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Re: Moral Lesson

Posted: 22 Mar 2020, 06:30
by Namaste23
I think there were many moral lesson included. Many of them seemed to be controversial so readers could react in all sorts of ways to this story.

Re: Moral Lesson

Posted: 05 Aug 2020, 09:35
by HanElizabeth397
For me the lesson (or question I guess) was: "is everything redeemable?". And I didn't come up with an actual answer because some people thing McDowell does redeem himself in the end, whereas I'm not so sure he does. It also made me think about the consequences your actions can have

Re: Moral Lesson

Posted: 29 Sep 2020, 19:06
by Readinggrl18
There are consequences for how we treat people and the actions we take. It doesn't matter if we do something wrong for the right reasons or well intentions. It will lead to a consequence. We must take responsibility for our actions and behaviors. We cannot blame others for the junk in our lives. We must look inward and work to be the best we can be. It doesn't mean we will have easy lives but we won't have as many problems caused by ourselves.

Re: Moral Lesson

Posted: 10 Apr 2021, 19:09
by Liveforchrist51
I think this book taught the lesson of taking responsibility for yourself and your actions. It also taught about how no matter the type of person, changes can be made but only if you are willing to accept them.

Re: Moral Lesson

Posted: 22 Nov 2021, 23:12
by photosynthesis19
For me, the main message of the book was that events, people, and relationships are often more complex than they appear on the surface. There is no one objective truth, and things don't always fall into a black-or-white category. I think the author did a great job of creating characters with flawed but thoughtful ideas and personalities that make the reader reflect on their own opinions and life choices. Therefore, the moral lesson that I learned is not to accept things at face value but to dive deeper.

Re: Moral Lesson

Posted: 18 Mar 2023, 03:02
by Mellino Itz
The lesson that stood out for me is that any action or decision has a way of getting back to you or people around you either negatively or positively. I got some lessons on family life.