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Re: The three pillars of humanity will soon fail!?

Posted: 26 May 2019, 08:05
by Van112
No one really knows when the world will end. Only God knowz when. However we all know that everything that is happening around us has an impact on the economy, ecology and society. Though in the book he didn't really dwell on it.

Re: The three pillars of humanity will soon fail!?

Posted: 27 May 2019, 04:28
by Zeix
Every religion has its own believes of end times. I don't think he took it seriously, simply he knows not everyone would believe in it

Re: The three pillars of humanity will soon fail!?

Posted: 27 May 2019, 11:19
by iced_sunshine
He didn't seem to take it very seriously so that leads me to wonder if we should? He didn't mention much of it after so that leads me to believe that maybe he took it in passing.

Re: The three pillars of humanity will soon fail!?

Posted: 28 May 2019, 08:09
by eastandalchemy
I definitely expected the author to elaborate more on this revelation. It's always a shock to hear about the failure or end of a civilization, but many ancient philosophies and belief systems believed that time is cyclical, not linear. Since death is the final stage before rebirth, without endings, there would be no new beginnings. Perhaps the author understood the prophecy to be a warning of radical change instead of a doomsday scenario.

Re: The three pillars of humanity will soon fail!?

Posted: 02 Jun 2019, 05:22
by Wyland
I think he took it seriously because he presented them like they were fact, ans so he was playing a part in propagating the prophecy.

Re: The three pillars of humanity will soon fail!?

Posted: 15 Jun 2019, 02:50
by LinaMueller
I fear for the future of humanity in general. The world is in real trouble. The human population is too much. We have overpopulated our planet. And people are afraid to address the issue at all because of political correctness. Sadly I do believe the three pillars of humanity will fail.

Re: The three pillars of humanity will soon fail!?

Posted: 16 Jul 2019, 11:49
by Areej Tahir
In all honesty, I took his vision much more serious than he himself did.😂