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Posted: 18 Feb 2019, 07:29
by Mutegude
I think the title that is straight to the point in regard to the purpose of the book. It then has a bit of humour to clearly show that its not going to be boring to read.

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 21 Feb 2019, 21:36
by Unibird3
I agree that the title is one of the most important features of a book because it usually helps a reader determine if he or she wants to read the book. My first thought when I read the title, "If Life Stinks, Get Your Head Outta Your But's" was laughter. To me, it means, you have to change who you are and be positive in order to get to a better life. You shouldn't constantly complain and be negative. You should strive to improve your life with whatever it takes.

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 22 Feb 2019, 11:57
by AutumsFall
The title of the book you are referencing is a very unique way of going about creating a title. With most books, it is a one to two word title that sounds cool and has significance to the story. This on the other hand, is a joke. And I did chuckle at it the first time I read it, so good on you. I think it is a good title. I also feel that the title has a double meaning. The first being getting your head out of your rear; The second being to stop making excuses about why your life stinks. Make it better by changing your head space.

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 27 Feb 2019, 13:45
by Bluebird03
I loved the title! It grabs your attention in a clever way and perfectly sums up the main lesson of the book. It told me that the author had a sense of humor and that I could probably expect to see more of his humor when reading the book. I was certainly not disappointed! :D :D

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 07 Mar 2019, 15:28
by Renu G
I found the title offensive but it draws ones attention to the book.

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 21 Mar 2019, 13:01
by promise10
Straighten your act immediately and stop making excuses. Funny but true. The title is very direct and i appreciate that.

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 01 Apr 2019, 00:33
by ayomie
I think the title is appropriate. It sends the right message and helps one know what the book is about.

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 13 Apr 2019, 09:46
by lisalynn
It's outrageous enough and has something of a double meaning, and attracts attention. Even if someone doesn't end up reading the book, the title will make them take a second look.

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 27 Apr 2019, 05:29
by Brendan Donaghy
I haven't read this book yet, but I think the title is fantastic. It makes you smile, or perhaps cringe with embarrassment, or even feel totally outraged, but it certainly grabs your attention! :D

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 04 May 2019, 09:39
by Mbrooks2518
It's an attention grabbing title, but I don't like it. It's actually a bit of a turn off to me. If I saw it on a shelf, I wouldn't even pick it up.

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 18 May 2019, 22:25
by SavannaEGoth
Seeing the title alone would give me the opinion that the book was more of a trashy novel, or at least something very blunt with some humor and brutal honesty thrown in. It gives the impression it's sort of a "tough pill to swallow" book aimed at the reader, or society in general. A lot of people complain about their lives and their situations, but there a lot of individuals who don't attempt to correct or improve their situations, or they don't know how so they don't make any attempt. I think that the title would be addressing that, and that the book would then likely be very motivational and honest with its audience after hooking them like that.

I know a lot of people don't do well with any titles or hooks that make them feel attacked or even a little offended/guilty, and so it may turn a good deal of people off. Some may think it to be crude or immature. I think it's interesting if nothing else, and would at least give it a try.

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 22 May 2019, 10:09
by Renee_Prior1995
my first reaction was in all honesty, laughter. I found the title amusing and still do. it is truly a clever, attention-grabbing title and deserves props.

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 06 Jul 2019, 11:59
by Alena_Surya
I think the title tells us that if our life stinks, we're responsible for it and we cannot blame others. Hence, we should do something about it.

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 27 Jul 2019, 22:01
by shravsi
I decided to read the book only because of the title. When a self-help book has such a title it means one thing the author wants to say the truth as it is. Not sugar coat it in layers. And it is sooooooo true :D :D :D :D

Re: Impact of the title

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 19:12
by supernatural143
The title made me laugh at first and then ponder in amazement. It has humor and wonders at the same time. It's a catchy one. Kudos to the author!