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Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 25 May 2016, 22:32
by Gravy
hsimone wrote:
gali wrote:
Gravy wrote:
You more flew by it, than reached it :lol: :text-bravo: :clap:

And thank you! :text-thankyoublue:
lol thank you. :D
Nice work to both of you!! :tiphat:

I'm almost at 50%, then I can join the club! :D
I say we throw a party!

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 25 May 2016, 22:37
by gali

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 26 May 2016, 08:29
by Heidi M Simone
Sounds good to me! :dance:

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 26 May 2016, 09:54
by Akous34
Wow you guys are awesome! My goal was 25 for 2016. I need to step it up!

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 26 May 2016, 11:31
by Heidi M Simone
Akous34 wrote:Wow you guys are awesome! My goal was 25 for 2016. I need to step it up!
25 is a good goal, too! :D

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 26 May 2016, 11:34
by AnitaOlsen
No, I have not. I have been thinking about it thought. 25 is a good one. I will have to think about it some more. I have read 4 books so far this year, and I am halfway in two books.

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 27 May 2016, 03:40
by Ankush
My average is 7-10 books a month. I love reading books. Specially sic-fi

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 28 May 2016, 22:08
by Humelay
I joined the reading challenge on GoodReads due to my cousin's prompting. I think I may have overshot but I put myself in for 52 books for the year. One book a week seemed realistic to me until I realized that I don't actually have that much time anymore. Anyway, it's making me realize how much I love reading all over again!

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 29 May 2016, 02:03
by HalcyonFlower
I put mine at 50...the year is nearly half-done and I've only completed 3, all of them being for reviewing purposes :( I really need to step it up, not just to meet my goal but because reading enriches the life so much. I feel I'm missing out so much because I haven't been reading amazing quality books recently.

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 29 May 2016, 16:06
by tlblack
I do have a reading challenge. I'm a fan of Goodreads and they do a yearly reading challenge as well. I set ten as the listed goal, anything else is bonus. So far I have read five of the ten.
1. The Color Purple by Alice Walker (LOVED!)
2. Confessions of a Prairie B*tch by Alison Arngrim (AKA, Nellie Olseon)
3. The Outsiders by S.E Hinton
4. Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson (Love her, but definitely loved her first book a whole lot more!)
5. Carrie by Stephen King (If you haven't seen the movie, good! Read this first. It'll definitely add to the suspense!)
Now onto To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 02 Jun 2016, 14:15
by ctvwarren
I read several stories each day , and at least 2-4 books each week.

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 03 Jun 2016, 15:47
by afrakes
In 2015, my New Year's resolution was to read a book a month. Not lofty, I know, but difficult to do when I was working 95 hours per week! While I didn't necessarily read one each month, I read a total of 15 novels. Setting goals holds you accountable. I hear from too many people who say they fell out of the habit of reading and don't remember the last time they read a book.

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 06 Jun 2016, 17:33
by HLehsten
My goal is to read 50 books this year. I have yet to really get going on it, but I find it more motivating to have a specific goal in mind. It is just a matter of me dedicating any possible free time I have to reading since I have a family that keeps me very busy.

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 06 Jun 2016, 20:22
by mratdegraff91
I haven't ever kept count of the number of books I have read but I am setting a goal for 100 this year. I will have to try out the tracker!

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 07 Jun 2016, 05:50
by LotusX
New to this site and forums. This year, my book challenge was only 15 and I've already surpassed that. So I'll probably raise it to 25, which was last year's goal.

How do you all count comic book volumes (200-250 pages) and graphic novels?