Review of The Immigrant's Lament

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Review of The Immigrant's Lament

Post by TheDinosaurLawyer »

[Following is an ARA Review of the book, The Immigrant's Lament.]
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3 out of 5 stars
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The Immigrant's Lament - 3 out of 5 stars.

Summary - this is a somewhat cohesive collection of poems. It starts with poems about a young person, presumably about the author's childhood. The poems then progress to include different locations and people. There was even one about a transgendered person, I'm not sure if that was part of same story, I was a little confused, and there wasn't an introduction type road map to say how the poems all relate.

I was expecting a more cohesive story told through poems about an immigrant's lament. Some of the poems were interesting, but reading poem after poem in a row got old for me and it became hard to remember any of the language.

I ended up skimming parts, realizing that a full poetry book is not meant for me. It makes my review worth less to the target audience, a lover of poetry may really enjoy this book. A casual consumer of poetry will likely find the collection a bit long and hard to follow.

In terms of an immigrant's tale, I didn't really feel that the author lamented leaving their home country. It's incredibly likely that I missed the boat on it, but I didn't get it. There is grandmother named Mercedes, I can't tell if that's her real name or a nickname ingrained in her because she drove a Mercedes that her doctor son bought her.

There is a free preview on Amazon, I strongly suggest you take a look at it, if you like the first few poems, you'll like the book. If you don't, you won't. This is the type of book you don't have to read for a while to get into, you'll know pretty much right away if its for you. So why not take five minutes and find out - you might enjoy it.
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