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Who is the target audience?

Posted: 05 Nov 2018, 04:14
by a9436
Who do you think this book is aimed at? Perhaps people with a desire to change, or people who need motivation to change? Is there a pattern as to who will benefit from the advice, or is it completely individual?

The author states that the book is, "not for everyone - but it is for you!" Yet, earlier pages tell me that as an, "overthinker," the advice is not likely to help me. Personally I find this contradictory, which in my opinion makes the author a little less credible. Perhaps the author is assuming that, "overthinkers," will have already put down the book, or perhaps it means that the book will help me, even if I do not believe it.

What do you think?

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 05 Nov 2018, 06:29
by Jsovermyer
There is a great market out there for books that claim to make you happy, more succesful, and more time efficient. Everyone wants an easy way to make their life better. I think the author is hoping to sell this book to as many people as he can.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 05 Nov 2018, 06:57
by sszb
I think the target audience is the people who are willing to change themselves but have no idea what to do. Sometimes reading a self-help book can be very effective especially when a person feels like stuck in problems or depression.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 05 Nov 2018, 09:22
by MKRichards
I do feel like the general tone targets a younger audience. Maybe teens transitioning to adulthood?

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 05 Nov 2018, 15:15
by Katherine Smith
I think that this book is targeted towards people who have read the self-help books in the past and haven't seen any concrete results. I also think that the author's sense of humor draws in people who want a self-help book that isn't in the conventional format.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 05 Nov 2018, 22:51
by chelhack
Though I believe that people that need motivation will feel a firmer/harder impact by this I also feel that people with the desire to change will be able to gain knowledge that needs to guide them to their own personal definitions of success.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 06 Nov 2018, 11:28
by Amy+++
It does sound contradictory, but I can see your point and the author's. I guess it depends on what type of person of you are and if you are open to letting this book help you.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 06 Nov 2018, 12:34
by evan1995muniz
I think that the audience that this is directed to is absolutely anyone that needs any sort of guidance. It is so useful to anyone down in the dumps.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 06 Nov 2018, 14:52
by serendipity 27
I really think the author is just wanting to get the book out to everyone and it's just a ploy that it's not for over thinkers. I think the author wants you to overthink and get frustrated so you'll feel like you need advice.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 07 Nov 2018, 07:53
by laurenolgine
The target audience is my husband!! As I read the intro of the book all I could think was "Wow! My husband needs to hear this." Taking responsibility for your own success and not blaming outside events is something a lot of people need to hear, my husband especially. I'm only half way through the book right now and at this point I don't think I am going to recommend it to him any longer. I think he would get bored with the personal stories. If the book were to be straight forward and direct, like the author discussed in the intro, then I would recommend it.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 07 Nov 2018, 12:47
by thaservices1
I think the target audience is anyone who is drawn towards the books message. Those dissatisfied with their current course in life and want a positive change.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 07 Nov 2018, 13:48
by Kajori Sheryl Paul
Sometimes in life we all need a bit of advice. Though, the author states that this book is not for overthinkers, I think it targets all those who need a bit of motivation, and think about making their lives better.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 07 Nov 2018, 19:54
by Sicily Joy
sszb wrote: 05 Nov 2018, 06:57 I think the target audience is the people who are willing to change themselves but have no idea what to do. Sometimes reading a self-help book can be very effective especially when a person feels like stuck in problems or depression.
I agree. This book could work for anyone from young adult to seniors but they have to be people capable of change. I think the author is implying that people who are set in their ways would probably be offended because they wouldn't see their problems as being reversible by their own actions.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 08 Nov 2018, 10:56
by lesler
The target audience is whomever is first intrigued by this book. The title is meant to grab at you, and read further if so interested. There is no target audience, but it's meant to be a tool for anyone who accepts the challenge to read this.

Re: Who is the target audience?

Posted: 08 Nov 2018, 11:21
by HollandBlue
To me, the target audience is anyone who wants to improve their life. Someone looking to attain success professionally and/or personally.