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Re: What did you think of Ken?

Posted: 28 May 2020, 02:40
by Jajachris
The thing is, with the theme of the book centered on her father's research and her blunt resolve to share the prospect of his works in good light, very little was said of Ken and in my opinion her decision to pick divorce was not supposed to be a necessary inclusion in the book. Very litle was said about the relationship and in the parts that it was, Ken was supportive of her dreams so for me, it was unneccesary to add that he was emotionally unavailable when he wasn't portrayed as such almost throughout the book

Re: What did you think of Ken?

Posted: 03 Jul 2020, 03:07
by Barbara Larkin
I didn't really see much of Ken to form a definite opinion, but what little I did see was more towards the business side. This is an obvious indicator of his helpfulness. Maybe if more personal details were included I could agree with that conclusion, but if it's what she felt then it's completely up to her.

Re: What did you think of Ken?

Posted: 22 Sep 2021, 06:51
by Effie Cherotich
It is always said that there are two sides to the story. Even though we only knew Ken from Sylvie's perspective, I do feel that he was not emotionally available. I did not feel like he fully supported his wife. He disregarded her purpose to revive her father's work to life. Even when he attended the convention in Las Vegas with her, he only seemed excited because it was a fun place to go to.

Re: What did you think of Ken?

Posted: 19 Nov 2021, 01:20
by Gabriella H
While reading the book, Ken irked me, but that is to be expected as I was reading from Sylvie's point of view. To be fair, I can't form a valid opinion on him without seeing things from his point of view too. I didn't like the way he spoke to her or the fact that he was flirting with another woman, especially when he was meant to be helping her. But I wasn't in the marriage with them, so I don't know the reasons for his actions. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Re: What did you think of Ken?

Posted: 30 Jun 2022, 13:21
by Agbata precious
I didn't like Ken's character although he really helped sylvies.

Re: What did you think of Ken?

Posted: 29 Aug 2022, 04:57
by third agbata
Sylvie's divorce was really uncalled for and unecessary. Ken tried alot, we are all humans. At times we get frustrated or angry but that doesn't defines us. No one is perfect. Besides Sylvie was always thoughtful herself and her father's research. I don't think she was really into Ken

Re: What did you think of Ken?

Posted: 13 Oct 2022, 10:56
by Charles lib
We are not God, for me I think Jen did the best he could. And I also believe if it was in his hands he would have done better

Re: What did you think of Ken?

Posted: 13 Oct 2022, 10:57
by Charles lib
Ken did his best.

Re: What did you think of Ken?

Posted: 27 Jan 2023, 09:49
by Fentymak
I really can't say because the book didn't say much about him.

Re: What did you think of Ken?

Posted: 24 Feb 2023, 06:14
by Nathaniel Sarah
The personality of Ken didn't appeal to me. He did assist Sylvie in a few ways, such as founding the foundation, but he did so reluctantly. Also, he seemed to go to conventions with her out of obligation rather than choice.I concur with Sylvie that he lacks emotional availability.

Re: What did you think of Ken?

Posted: 02 Jul 2023, 08:47
by Mercylib
I didn't like the character of Ken. Although he did help Sylvie in a few ways, like starting the foundation, he did so begrudgingly. It also felt like he attended conventions with her because he had to, not because he wanted to. He didn't even ask her about her trip to the Amazon. I agree with Sylvie, he is emotionally unavailable.