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Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 01 Dec 2018, 01:53
by Ferdinand_Otieno
The target set is self-help and empowerment genre readers because the author aims to candidly advise on how to live in a more productive way.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 01 Dec 2018, 09:15
by Kister Bless
Basing on my way of reasoning I think the target audience of this book are people who want and are ready to change but they do not know how to go about it.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 01 Dec 2018, 10:28
by M Zee
It felt like the author was speaking to a younger audience to me. But maybe that was just his tone in the book?

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 02 Dec 2018, 09:06
by Bronie
For anyone interested in self-help books. It has a general audience because everybody really wants to improve their lives, especially towards the aspects mentioned in this book.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 02 Dec 2018, 09:47
by Ursadsong
I think the author is targeting everyone in his book. It was not that specific for any type. But I can say it is for people who want to change themselves, kind of a self-help book.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 02 Dec 2018, 10:39
by Quinto
I think it's safe for an author to tell their potential audience that their book is not for everyone. It only builds suspense in the potential readers. So it's all about the readers' curiosity.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 03 Dec 2018, 19:07
by AA1495
I think the advice is meant particularly for the overthinkers! I am one, and the first paragraph made me feel like the book was meant particularly for me.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 04 Dec 2018, 09:57
by Nusrat_Shabnam_
I think anyone who needs a motivation is the target audience. I think I am one too! Moreover, every single person should give it a try!

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 04 Dec 2018, 19:12
by Kendra M Parker
I think the target audience is the younger workforce, especially those getting started with their careers and finding it difficult to achieve their goals because the word doesn’t just hand them things.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 06 Dec 2018, 12:38
by Gemma_15
I think that the target audience is anyone who is looking for a change in their life and doesn't quite know where to start. When he says that the book isn't for everyone, but is for the reader, he is saying essentially that. So I think it could be fore everyone, so long as they are ready to make a change in their life. In that way, I think that the book is for anyone, just not at any time.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 06 Dec 2018, 14:14
by Fozia-Bajwa
Jsovermyer wrote: 05 Nov 2018, 06:29 There is a great market out there for books that claim to make you happy, more succesful, and more time efficient. Everyone wants an easy way to make their life better. I think the author is hoping to sell this book to as many people as he can.
you are directly connecting with the market of this book by your reply to the question given in this post?

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 10 Dec 2018, 15:34
by Jdalba2018
Sometimes it surprises me all the people that complaints about how life is unfair, difficult, not worth living and a very long etcetera. Those are the people this book is aimed at.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 11 Dec 2018, 15:51
by Jeyran Main
I like how you have begun interpreting the author talking contradictory to its audience. Isn't that how people sell books? Let's sell a book saying that it's not for everyone but it is for you. I think by reading a few reviews and the blurb it is easy to identify if a book is for you.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 13 Dec 2018, 20:04
by Erika Thomas
As a person who reads personal development books on the regular, I firmly believe this book is meant for anyone who picks it up and starts to read it. Everyone who reads a self help book is looking to change and looking for a way to help themselves, hence the name. These people are trying to better themselves, because they are either not happy with the way things are in their lives at that moment, or they have already done personal development and are looking to do more because they recognize the benefit. Therefore, anyone who picks up this book and starts to read it, knowing what it is, is a person this book will benefit, because they are looking for a benefit. Of course, there will always be the outliers that want a change but simply don't connect with the book, but there are outliers in anything.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 17 Dec 2018, 12:20
by Theresa Moffitt
sszb wrote: 05 Nov 2018, 06:57 I think the target audience is the people who are willing to change themselves but have no idea what to do. Sometimes reading a self-help book can be very effective especially when a person feels like stuck in problems or depression.
I agree with your comment. I think the book is targeted to people who want to make positive change in their lives.