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2023 Diversify your Reading Challenge

Posted: 06 Jan 2023, 17:12
by Lune Sand
This is a monthly challenge to encourage everybody to diversify their TBR pile. Each month has a different genre as the theme, so pick up a book fitting the genre and read it!
Also, if you have recommendations for each month, please comment them so we can help each other:)

1. January: Read a new release by an independent or self-published author
2. February: Read a book by your favorite author in a genre you haven't read from them yet.
3. March: Read a book with an LGBT protagonist.
4. April: Read a book with an adult protagonist who also has a child.
5. May: Read a book that was published in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s.
6. June: Read a book that's set on another continent.
7. July: Read a book that's been sitting on your TBR for at least six months.
8. August: Borrow a book and read it within 2 weeks.
9. September: Read a book written by Asian authors or with Asian mythology.
10. October: Read a graphic novel.
11. November: Read a book with a non-human main character.
12. December: Read a book that was originally written in another language for this one, any book that wasn't originally published in English counts!

Side note, if you are participating in the challenge, you can adapt this list by adding/changing themes!
Comment below if you are joining the callenge and all the updates.
Share with us the changes you make, It's your reading challenge!
# Happy reading <3

Re: 2023 Diversify your Reading Challenge

Posted: 27 Jun 2023, 20:06
by Kaitlyn Wadsworth
What a great idea. Surely you can mix it up? I come across books I want to read and would rather make the list out on a month to month basis. While keeping the original as a checklist to tick them off as I read. Read a Crime Mystery is another suggestion.

Re: 2023 Diversify your Reading Challenge

Posted: 22 Oct 2023, 19:39
by Cheshta Sharma
This is definitely a reading challenge I will be trying out. Some of the topics will be interesting to find a book on.

Re: 2023 Diversify your Reading Challenge

Posted: 01 Nov 2023, 09:57
by EnclosedReviewer
I'm planning to diversify my reading even more in 2024. The challenge involves exploring books from various countries and cultures, as well as delving into genres I haven't tried before. It's an exciting opportunity to broaden my literary horizons and discover unique perspectives from around the world! 🌍📚 I started late for 2023.