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Can McDowell be a movie?

Posted: 01 Oct 2018, 13:24
by MagensWife1995
This is a discussion topic on if this novel would be a good movie or even show.

Do you think it would work? Why or why not? What aspects of the book would work well on film? What would not work?

Re: Can McDowell be a movie?

Posted: 02 Oct 2018, 00:45
by Sahani Nimandra
Yes, why not? McDowell has a certain philosophical touch spiced up with a character who knows how to let his readers make a straight forward decision about liking or disliking him in general. The plot is very interesting and eventful.

Re: Can McDowell be a movie?

Posted: 02 Oct 2018, 09:45
by KMSingh
While not impossible, I don't think it has the makings for a good film. Of course, the right screenwriter who brings something more to the story to make it more visual could certainly do it. But this is one of the few books that I've read that did not immediately translate into a "movie in my head" as I read it.

Re: Can McDowell be a movie?

Posted: 02 Oct 2018, 17:25
by bear_6743
I definitely think this could be a movie, however, I think it would work better as a limited series. There could be episodes dedicated to just each character since there are so many and wrap it up with how all the characters tie into each other.

Re: Can McDowell be a movie?

Posted: 02 Oct 2018, 18:34
by Dolor
McDowell has a high quality of a standalone movie. Its plot, themes, characters, and twists and turns are competitive enough for a blockbuster movie. Your question, "Can McDowell be a movie?" receives a big "YES!" from me.

Re: Can McDowell be a movie?

Posted: 03 Oct 2018, 02:47
by Nerea
Of Course. Despite Hirams' selfish and egoistic behaviour, the plot has an exciting and entertaining scenes.

Re: Can McDowell be a movie?

Posted: 03 Oct 2018, 02:55
by Ferdinand_Otieno
I don't think it would work since the entire plot of the book revovles around the many facets and relationships of the protagonist. It would be a very boring show since it would revolve around Hiram getting away with most of what he has done.

Re: Can McDowell be a movie?

Posted: 03 Oct 2018, 12:26
by Sushan Ekanayake
Definitely yes. No part to be omitted. It will be a good hit

Re: Can McDowell be a movie?

Posted: 03 Oct 2018, 20:35
by MrsCatInTheHat
I think it would be difficult. There are so many settings and such a variety of important supporting characters. Coles' book Sister Carrie would be a better choice for the big screen.

Re: Can McDowell be a movie?

Posted: 04 Oct 2018, 08:11
by Kibet Hillary
The book will make a good movie if there are some numerous additions to it that will it make it a bit different from what is in the market currently. It is a reality that one cannot fail to find a movie that is almost a reflection of this book.

Re: Can McDowell be a movie?

Posted: 05 Oct 2018, 08:36
by LaurenHaupt
I like it better as a tv series. One hour specials. I think it would be an awfully long movie since the book covers so much. A show keeps you guessing what's going to happen next. I think it would make a great drama.

Re: Can McDowell be a movie?

Posted: 05 Oct 2018, 14:25
by Lorixann
As much as I would love to see this book come to life as a movie - I think it would be difficult to capture all of the important aspects from the book in movie form. The book revolves around so many characters, and not just Hiram himself - it would be tricky to accomplish. Honestly, I think the book might be better suited for a short TV series - it would give more opportunity to more thoroughly capture all of the important aspects from the book. :)

Re: Can McDowell be a movie?

Posted: 07 Oct 2018, 16:59
by Doug Jones
Lorixann wrote: 05 Oct 2018, 14:25 As much as I would love to see this book come to life as a movie - I think it would be difficult to capture all of the important aspects from the book in movie form. The book revolves around so many characters, and not just Hiram himself - it would be tricky to accomplish. Honestly, I think the book might be better suited for a short TV series - it would give more opportunity to more thoroughly capture all of the important aspects from the book. :)
Have to agree with Lorixann. A movie would be too restrictive to do justice to the characters in this story.

Re: Can McDowell be a movie?

Posted: 08 Oct 2018, 12:11
by serendipity 27
I think it would be a great movie. I feel like George Clooney could be Hiram McDowell. Maybe even a three-part series on Hulu.

Re: Can McDowell be a movie?

Posted: 08 Oct 2018, 22:33
by fernsmom
I believe McDowell could make a good movie depending on how it was written and cast. There are parts of the book that I feel a movie could contribute even more to, and surprise the audience in the changing feelings they have for the main character.Don't reel a series would be a good fit for this book though as it had a good story-line, but not enough content there to keep viewers happy for a lengthy time.

But a movie, I would watch it!