was callous and distant from her when she was dying. He was selfish before and after her. Her death may have made his anger and selfishness stronger but was nothing new.

Re: Hiram's deceased wife

Posted: 18 Mar 2023, 11:37
by Mellino Itz
Hiram was a selfish person and have no respect for women generally. He keeps them for his benefits and discards them whenever he feels they are of no value to him anymore.

Re: Hiram's deceased wife

Posted: 18 Mar 2023, 11:44
by Mellino Itz
He was actually a selfish person and have no respect for women generally. He keeps them for his benefits and discards them whenever he feels like they are of no value to him any more.

Re: Hiram's deceased wife

Posted: 10 May 2024, 21:32
by Loretta Morris 1

At the time, Hiram had the mindset of selfishness. His interests were money and prestige. He did not care about how he treated Carole or his wife. He treated those who did not go along with his program very bad. The scary part is Hiram did not have a conscience.