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Re: Suitability of the Title

Posted: 23 Dec 2018, 01:04
by ayoomisope
Browlyns wrote: 22 Dec 2018, 15:14 The story is about murder, kidnapping etc.The story line and the title in my opinion is suitable, it refers to fear faced by characters and not readers.
I totally agree. The title does justice to the plot.

Re: Suitability of the Title

Posted: 23 Dec 2018, 23:12
by Slater Barness
Having considered this book content, I'm convinced it deserved this title. It befits the book content. Thriller fictions can create a little fear amongst the readers.

Re: Suitability of the Title

Posted: 25 Dec 2018, 03:45
by T_stone
I think the title befits the book. Abduction, kidnapping, and everything mentioned in the book are quite scary. Therefore, i think the title is perfect for thus book.

Re: Suitability of the Title

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 00:22
by Marcos Vera
Actually,I had no real problems with this book's title. It suits this book considering the actions taking place within the book.

Re: Suitability of the Title

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 01:52
by Anon_Reviewer
Mely918 wrote: 02 Dec 2018, 00:15 I think the title is misleading. I initially thought this book was a horror not just because of its title, but also because of its cover art. In my opinion, the author ought to at least come up with a better title. Perhaps a simple one word title that can draw readers in and let them know right away that this is a suspense novel.
I agree wholeheartedly. I almost didn't read the book because I am not a fan of the horror genre. The cover and title could turn away potential readers unnecessarily.

Re: Suitability of the Title

Posted: 27 Dec 2018, 13:20
by Beatus
I think it depends on the structure of the reader"s mind. Yes, to some it may sound as a horror story. To others it may be different altogether. However, I do believe there was room to make it even better.

Re: Suitability of the Title

Posted: 27 Dec 2018, 23:33
by Highly Favoured One
The cover art strikes me as a horror story with ghosts and other-worldly occurrences. In that regard, I find it a bit mismatched with the stroryline.

Re: Suitability of the Title

Posted: 31 Dec 2018, 17:38
by Adaline2
The Face of Fear along with its cover can be draw in some readers who may not normally read a mystery. I usually pick up a book based on title, then further investigate by reading the book summary provided by the publisher. To me, the title is a marketing tool that draws in a potential reader. Fear can point towards a victim or even a perpetrator. Thus, I think the Face of Fear as a title allows for a broader interpretation and can be appropriate outside of the horror genre.

Re: Suitability of the Title

Posted: 01 Jan 2019, 13:16
by Rosebella
The cover page and title leads the perception that the book is wholely horror based, so it may get passed on by some people who love thriller.

Re: Suitability of the Title

Posted: 01 Jan 2019, 20:20
by abbiejoice
Although it can be mistaken for a horror story, there is nothing wrong with the title in relation to the true nature of the book.

Re: Suitability of the Title

Posted: 02 Jan 2019, 19:10
by praisecrown8
To my opinion the title fits the plot. The people being kidnapped actually face fear.

Re: Suitability of the Title

Posted: 03 Jan 2019, 00:16
by DorcasToo
I haven't read this book yet because of the title and the cover. It scares you before you even read it.

Re: Suitability of the Title

Posted: 03 Jan 2019, 09:59
by Samisah
Ghost is an appropriate title because it adds that element of surprise and mystery to it. It draws in the reader and makes them inquisitive. Plus the killer is a masked man; in other words more like a ghost.

Re: Suitability of the Title

Posted: 03 Jan 2019, 10:10
by Sahar Majid
When looking at the combination of ghostface (because of Scream) and the title, I think it's very easy to perceive it as horror. The title on its own seems pretty fitting though.

Re: Suitability of the Title

Posted: 03 Jan 2019, 21:28
by preethijkumar
Given that the title is on a cover, it is not possible for our brain to not draw a relation between the two. The author has played very carefully with the selection of the title since it evokes a major proportion of the audience to give it a read. The title isn't random either. It coincides well with the plot in terms of the murders and mysteries.