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Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 24 Jul 2016, 06:09
by Gravy
gali wrote:
Gravy wrote:I'm at 73%! :text-woo:
Well done! :happy-wavemulticolor:

So am I! :)
I'm tied with gali?! :faint:
I never thought I'd see the day :lol:
Even with the difference in our goals :-D
rssllue wrote:Nice! Way to go!
You'll pass me by again soon 8)
gemsbooknook wrote:I am aiming for 100 books this year. I have to wait three days before I can set the reading goal though.
Good luck! :good-luck-smiley:

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 09 Aug 2016, 20:26
by weeh84
My reading goal isn't quite as ambitious as most. As a mom with four boys and a baby girl my time is limited. I do enjoy reading and hope to have 20 books read before the end of the year.

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 11 Aug 2016, 22:31
by mratdegraff91
This is my first year to start keeping track of how many books I read. I do my best to remember to update my currently reading shelf but sometimes I forget. I also have a goal set for 100. I hope to write more reviews this year than I normally do.

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 20 Aug 2016, 02:27
by kerryl22
everyone looks like they have such high targets good on you guys :D

-- 20 Aug 2016, 02:28 --

this is my first time posting things on a forum for books hopefully I do well haha

-- 20 Aug 2016, 02:28 --

not 100% sure what I am doing to be honest never reviewed before

-- 20 Aug 2016, 02:29 --

excited to try something new

-- 20 Aug 2016, 02:29 --

Can't wait to get started

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 09 Sep 2016, 14:51
by Smokie_moi
I never thought about a reading challenge. I think I will set one for 150 books by January 1, 2017. I learned speed reading in college, maybe that skill will come in handy with this. :)

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 16 Sep 2016, 13:17
by MsJMentions
Well, my goal was to read 50 books in 2016. But, now it's September and I'm on book 51 so yay!

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 17 Sep 2016, 09:09
by MarieMc
Great Idea... I don't know how many I have read so far this year. But I can go back and count. Not all of them may be on my shelves though so would take some time to get them on the selves here as well.... Time what is that?? I suffer from a tremendous lack of time. But here is to trying... after I get my bathroom painted.

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 22 Sep 2016, 17:20
by alwaysdaddygirl

I completely mine. Reading is my utipoa.


Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 02 Oct 2016, 19:42
by TrishaAnn92
So here we are in October and I am nowhere close to my goal. Nor will I be this year. Turns out the creative juices once unleashed do not stop flowing! I have spent more time writing than I have reading!

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 02 Oct 2016, 20:11
by Gravy
I set myself a side goal of finishing ten percent of my total goal every month (putting me way ahead of my actual goal :text-woo: ). So far, I've kept up with it (barely).
I've read more this year than I think I ever have!

Thanks in part to graphic novels and plays :lol:

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 02 Oct 2016, 20:52
by Lauren M
I'm really bad at keeping track of what I have read through the year. I need to make a list that I can add and tick off as I go. I'm a mood reader, sometimes I can go for a month without reading, and then one day it's like I can't read enough and go through a book a day. Altho, those book a day, days are over now that I have an attention seeking toddler.

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 10 Oct 2016, 15:08
by kjsoldani
I have just gotten back into reading a lot this year. The past couple of years have been filled with buying a new house, getting married, raising 2 puppies and overtime at my job. I've averaged about 1 book a month but I've gone through lulls because I couldn't decide what book to read next. Since it is toward the end of the year, I would say my goal is to read 3 more books. I have some books on my reading list that are shorter in length so I might tackle those first.

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 10 Oct 2016, 23:01
by gali
Gravy wrote:I set myself a side goal of finishing ten percent of my total goal every month (putting me way ahead of my actual goal :text-woo: ). So far, I've kept up with it (barely).
I've read more this year than I think I ever have!

Thanks in part to graphic novels and plays :lol:
Well done! I almost finished my total goal as well, but with some children and YA's books. :)

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 14 Oct 2016, 08:51
by nyxhia
For this year my goal is 25. I'm at 80% :)

Re: 2016 Reading Challenge

Posted: 19 Oct 2016, 14:24
by MarisaRose
Love this aspect of! I usually use goodreads to track my yearly reading goals but I have found I am on this site a lot more nowadays so it's much more convenient to track here! Thanks Scott!