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Re: Is it practical?

Posted: 06 Nov 2018, 15:05
by serendipity 27
I feel that life is so unpredictable it is hard to categorize any specific event. No matter what you do you can't change a bad situation sometimes even with good intent and hard work.

Re: Is it practical?

Posted: 06 Nov 2018, 22:35
by Power Onyango
Yeah, the books content is simple and based on real life issues. That just makes it practicable.

Re: Is it practical?

Posted: 07 Nov 2018, 13:14
by thaservices1
I feel the ability to step back and change your own thought patterns is the most powerfully practical advise any self-help book can impart.

Re: Is it practical?

Posted: 07 Nov 2018, 13:45
by Kajori Sheryl Paul
They are quite practical. However, we need to mould them to the situations as life is unpredictable, and we cannot have tailor-made solutions to everything.

Re: Is it practical?

Posted: 08 Nov 2018, 15:43
by sarahmarlowe
FictionLover wrote: 02 Nov 2018, 06:58 It is practical, but you might not like some of the results.

I changed how I was handling a family situation based on the advice in the book. I felt someone was taking advantage of my time, and I put my foot down. This caused a huge fight and a rift in a family relationship that lasted for months. However, it seems that things are changing, so I guess the advice worked!
How brave of you! Confrontation can be scary, and it is especially scary when dealing with family. I hope things will continue to mend. Have you tried any more advice from the book in this particular situation?

Re: Is it practical?

Posted: 08 Nov 2018, 17:17
by Chigozie Anuli Mbadugha
I think the advice given in the book is practical. However, like everything in life, one should not be very rigid and dogmatic about the advice in the bok. There is room for variation and altering the advice. One can understand the principle underlying the advice and vary the action to suit one's peculiar situation and circumstance.

Re: Is it practical?

Posted: 08 Nov 2018, 17:26
by FictionLover
sarahmarlowe wrote: 08 Nov 2018, 15:43
FictionLover wrote: 02 Nov 2018, 06:58 It is practical, but you might not like some of the results.

I changed how I was handling a family situation based on the advice in the book. I felt someone was taking advantage of my time, and I put my foot down. This caused a huge fight and a rift in a family relationship that lasted for months. However, it seems that things are changing, so I guess the advice worked!
How brave of you! Confrontation can be scary, and it is especially scary when dealing with family. I hope things will continue to mend. Have you tried any more advice from the book in this particular situation?
I think that was the only thing I used, that I wasn't already doing.

Re: Is it practical?

Posted: 10 Nov 2018, 12:42
by Sharill Rasowo
What I got from the book were suggestions on how to handle situations. If applied, they would probably work as there is sound logic behind every piece of advice given.

Re: Is it practical?

Posted: 11 Nov 2018, 00:08
by Ashley Cremer
I think that they are practical but they are different for everyone as everyone undergoes different circumstances. I also think that life is not as clear cut as he makes it out to be and sometimes it requires a lot more to get where you need to be then just to envision yourself there.

Re: Is it practical?

Posted: 12 Nov 2018, 04:01
by Manali_DC
I think books like this can give you a general guideline and a feeling of positivity. They can never tell you exactly how to deal with your problems. However, he does give a practical approach to life, problems and success.

Re: Is it practical?

Posted: 12 Nov 2018, 13:48
by kdstrack
Yes, the book is practical. You do not need to buy any expensive equipment or attend any classes. All the exercises are done in your head and heart. The person only needs to be willing to confront their own attitudes and work on changing their thinking patterns.

Re: Is it practical?

Posted: 12 Nov 2018, 16:23
by Kourtney Bradley
I've only just begun this one, but from what I can tell, the author's main point is that you have to take each situation as you want it, and let it become what you want out of it.

Re: Is it practical?

Posted: 12 Nov 2018, 23:24
by Radiant3
Yes, the advice is practical. Although the lessons are clear and practical that does not mean it is always easy to implement, especially in personal situations when emotions are involved.

Re: Is it practical?

Posted: 13 Nov 2018, 08:10
by raqstar1
One of the biggest practical applications for me was realizing when I take someone else's opinions into account before or above my own. That's something that occurs in everyday life. As I assume that most people want to fit in, being able to realize that your opinion counts is very important.

Re: Is it practical?

Posted: 13 Nov 2018, 08:30
by Kourtney Bradley
raqstar1 wrote: 13 Nov 2018, 08:10 One of the biggest practical applications for me was realizing when I take someone else's opinions into account before or above my own. That's something that occurs in everyday life. As I assume that most people want to fit in, being able to realize that your opinion counts is very important.
Definitely a good point, and something I'd like to be more considerate about. I've been so bad with being a people pleaser that I often take my opinion or thought out of the view to think about others, and I wind up being the one in a bad position because of it.