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Re: Effectiveness of alternative medicines against cancer

Posted: 30 Jan 2019, 07:23
by Ashiyya Tariq
Oh sorry, it is really very painful to see your loved ones in such disease. No doubt, Alternative medicine system is a very powerful healing method without side effects. So I like it very much as it is less costly, and less painful. But it was both shocking (and of coarse expected) that multinational companies will never support such a great healing methods because they have to loose their billion dollars industry. I earnestly appreciate the author to unveil the wonderful research of his father, in the best interest of cancer patients. Though, I haven't seen any such patient getting treatment through alternative medicine system in this disease, but I believe it should be promoted at larger scale, so that people could get awareness about this wonder healing method.

Re: Effectiveness of alternative medicines against cancer

Posted: 30 Jan 2019, 07:50
by Jacquelyn-63
I am so sorry to hear about your mother and pray that she will be well soon.

My mother was diagnosed with cancer when I was a young child. They chose to go about it naturally. She is cancer free still to this day. I am not saying that conventional medicine does not have its place, and sometimes that is the exact best thing for the patient. Every person is different, consciences allow everyone a different approach to healing.

Re: Effectiveness of alternative medicines against cancer

Posted: 30 Jan 2019, 08:25
by Joe Hadithi
I have seen these alternative methods sold about for long now. Most, however, do not work. At least here. I think that given proper research maybe something will come from these alternative methods, but until then, I remain skeptical. Another point that has been brought about is the greed in Pharmaceutical companies, and I have to agree.

Re: Effectiveness of alternative medicines against cancer

Posted: 31 Jan 2019, 02:10
by SpencerVo
I hope your mom would recover soon!

In my country, most alternative methods are considered frauds. I'm a skeptic myself as I've heard more people being cheated than being miraculously cured. People often rely on food, herbs, and exercise to prevent cancer rather than treat it. Most cancer patients would choose traditional medicine.

Re: Effectiveness of alternative medicines against cancer

Posted: 31 Jan 2019, 03:45
by Lily Caramel
I believe that healing is a matter of Belief. Your faith will cure you, be it your strong faith in BIg Pharma and the medical profession, your faith in homoeopathy or your faith in energy/ spiritual healing. In Dr Deepak Chopra's most brilliant book, "How to know God", he recounts scientific studies carried out by respected scientists and doctors which prove beyond any doubt that healing occurs in the mind. The studies involved giving certain patients real drugs and the other test group a placebo. The placebo's generally worked just as effectively. I could check the reference and explain in more detail about the exact nature of the medicines and the illness, but I suggest a read of the book for more interesting details, it's one of my favourite healing books.

Re: Effectiveness of alternative medicines against cancer

Posted: 31 Jan 2019, 05:10
by Cristina Chifane
kandscreeley wrote: 02 Jan 2019, 11:23 I am using alternative treatments to treat myself. However, I do not have cancer. Traditional medicine has failed me. I tried everything that they offered with no relief. In desperation, I turned to natural medicines, and my life got 1000% better. However, I have seen lies about the herbs that I use. Flat out lies. Big pharma doesn't want you to know that there are natural cures out there that are MORE effective than theirs with LESS side effects. Why? Because they make BILLIONS of dollars. They can't patent natural medicine. They can't make money off of it. So, are there other treatments that will cure cancer? Yes! I'm positive of it.
I definitely agree with you. I've also tried natural cures and they are truly beneficial and have nothing of the long-term side effects of traditional medicines.

Re: Effectiveness of alternative medicines against cancer

Posted: 31 Jan 2019, 23:02
by briellejee

I completely feel for your family in this struggle, OP. And I want you to know that you are not alone. I don't feel that all alternative medicine should be discarded outright but I do think you should research everything responsibly and thoroughly before choosing certain treatments. They can be beneficial when used in tandem with traditional medicine.

Every patient has the right to choose their treatments BUT I really urge everyone not to abandon traditional medicine practices in favor of alternative practices that have not been fully tested and are based solely on anecdotal evidence without scientific proof.
THIS POST NEEDS ALL THE UPVOTE! I am clearly with you on this one. Alternative medicines may not work for all patients and it might give a side effect we all don't know about since it lacks a lot of research data on its effectiveness. Although, the book does state that this alternative medicine should be used during chemo. But still, I agree that it is irresponsible to give health advice online. If one does give advice, they should tell OP to ask doctors about it. Doctors studied a lot of years to know everything. You can't just believe anyone who used google. Thank you for voicing this out! :tiphat:

Re: Effectiveness of alternative medicines against cancer

Posted: 01 Feb 2019, 14:21
by HRichards
I think there are many possibilities for alternative medicine, but I also thing those possibilities need to be heavily researched. I'm not comfortable with immediately running out and doing nothing but alternative remedies.

Re: Effectiveness of alternative medicines against cancer

Posted: 02 Feb 2019, 14:37
by Unibird3
I have no experience with alternative measures for curing cancer but plenty with the measures they are taking now like radiation and chemotherapy. From my point I think the chemotherapy kills the patient faster. It sucks the life out of them. My track coach in high school became sick suddenly and he didn't look the part. Everyone around him asked him to take chemotherapy and within weeks his sickness began to show. He was overweight and went from being that to being anorexic looking. He looked like he was dying. He also was a very energetic and happy man and that also changed when he went through treatment. After those weeks of treatment he decided to stop it and live life to the fullest until his death. I believe the treatment killed him faster. I think these chemicals we use in our bodies harm them more. I do believe that there are natural remedies provided by the Earth that could help cure cancer or at least stall it further. I believe we should explore all of those natural options first.

Re: Effectiveness of alternative medicines against cancer

Posted: 02 Feb 2019, 16:21
by Olaoluwa_oso
Alternative treatments when fighting cancer can be used effectively. But personally, I feel, it should not be solely relied upon. There are so many forms of natural medicines out there and picking the best might be tricky. So the main problem is getting the right alternative medicines to use.

Re: Effectiveness of alternative medicines against cancer

Posted: 02 Feb 2019, 20:40
by Angelina_Bazar
My grandma was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago. Although she didn’t use any alternative medications, she did try many other different methods to cure her cancer. She refused to take chemo and instead decided to focus on living the best, most positive life shou could. She began meditating every day, along with taking walks every morning and eating a much healthier diet. She would juice fruits and vegetables every day and make a smoothie for breakfast. She also kept a very positive attitude and spent as much time with her family as she could. She made lots of progress and the doctors were very impresses. Unfortunately she passed away last December, but she almost beat her cancer.

Re: Effectiveness of alternative medicines against cancer

Posted: 02 Feb 2019, 22:59
by dreamthewilderness
I absolutely think these alternative treatments can be effective, probably to a degree, and I know that even if none existed I would never ever opt for treatments like chemotherapy or radiation. My grandfather suffered from prostate cancer the last 8 years of his life, and he experimented with both conventional and alternative (mandated organic juice diet) treatments and his numbers were improving with every visit until they plateaued. Regular chemo treatment, however, made him weak, tired and led to him developing neuropathy.

Re: Effectiveness of alternative medicines against cancer

Posted: 04 Feb 2019, 11:24
by Azeline Arcenal
I don’t know much about how effective alternative medicine is compared to traditional medicine but I have heard of alternative medicine being able to cure some cancers. I think it depends on the person and what kind of cancer they have.

Re: Effectiveness of alternative medicines against cancer

Posted: 04 Feb 2019, 12:53
by Bluebird03
I am also very sorry to read about your Mom. I do remember a lady in my town that was diagnosed with an inoperable brain cancer. She immediately went to alternative treatments and made huge changes in her diet (no sugar, no flour, just whole foods etc.) and in her lifestyle. Specifically, she took more time for herself and let others help her when she needed it- something very hard for women to do. This was over a decade ago and the last I heard, her tumor was gone and she was doing well. I know this isn't the outcome for everyone- but it does seem to make a huge difference for many. Also, in working as a nurse, I heard physicians comment over and over again, how much a person's positive attitude seemed to work in their favor.
Again, prayers for you and your Mom.

Re: Effectiveness of alternative medicines against cancer

Posted: 06 Feb 2019, 06:21
by petreaurel
I'm sorry to hear that your mother is dealing with such a terrible disease.
I have no experience in dealing with it, but I have some interest in knowing more about it. Personally, I am totally against chemo, because of it's high numbera of side effects, and I prefer to think that it's doing more harm than good. Other alternatives may be welcomed, as long as they do not threat your health with a high number of side effects, as described in this book.