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Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 15 Jan 2019, 10:01
by godreaujea
I typically appreciate a witty title, however this one seemed childish and actually turned me off from the book. The concept is good and makes sense, but for a first impression I was not pulled in to read more.

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 16 Jan 2019, 02:58
by rogerthat
The title of the book is unprofessional to me. A self-help book should have a perception of credibility to readers from the book title.

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 16 Jan 2019, 16:48
by nomnombooks
Personally I think the title is rather witty and it definitely catches your attention.I saw some comments about how it was unprofessional for a self-help book but I think the title is what distinguishes this book from the many others on the same topic.
It caught my attention and makes me want to read the book.

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 16 Jan 2019, 21:43
by Tzara Drusak
The title is a powerful attention-grabber, no doubt. It lacks the sappy, already-done feel of most self-help books and the bluntness definitely snaps one back for a double-take. It also has a humorous edge that detracts from the severity, but adequately portrays Wdowiak's intent. He basically dares you to change the circumstances you're in with this slight aggression that has all the power of a midlife wake up call.

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 16 Jan 2019, 23:03
by Jessacardinal
I found myself wavering back and forth between thinking the title was odd, yet quirky and catchy. Ultimately, it intrigued me enough to read the book.

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 18 Jan 2019, 11:08
by angiejack456
The title of this book certainly stands out. But for me, the visual I was left with was very distracting! It seems to set up the book to be a lighter and more comical approach to self-help and for some that may be beneficial.

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 20 Jan 2019, 00:51
by Tobiasblackwell
This metaphor really hits home hard. We all make excuses ('buts') when life gets us down, but we don't do anything about it.

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 21 Jan 2019, 07:28
by Miercoles
The title is a winner. It encourages the reader to take action. The no-nonsense approach of the title augurs well for the type of advice one would expect in a motivational book.

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 21 Jan 2019, 08:52
by Mariette15
I like the title, because honestly, the more creative the title is, the more I want to read it. An interesting title usually leads to an interesting book, and it's on my to read list!

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 21 Jan 2019, 14:04
by JoLei
The impact of the title is strong. The meaning alters vastly if you just hear it or if you read it. The use of the word 'but's' infers that the author may want to help the reader stop making excuses or avoiding confrontation. Have you ever been told: "I don't want to insult you, but..." and felt extremely annoyed by the masked insult? Well, maybe you should be just as annoyed with yourself when you say: "I would make a change, but...". I think a title that makes you do a double take, laugh, and then ponder its meaning is a successful one.

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 21 Jan 2019, 17:01
by Evie_123
I like the fact that it is unique, but it definitely ticks my OCD. I want to correct it so bad!

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 21 Jan 2019, 20:27
by Elysian Lilac
I really like how the title sounds both silly and serious simultaneously! I've been needing something self-empowering so this just may be the book I need!

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 23 Jan 2019, 00:26
by Taylor Danvers
The first time I read the title I felt inspired. That statement alone is enough to motivate someone even before they have read the book

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 24 Jan 2019, 14:31
by mamilla93
I started reading the book after I felt that the title was striking. The no nonsense attitude of the book is reflected in the title. Every other book in the self help section has titles like " Empower yourself" or " be your own master" but, what can get more direct than being asked to get your head out of your butt?

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 25 Jan 2019, 09:23
by Rose Harebate
In my opinion, the title was more like, "if your life is not where you want it to be, wake up and do something about it." I think the title, though written in a funny way, is inspiring and holds a thousand words.