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Re: Finding Jesus' bones?

Posted: 30 Mar 2019, 15:29
by Kajori Sheryl Paul
Think by "bones", the author meant the main aspect of His teachings. Though I cannot asset the author really found it, I can say that terming "unconditioned love" as the "bones" seems very apt.

Re: Finding Jesus' bones?

Posted: 30 Mar 2019, 15:30
by Kajori Sheryl Paul
Vscholz wrote: 02 Mar 2019, 21:47 There quite literally has been attempts at finding the bones of Jesus, so it has to be metaphorical. We use the term "bare bones" when we mean only the most essential, so perhaps he means something along those lines.
I agree with you. It has to metamorphical.

Re: Finding Jesus' bones?

Posted: 31 Mar 2019, 23:51
by kdstrack
The author uses a metaphor to describe the 'bones of Jesus' as his true teachings. He believes this consists of unconditional love. He envisions a day when everyone embraces this type of love and there will then be no further need of police or the military (p. 194). He also affirms that we can achieve perfection (p. 195) to be able to manifest this type of love.

Re: Finding Jesus' bones?

Posted: 01 Apr 2019, 03:11
by Beatus
rssllue wrote: 02 Mar 2019, 11:22
PGreen wrote: 02 Mar 2019, 10:55
Delaney35 wrote: 01 Mar 2019, 13:25 I think this may have been a metaphor for finding his mental enlightenment, so to speak.
A metaphor for finding mental enlightenment, I like that thought. I'm still thinking about the core of Jesus' teaching and how we can really know it.
I think that only way to really know God is to trust that His Word is entirely true from beginning to end. If He is the Creator of everything as He states, then He is surely able to easily keep His Word and the meaning of it intact throughout the ages up to our present day. And the ultimate core of the teachings of Jesus is that He is God Himself and without that the rest of what He said and taught really has no depth or meaning.

As C. S. Lewis put it, there are 3 options:
Jesus is Who He claimed to be (God)
He was a charlatan and a liar (because of that claim)
Or He was insane (also because of that claim)
I think there is another option. If you watch yoir thoughts carefully you can see what has never been and never been spoken of before. Moreover, you can even see better concepts than those Jesus presented. He said this Himself. There will come others. You could be one of them.

Re: Finding Jesus' bones?

Posted: 01 Apr 2019, 08:10
by Moddesser Elahi
PGreen wrote: 02 Mar 2019, 10:55
Delaney35 wrote: 01 Mar 2019, 13:25 I think this may have been a metaphor for finding his mental enlightenment, so to speak.
A metaphor for finding mental enlightenment, I like that thought. I'm still thinking about the core of Jesus' teaching and how we can really know it.
I also believe that Jesus' bone is a metaphor and much as I understand the core of Jesus' teaching is focused on unconditional love for everyone.

Re: Finding Jesus' bones?

Posted: 01 Apr 2019, 08:16
by T_stone
That term was metaphorical. I don't think he meant it literally. I think it has to do with knowing the basis of Jesus' teachings.

Re: Finding Jesus' bones?

Posted: 01 Apr 2019, 08:23
by Moddesser Elahi
Michgal 32 wrote: 02 Mar 2019, 12:51 I think this can't be taken literally, it must have a deeper meaning like maybe finding oneself after some negative things happen to you.
It is a metaphor according to my understanding that is why I also did not take it literally.

Re: Finding Jesus' bones?

Posted: 01 Apr 2019, 08:31
by Moddesser Elahi
Chikari wrote: 02 Mar 2019, 15:14 It's an intriguing metaphor for sure! I took it to mean that he needed to find Jesus's true purpose. Like the real message behind the fluff of modern religion. I do think he managed his goal. This book and spreading his message probably fulfills some of that.
This is indeed an intriguing metaphor and I also feel that the author has tried to convey the message but he wasn't able to convey the message completely.

Re: Finding Jesus' bones?

Posted: 01 Apr 2019, 08:37
by Moddesser Elahi
Bukari wrote: 02 Mar 2019, 15:51 I think the bones of Jesus is the legacy or the doctrines left by Christ, which need to be unearthed and activated to help gain more souls. So, to be concise, the author's main aim or work is to propagate the word of God.
Jesus' bones is a metaphor. And yes, I also think that it indicates the doctrines or the messages left by Jesus.

Re: Finding Jesus' bones?

Posted: 01 Apr 2019, 08:41
by Moddesser Elahi
Ekta Kumari wrote: 02 Mar 2019, 16:08 I think it was mainly used as a metaphor signifying that the author was chosen to find the authentic meaning behind Jesus's teachings and then propagating it to others.
I am totally in line with what you are saying and I took this description exactly in the same way as you are saying.

Re: Finding Jesus' bones?

Posted: 01 Apr 2019, 08:44
by Moddesser Elahi
KristyKhem wrote: 02 Mar 2019, 21:18 Jesus' bones refer to his core teachings. Jesus spoke in parables in the Bible, so maybe this was why he chose to appear 'boneless' in the author's dream. It is not meant to be taken literally. The author simply had to revive Jesus' true teachings and share it with the world.
Exactly! The term "Jesus' bones" can't be taken in a literal sense and as I understood it definitely indicates the message left by Jesus.

Re: Finding Jesus' bones?

Posted: 03 Apr 2019, 23:10
by lisalynn
Like much of the Bible, there is more to this statement than the literal meaning. The bones are the foundation, or what holds up the rest of the body. So to find the bones, is to find the tenents which hold up the rest of the teachings.

Re: Finding Jesus' bones?

Posted: 05 Apr 2019, 19:54
by Villa_ro
Delaney35 wrote: 01 Mar 2019, 13:25 I think this may have been a metaphor for finding his mental enlightenment, so to speak. I thought it was an odd part though and didn't fully understand what he meant by it.
I'm confused about this area, too. It was not the literal bone, you are right; the bones might be his spiritual journey.

Re: Finding Jesus' bones?

Posted: 06 Apr 2019, 03:33
by Sanju Lali
The bone means the core, Therefore the author has definitely found the bones by understanding the core knowledge about soul as per the book.

Re: Finding Jesus' bones?

Posted: 08 Apr 2019, 13:12
by kwame1977
Anyone who tries to find Jesu's bones is just wasting his time. He arose and was not kept in the tomb. Death couldn't hold him. Hallelujah!