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Re: What do you think about the Title?

Posted: 15 May 2019, 18:07
by Tiffanyli
I thought the title was very intriguing. Cancer is something that affects many people around the world, and it's something that everyone can relate to in some way. The title makes you think of Cancer together with hope, which is in many cases rare. It definitely made me want to pick up the book and check it out.

Re: What do you think about the Title?

Posted: 18 May 2019, 22:32
by SavannaEGoth
While I get that the author was trying to be positive and supportive, I think the title might be too hopeful. As it is, there is no definitive "winning" against cancer. A lot of it is just medicating and crossing your fingers. It wouldn't necessarily make me think the author was making a poor choice or doing anything offensive, and I wouldn't be so upset with it as to not read it. I've had a lot of friends and family who've been diagnosed with cancer, and lost some of them, too. I think it's nice to give people hope, and to attempt to help change their mindsets, but at the end of the day a positive outlook and mental fortitude can only get you so far against something as aggressive as this disease.

The title is a nice sentiment, but it's a little much.

Re: What do you think about the Title?

Posted: 25 May 2019, 13:11
by Ghost11111
The title makes it sound like they found the catch all cure for cancer. The fact that the book only talks about a method that has varying outcome makes the title untruthful at the very least. I can see how it could give false hope to cancer patients and their families that have to deal with this horrible disease.

Re: What do you think about the Title?

Posted: 17 Jun 2019, 13:36
by LinaMueller
Long and immodest. Definitely a click-bait title.

Re: What do you think about the Title?

Posted: 29 Jun 2019, 02:59
by Charlie19
i think that the author gave a strong directly tells me what the book is about

Re: What do you think about the Title?

Posted: 08 Jul 2019, 06:17
by Faithmwangi
I like the title. I don't think it is meat to give false hopes but at the same time I see how it can. It is eye-catching and draws readers towards it. Cancer is a sensitive topic and any enlightening information should be appreciated.

Re: What do you think about the Title?

Posted: 16 Jul 2019, 00:58
by Kathleen Wolfe
I have known many that suffered from cancer and have seen the affect it has on their loved ones. The title seems hopeful, we could all use it.

Re: What do you think about the Title?

Posted: 07 Sep 2019, 15:19
by Felicity Granger
The title is bold. It explicitly states that Beljanski is very confident that the methods explored have some success. It's hopeful and positive against the seemingly invincible atmosphere merely the word 'cancer' invites.

I totally understand where you're coming from, however, as it makes something very tragic seem extremely easy to overcome, when you have firsthand experience that it's not.

Re: What do you think about the Title?

Posted: 20 Oct 2019, 13:58
by Erandi Ekanayake
The title has got the potential to build up a sense of hope both in cancer patients as well as the other readers. Combating against cancers has become a timely issue since lots of people, including small children lose their lives daily because of this deadly disease. This fact itself enhances the value of the topic, as well.

Re: What do you think about the Title?

Posted: 16 Feb 2020, 09:34
by readerrihana
Personally, I think is ok, but there could have been a better title. In general, I don't like violent sounding titles such as killing candida, battling Alzheimers etc.

So many books and articles tell us to kill and destroy these illnesses, and battle with them...maybe they are battling with them but they could have a nicer more gentle way to articulate that

Re: What do you think about the Title?

Posted: 13 May 2020, 00:03
by Erandi Ekanayake
I think the writer has chosen the perfect title for the book, beacause it attracts the attention of the readers, suppling a sense of positive hope for the cancer patients.

Re: What do you think about the Title?

Posted: 27 May 2020, 11:59
by Grachi Chloe
I think it's an interesting topic as it doesn't just light up the hopes of cancer patients and relatives but it springs up the urge to read this book especially in the minds of people who desires to know if it's possible to win war on cancer

Re: What do you think about the Title?

Posted: 28 May 2020, 00:15
by Jajachris
I agree with you that the title is a bit misleading, but it doesn't take a score out from the book.

Re: What do you think about the Title?

Posted: 03 Jul 2020, 02:38
by Barbara Larkin
Winning implies a battle, which is exactly what cancer is. It makes it seem more positive, and announcers that cancer patients do have a chance of overcoming it.

Re: What do you think about the Title?

Posted: 12 Jul 2020, 16:34
by Essywa
It shows some hope that some day this disease cancer will be won if not now but in the future. There are people working day and night to make it happen.