Review of Final Notice

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Review of Final Notice

Post by Brucewilsonauthor »

[Following is an ARA Review of the book, Final Notice.]
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4 out of 5 stars
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Van Fleisher wrote a provocative story, which brought attention to how senior citizens in United States were perceived and dealt with by selfish, callous individuals, in terms of abuse and manipulation. It highlights how the NRA (National Rifle Association) sought to capitalize on their misfortune by offering senior citizen discounts on firearms primarily to exploit their vulnerability of being mistreatment. The author's storyline conveys the perception how immigrants who come to this country in pursuit of the American dream are often viewed with disdain, only because they migrated here first.

The book highlights a number of vengeful murders and and bloody massacres of children, women, and men. You could say, no one was exempt from a stray bullet. The author illustrates concerns with the political process of feeding fears into the public, only to grow their appetites for the need of guns.

The question is asked, what would you do if you knew you had exactly one week to live. -Final Notice- Some would settle legal affairs maybe, or get wills updated, or squeeze in something that they always wanted to do. The answers may have wide variations depending on cognitive and mental state, which is the premise of the story.

Vince and Trudi Fuller was a tight nit family that lived in Pasadena, California, along with their dog Miles. Vince was seventy years-old and Trudi was sixty-five. They both were healthy and in great shape. Initially, both of them were strongly opposed to the NRA passing out guns, like fliers, until Vince was bit by a pit bull with rabbis when he tried to rescue Miles from the dogs powerful jaws.

Dwayne LaPlant, Executive Vice President of Marketing for the NRA introduced the Armed Senior discount Program. The company was on the brink of celebrating their millionth sale. While sales escalated, reports started escalating about the elderly going on shooting sprees, random murders, and suicides.

ViJay Patel, CEO and founder of VitalTech, headquarters located in Quincy, Massachusetts. He was a physician, mathematician, scientist, and health enthusiast who produced a watch programmed with an iphone with diagnostic capabilities to give notice of impending death - or Final Notice - The watch he manufactured started showing up at high profile crime scenes. That threatened the release of the next series of testers. I think ViJay was wise to cooperated with the FBI.

The book gets off to a sluggish start with minute details and character development, but soon culminated into a fast developing crime/thriller. Sometimes predictable, but non-the-less exciting and thought provoking. I rate it 4 out of 5
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