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Re: Would "The Face of Fear" make a good movie?

Posted: 01 Jan 2019, 20:19
by abbiejoice
I think it can be a good movie. Thrillers have always been a good material when it comes to making a film people would want to watch.

Re: Would "The Face of Fear" make a good movie?

Posted: 05 Jan 2019, 10:59
by Julie Green
I think it certainly has the ingredients for a movie - whether it would be a good movie woukd depend more on its on-screen treatment, direction and acting....

Re: Would "The Face of Fear" make a good movie?

Posted: 05 Jan 2019, 15:16
by Itskai88
although there are already a lot of similar movies out there, it will still make a good movie with the right cast. it will be intriguing and engaging, that is a perfect combination.

Re: Would "The Face of Fear" make a good movie?

Posted: 05 Jan 2019, 21:11
by Sahani Nimandra
Yes, why not? The nature of this plot is good as any new movie come up. Besides we all have noted movies with this exact format.

Re: Would "The Face of Fear" make a good movie?

Posted: 08 Jan 2019, 16:49
by chemistry101
Yes.... better has a book, cause a movie need more of reality :D

Re: Would "The Face of Fear" make a good movie?

Posted: 10 Jan 2019, 02:45
by Sonya Nicolaidis
As I read the first few chapters of this book, I could just see a movie unfolding! Sometimes, books lend themselves to this kind of development and this is certainly one of those. I’m sure screenwriters would step up the pace a little to incorporate some action scenes, as well. As for this story’s similarity to others, I suppose all kidnapping movies have to be similar, by default. It doesn’t prevent them from continuing to be popular, though.

Re: Would "The Face of Fear" make a good movie?

Posted: 10 Jan 2019, 04:55
by Prasanna
Yes, it will make good script with action, suspense, thrill and emotions.

Re: Would "The Face of Fear" make a good movie?

Posted: 11 Jan 2019, 14:47
by OpinionatedEducator
Sounds a lot like Taken.

Re: Would "The Face of Fear" make a good movie?

Posted: 15 Jan 2019, 10:00
by godreaujea
"The Face of Fear" would make a great thriller. However, Taken is a very popular movie that has a similar plot line. I am sure though that people who love that kind of movie would like to see it.

Re: Would "The Face of Fear" make a good movie?

Posted: 16 Jan 2019, 02:41
by rogerthat
Yes definitely. The book is full of suspense which will make any movie interesting to watch. I will love to see the story in movie.

Re: Would "The Face of Fear" make a good movie?

Posted: 19 Jan 2019, 06:25
by Faithmwangi
I think the book can work as a movie. It has the action elements needed for one.

Re: Would "The Face of Fear" make a good movie?

Posted: 21 Jan 2019, 08:50
by Mariette15
This book would honestly make a good thriller movie, based on the sample I have read. It fits some of the requirements for this type of movie, and hopefully it won't be a generic movie, since it is from a book.

Re: Would "The Face of Fear" make a good movie?

Posted: 21 Jan 2019, 22:15
by KateM234
This was a great book - and I think that, done well and casted properly, it could be a good movie. Other posters have mentioned Taken, and there is a high chance that ta movie based on this book could be seen as a lesser version of that. But the plot between The Face of Fear and Taken is different, so done well this movie would be very different overall. I am a bit biased, though, in that I think that it is rare for a movie to do a good book justice! If anything, I like to watch a movie before reading the book in order to be able to enjoy both to the fullest I can - but that's just me! If this book were to be made into a movie, I'd still go watch it either way! :)

Re: Would "The Face of Fear" make a good movie?

Posted: 22 Jan 2019, 06:41
by amybo82
I think that any book could make a movie. Making a good movie is something else entirely! It all comes down to the actors, the director, all of the other people involved, and money! A great example is The Series of Unfortunate Events. A movie was made of the first part of the series starring Jim Carrey. It was not a huge success. Then, a tv series was made with Neil Patrick Harris, and it’s a super popular, multi-season series on Netflix!

Re: Would "The Face of Fear" make a good movie?

Posted: 22 Jan 2019, 06:48
by Kyoks
Incredibly yes, come to think of it ,it would make a great movie in that people would prefer watching it than readong the book.