Review of Big Things Have Small Beginnings

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Review of Big Things Have Small Beginnings

Post by moriah88 »

[Following is an ARA Review of the book, Big Things Have Small Beginnings.]
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5 out of 5 stars
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I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars because it can help you succeed, both in life and in business. Barry says when you take care of the little stuff, the big stuff takes care of itself.

The first thing you need, Barry tells us, is genuine ambition. You will have to struggle, you will have demands; it requires a ‘toughness of mind and spirit’ that will grow as you enter the ring and play your game. Too little ambition and nothing gets done; too much and you are discontent. The right measure and you have the perfect recipe to be effective. Ambition is a powerful sword when wielded with integrity. When you are not afraid to openly strive for success, the results can be considerable. Have the audacity to act boldly with your ambition. In the right place and time, you may be the making of a Caesar.

What drives someone to put his very life on the line? For Caesar it was his ambition to reform the city he loved. He knew he could govern wiser and better than the current government. Engage your passion and you will become driven; you will get things done. Maybe you will need every dime you can beg, borrow or steal to fulfill your passion, and there’s a chance you will fail. But if you are not willing to lose, you will not succeed. You need failures to learn; these are the lessons that will take you to your goals. The depth of satisfaction you receive is equal to the amount of risk you take.

To be successful you must know why you are doing it. Why are you in this business? What keeps you in it? What made you decide on that product or service? What do you hope to accomplish? What talents and abilities are you bringing to the table? Where do you hope to make your mark and why? Is it to make money, change the world, offer a new service, improve your community? You need to know because business is tough, competition is fierce, and you will hit obstacles and have setbacks. When these things happen, it’s your ‘why’ that will keep you going, justify your risk, and keep you going forward.

Know your journey. Where are you headed? What do you want to achieve? What will your business look like if and when you succeed? Begin your journey knowing there are a thousand different routes that can get you there. Look at concrete objectives; they are your stepping stones on the journey that get you from here to there. Objectives need sound target dates; the pressure of a timeline will help you accomplish your objectives. Fill out assignment sheets for each objective. Who will do what and by when?

Nothing is more important to your success than the people you hire to make it happen. Every successful business has employees who take responsibility for their assignments; they do their job. They get things done. They take pride in working hard and making a contribution. The success or failure of any task is in the way a worker approaches it. Commitment, and having your employees on the same page is the key. With that, success is waiting at the top of that mountain.
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